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Your guide to becoming RICH in UO!!!!

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Thanks for this. I always forget about the rares business.

All Totally Valid & Honestly that's probably the best way to make MAJOR $$$.   The only one I can think of that perhaps beats it is the whole craft high-end items / Farm Shame loot & Sell Sell Sell !

On a side note though.... This is SUO !!!   We EXPECT to major $$$ While not even playing! 

* Resource Farming
* Bods
* Maybe even a good ole Gold Farmer (though these days that's the slow way I'd think)
So Yeah.. End Result.....   If your actually playing then a quick event drop for 100-500 Mill is hard to beat for the effort lol.

Or you can do what I always did... Fel event? Kill everyone, loot 3b worth of rares. Sell back the guildmaster of the guild you killed to get them.


--- Quote ---Or you can do what I always did... Fel event? Kill everyone, loot 3b worth of rares. Sell back the guildmaster of the guild you killed to get them.
--- End quote ---

If you managed this SOLO then I'm impressed.  If you had a bigger badder guild then everyone else I'm less impressed.  If the guys attending a FEL event didn't bring actual PvP chars worth a damn well you just got lucky!

So basically the only way I see you reaping all 3 Bill worth of items is if you "got lucky.."   Otherwise I know MY guildmates would want a share etc heh...


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