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Messages - Ultima

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There is this script you may want to check out:;highlight=harvest

I'll try and put together those Garden Bed Subs for planting and cross-pollinating and post them tomorrow for those who may want them. It's ugly code but it seems to do the job!

New member introductions / Re: This game again?!?!?!
« on: February 12, 2013, 08:00:05 PM »
Welcome to ScriptUO lonesome74!

A totaly awesome and well documented script. Runs like a charm. Just done a test batch of 300 plants that netted around 60 seeds of renewal. After winter holiday next week, i will start a batch of a thousand.

Curious as to how one could change the tile range to 4 so as to work with garden beds as well? Any pointers to what lines to edit?

Funny thing with this script: Its less hassle to plant in bowls than garden beds having this cool piece of tool doing all the work :)

Find all of the instances where it says finditem %plant G_2 and change it to finditem %plant G_4. That's what I did and it's working more or less. You may get a message here and there that it's out of reach but just move your character closer and it'll grab it.

You guys who aren't using Garden Beds... your logging in everyday running this script in order to keep plant maintenance? I imagine this script takes a long time to cycle through large volume of plants.

Hafrn I have a couple of other Garden Beds Subs that I've sown together if your interested. One for planting and one for cross pollinating. It's not pretty code by any means but it does work. I've considered posting them but it's really just code I put together looking at other people's code.

It's too bad there aren't any Garden Beds scripts that plant, cross pollinate and gather seeds.

I like the Garden Beds...I'm all about low maintenance.



Heh...I was thinking in terms of the 80s classic War Games!

Well they were essentially driving the game off the cliff in terms of both PvP and PvM. No one asked for drastic changes like they were considering implementing. My thrower got nerfed which I'm not happy about but I can live with it.

The Devs really shouldn't tinker with systems that have been in place for such a long time. There is a reason people continue to subscribe and that's because they enjoy the game the way it is. I think it's better the Devs focus on adding new content rather than changing existing content.

We can move the threat level down to DefCon 4 for now.

Looks like total disaster has been avoided for the time being.

Keep it Simple. Do away with Mage Armor/Non-Medable on All metal Armor.

Keep wood the way it is since it has Higher Resists + 2 HPR/ Other Mods to Compensate.

Don't Break the Game because someone wants to be wearing plate instead of leather on their warrior.

Yep..agreed. Simple.

That's why I advocate keeping it simple...

The example of the Plate Armor being a conductor of electricity was to point out exactly what you stated, "Where does it stop?"

I'm for same resists for all armors with different types of material allowing the chance to add different properties. This way each type of material will have it's use. Having one type of armor add more resists than another is where it can get unbalancing. Magical leather should be just as sturdy as your magical plate or woodland armor.

This whole revamp was entirely unnecessary.

It needs to be kept simple i.e have Metal add a property like damage eater, leather mage property, woodland (random HCI/DCI) etc.

If you have platemail having higher physical resist then it should have lower energy resist since it's a conductor of electricity right?

Worst Publish in years.

I'm getting tired of hearing these comments about wood vs. heavy armor/metals.

We have magical woods, magical runics, magical imbueing. I don't care what type of armor your wearing...this is a magical fantasy game.

If I have a legendary Blacksmith/Imbuer creating magical armor and weapons, the type of material should have no bearing imo.

New member introductions / Re: Your latest member :)
« on: February 04, 2013, 10:41:46 PM »
So I take it I didnt get my restriction lifted?  :-[

We have some tough GateKeepers here!One of the requirements for getting access to SciptUO is a robust introduction.

Check out This Thread and then return here.

General UO Chat / Re: Publish 81 Comes to TC 1 -- Armor & Weapons Revamp.
« on: February 01, 2013, 11:12:40 AM »
A bunch of unneeded changes and a waste of Dev resources with the exception of one or two items.

Bringing Archers on par with throwers DPS is the only real good change I see.

New member introductions / Re: Hello I'm Joe!
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:55:14 PM »
Hey Joe! *Plays Jimmy Hendrix Song*

Welcome to ScriptUO!

What shard are you playing on currently? An OSI shard or a freeshard?

New member introductions / Re: Hello from Toymaker
« on: January 23, 2013, 10:17:00 PM »
Welcome to ScriptUO and Welcome back to Ultima Online!

There are always lots of changes and things to learn when making a comeback. Don't hesitate to ask questions or use the search feature as virtually all subjects relating to UO have been discussed by the community here at one time or another.

Besides the great scripts there are some very good tutorials as well.

Inactive Submissions / Re: Brit Library Mace and Shield Donator
« on: January 23, 2013, 03:34:44 PM »
Nitro thanks for the submission however you need to check out This Thread.

I'll try and test this but I'm a little hesistant as donating at the Library can be risky due to high traffic. I've been nabbed there a few times. Plus I just finished a stint at Bucs Dens for other crimes and misdemeanors. ;)


New member introductions / Re: Hello Everyone I'm Bextan
« on: January 19, 2013, 04:32:31 PM »
Welcome Thomas83! :)

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