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Not enough memory to run steam? seriously?

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I have 16gb of ram, I5 processor, GeForce GTX 1060 video card with 6 gb ram, and a 750 watt power supply. I can run WoW with most settings in ultra and get a minimum of 60fps, most times near 100 fps, I can run Eve Online with no problems either. I can run UO Assist and Razor with no issues. I can run three UO clients all running EUO scripts with no issues so why is it that I run into this with UO Steam? I am running windows 10 and run steam as administrator. My task manager shows I am using 29% memory, cpu is at 3% and disk is 0%.

Occasionally I get the same error.  I have researched trying to fix it also.  Searching the UO Steam Forums, I found this reply, but it seems archaic to me:

"It's an issue stemming from the age of the program. It was written in a time where 2GB of memory wasn't a thing and was never changed to consider more RAM. If Steam doesn't open in the first two GB of your memory it will give you the error. Never happens on my home PC, but I get the issue every night when I boot up my laptop. Sometimes I can fenagel and open TS/a web browser, try again, and it'll work. Easiest workaround I've found is to literally open it the instant I have a chance after booting up. Real shame that it was never updated to fit with current PC specs."

I actually restart my computer and open 2 to 3 UO Steam Clients and put them to the side so they are ready when I want to play UO.  Seems like a very silly fix to me and it is a little more trouble than I want, but it works.

Perhaps we can all find a better solution together?

I will do that for now. I am hoping our resident Steam guru, @gimlet, can offer some help!  ;D

Sorry - i have never gotten the error on my main machine(I7 -16 gig) - do do get it on my machines that have only 4 gig.
I will try and play with it a bit.

patch client.exe with this.


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