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Messages - KilroyIsDead

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Script Snippets / Re: Very fast Logout / Login
« on: June 26, 2009, 01:48:53 PM »
Oh yeah that's pretty easy and would just be a wrapper of either of these subs

The reason I created this was that for the zoo donator when I was doing something other than unicorns/kirins I had to gate back and my chars can't regen the Mana fast enough, so now I just recall back to the zoo and do a quick log to get the animals there.  It helps alot with the polar bears because most of them have been tamed and released so many time they are typically confused and don't like to follow.

I'll add a couple wrappers for the logout(Time) Login(Time)
Would it be useful to have a logout, wait x mins, login or force the developer to determine the actual times based upon their wiat x min needs?

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Movies
« on: June 26, 2009, 09:02:08 AM »
Best Movie Ever
The Quiet Man
c'mon a 15 minute fight seen with a beer break

TOP 5 Comedy -- I don't know a single person that i went to college with that can pick any character in any of these movies and recite the whole thing
Caddy Shack
Animal House
Blues Brothers

Top 5 Drama -- This is based solely on the fact that if I am flipping channels and see one of these, I'm compelled to finish watching
Few Good Men
Crimson Tide
Good Will Hunting

Script Snippets / Re: Very fast Logout / Login
« on: June 25, 2009, 08:08:37 PM »
Updated to work on multiple word shards

I'm getting 3 second relogs, my connection must be good tonight

Script Snippets / Re: Very fast Logout / Login
« on: June 25, 2009, 07:41:15 PM »
nice catch I'll fix that tonight

Scripting Chat / Re: Mining Script chat
« on: June 25, 2009, 12:29:54 PM »
Bah, Dual Monitor Baby!

12x, So you just want me to make an AutoDefend Engine?

Scripting Chat / Re: Mining Script chat
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:29:37 AM »
Collaboration makes the world go round; if you agree that anti-matter and matter collaborate.

More Ideas in no particular order.  I think this would be the cadillac miner and overkill for most.

Check box to allow for User to Keep Protection up (I think we recently came to the conclusion that a talisman could drop that)

Drop down to select Defense
   Fight til death
   Fight til xx%

For Flee, I'll present an option screen to allow you to include and exclude mob types, set the reputation of humans to flee from, max mobs
For both fights You'll get just about the same options screen
For the fight till XX% you'll also have to state what percentage

Drop down to select fighting still
   Pet? GM Miner with a Greater Dragon? <-- and I think you should hide the dragon when you get to the mine
   Archery *maybe we'd check to keep your bow equipped although we encourage a spell casting weapon
   Melee *maybe we'd check to keep your bow equipped although we encourage a spell casting weapon, I personally don't like this because it probably wrecks your armor
   Curse - Fireball
   Evil Omen - Fireball
   Corpse Skin - FireBall
   Mind Blast
   Curse - Mind Blast
   Evil Omen - Mind Blast

   Maybe we just list all the offensive spells and provide an option for pre-casting other spells like (Curse, Evil Omen, Corpse Skin, maybe poison)

Scripting Chat / Re: Mining Script chat
« on: June 25, 2009, 07:51:10 AM »
Ok, then I want to pick brains.

Do I have to be aware that you are using a mage weapon, or does it make more sense to allow you to ignore more mobs.

Out of the box, I am ignoring the sewer rat, headless, mongbats etc...

But if you have a mage weapon you also ignore Ettins and Ogres

And I still need info on what a Prospectors tool does.  I thought it just elevated the color being mined.

Script Snippets / More String Subs "ReplaceString"
« on: June 24, 2009, 03:12:53 PM »
There are two subs in this library

There is a number of sample calls that you should remove if you want to use this

Code: [Select]
; Subroutine: ConvertSpacesToSpaces
; Author: Paul Erickson
; Version: 0.20b
; Purpose: This routine will accept any amount of text that may
;          spaces within in and convert them to #spc
; Parameters:
;       %1 req I need at least one value or I'll call you stoopid!
;       %2+ opt All other parameter are just the rest of the
;               string to be stitched together
; Revision History:
; 000 PAE 06/24/2009 Initial routine

Code: [Select]
; Subroutine: StringReplace
; Author: Paul Erickson
; Version: 0.20b
; Purpose: This routine will an original string, a set of
;          characters (1 to a lot) to search for and a set of
;          characters (1 to a lot) to replace them with.
; Parameters:
;       %1 req I need at least one value or I'll call you stoopid!
;       %2 opt What is the set of characters to be replaced; I
;              call this optional but without it there's really
;              no work to be done
;       %3 opt What is the set of characters to replace the find
;              string with.  If you pass nothing I basically
;              remove the find string
; Revision History:
; 000 PAE 06/24/2009 Initial routine

Scripting Chat / Re: Mining Script chat
« on: June 24, 2009, 11:05:17 AM »
I like those ideas.
Similar to the old papua miner, I allow a list of mobile types that I'll stand and fight
Papua had the pet dispatch them by setting them to guard mode.  I don't like that because the pet wanders more than I like.

