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Topics - papasmurf

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello sorta
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:26:01 PM »
Hello everyone, I never posted an introduction my first time around and took a break from UO for a couple of months then when I decided to start back I noticed that some of my older scripts no longer worked so I came back here to check on the updates only to find that my account must have been purged.  I played a lot on Atlantic but here recently have started branching out to other shards to see what they are doing and have found that to be rewarding.  I like to do PVM and dabble a little in PVP but not enough to be anything great.  As far and scripting knowledge, I know just enough to make changes to some of the older scripts that no longer work...such as the ninja training scripts created before they changed the skill training.

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