Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts > IDOC tools

TrailMyx's Smart and Repeating House Placer v1.6

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--- Code: ---;-----------------------------------------------------------
; Script Name: TrailMyx's Smart/Repeating IDOC House Placer v1.6
; Author: TrailMyx
; Version: 1.6
; Client Tested with: 5.0.2
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 106
; Shard: OSI, FS
; Revision Date:  3/17/2007
; Public Release: ...
; Global Variables Used: None
; Global Namespaces used: globalhouseplace
; Purpose:
;   Fast house placement, remembers your house selection for placement retrys.

--- End code ---

With the invention of the house placement tool, it became almost impossible to repeatedly place a house more than once using a script.  With this script, it will remember what house you tried to place and continue to place it until you stop the script or it places successfully.

This script has the same features of my Simple'n'Easy script, but it learns the housing choice, so you only have to navigate the tool to your housing selection once.  It is also compatible with OSI and RunUO shards (the pixcol of the house placement gump text for these are different)

Also, this script is capable of communicating with my Autolooter 2.0x script.  I will have to adjust this a bit when I finally release the 2.0 version, because this script will run repeatedly until you break.  Not the best thing when you may also want to loot.  ;)

I would recommend you log into the UO test shard to experiment with house placements before you try using any placement script.  It's always best to be prepared!



after setting it up i keep getting an error that says i need to restart it.  Am i setting it up wrong?

Probably won't work on your freeshard then.  Was really written for OSI.

Tried this on OSI. i get that same error.

With the changes to house placement, these probably won't work anymore.  I haven't looked into these just because I really don't play OSI much anymore.


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