Why do you use the prospector tool? to turn verite into valorite for one cycle of resource refreshes?  That seems wastefull but I could add that, and in that case would you always use the prospector tool or just the first swing at the mine site then revert to a shovel?  As you can tell I'm not sure how the prospector tool works.

Whenever I go home, I register why I went home and if it's anything other than I was full, I move to the next rune.  I'm playing with setting a timer to delay before revisiting the rune so that you can allow for the PK to get bored or the mob to de-pop.

The magery weapon and a bow is slick, but how do you account for the arrows?  I think I'll add offensive casting as well, depending on what's in the area.  I don't wish to fight 4 brigands or an orc camp, but I may take on a single ettin.

Is it useful to have a script that is both streamlined for the AFK and resource hogging for the semi-AFK?

Scripting Chat / Mining Script chat
« on: June 24, 2009, 08:08:59 AM »
Not that we don't already have too many mining scripts, but I have another Work-in-progress.

I basically want it to be useable for both UA and semi-UA (running in a VM or running on a computer across the room)

At start up it detects what kind of pets you have in tow.
If you have a fire beetle it presumes you want to smelt in the field.  If you don't want to smelt in the field then put the fire beetle away.
If you have a giant beetle, It presumes you want to load up the pack with your ore and it must be ore because you can't have a fire and giant at the same time.
The same for Pack Horse and Pack Llama, but here it assesses whether or not you have a fire as well.  With a fire it will smelt and pack the ingots on the pack animal.
If you have none of the above pets then it just mines ore and returnes when you are full.

I allow you to have as many runebooks as you want and then cycle through them

I think the advantage here is that it allows you to mine the way you want to mine. 

If you are fully AFK then you likely want to limit your time in the field and reduce the exposure to PKs, Narcs and GMs.  Most fully AFKs are not looking to peak their resources/hour but are trying to assure avoidance of capture.  So you probably don't want a pet; you want to get to a mine spot dig until full and move on.  Allowing for more books also helps you increase the time between locations so that bad folk can't stalk you for timing of when to pounce.

If you are semi-AFK, then I believe you are looking for resources/hour, and I want to limit the time wasted travelling back and forth to the secure, so I want to allow you to have as much storage as you can get.

Now the difference between field smelting and not smelting is that the ingots are lighter, so you trade the time it takes to smelt for being able to store more resources before unloading.  I do not have good statistics for this but I want to allow both so you can decide.

The script does have some health checking (Poison and hits) resolved through magery.  Adding other methods is trivial.

It also has fleeing capablities, so it flees when harmed, or if there is a human type with a abad reputation.

All that said, is this anything of interest, since there are already enough mining scripts?  And is my theory sound?

General UO Chat / Re: I came to work today overwhelmed by guiltI
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:58:48 AM »
LOL, it was hot and humid over the weekend. Didn't feel like even going outside.

Got my son doing champs, he called this morning. He wanted to see what Horrific Beast looked like, now he's blue with 4 arms and out of regs at the champ spawn.

What was this necro mage going to do at a champ spawn w/o regs?

General UO Chat / I came to work today overwhelmed by guiltI
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:34:14 AM »
I spent all day in front of the computer yesterday, playing with a simple arti farmer.

I started with an old honor trainer that spammed the two daemon room in Fire Dungeon.

Then I figured hey why not do tsuki wolves instead, which by the way, you don't gain honor off them.  And then I though, hey my Tamer is a disco tamer why not use discord too?  So now I have a walking mumbling Disco/Honor/Farmer.  Well by about noon CST all the other farmer woke up and I got tired of them stealing my camps, so I thought why not got do wryms instead.  When I went to bed last night, I'd farmed 1.3 million gp and 57 arties + a couple of the valor arties from swoop.

I was impressed that I'd banked a nice sum and then realized it was 80 degrees here yesterday, wtf didn't I go out side?

UO Reference Information / Re: New Item ID's and Colors ToT
« on: June 22, 2009, 06:38:02 AM »
I think there are actually 4 types for blackrock...
  set !PG_Res_Ore_Blackrock_Large GWF_FWF
  set !PG_Res_Ore_Blackrock_Small EWF_UVF

if you have positive karma the lil isle inside the ilsh spider cave on the roof is good at high levels too and nobody is ever there

UO Reference Information / Re: New Item ID's and Colors ToT
« on: June 21, 2009, 09:51:46 AM »
while you could scan for the message there's a small hole in that.  I was visually scanning and saw the magic words, but I was so heavy it went straight to the bank, so you won't be able to find that item in your pack.  So if you just want a count of drops that's fine, but if you're analyzing or acting pon the drop, it could muck you up

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