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Suggestions for an Archer

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Black Widow:
I use a Bush/Chiv Archer at most spawns, with great sucess. With the right suit and jewels, you can spam Holy Light and that works for me to control the mob till the third level. I'm pushing 210 stam 45/HCI all 70's plus suit (Studded) I play  most on a Cheif proxy swampy. Only spawn I have issues with is Undead, as I play a male toon.

I recently watched some videos of a guy using an interesting peace/archer treasure hunter template taking down Hoard and Trove maps solo, no Tactics or Anatomy damage bonus:

100 Cart
100 LP
100 Remove Trap
120 Archery
120 Music (110 real)
120 Peace (110 real)
80 Chivalry

The Peace gives the crowd control and he used GM crafted/imbued/enhanced bows. Damage output was lower but consistent with the properly aligned slayers and EOO with the crowd control letting him easily pull one target at a time.

Maybe not the fastest but seems like a fun, different T-mapper approach so I've been working on the build on Origin to try it out since my Provo/Mage mapper isn't really viable solo at the high levels anymore.


Black Widow:
Thanks 12timesover,
That looks like a different approach to a Peace/T-Hunter/Archer build, but solid enough. I on the other hand am  not as bold. I use a Mystic mage for T- Hunting;
120 myst
120 Focus
100 Magery
100 Cart
100 Lockpick
100 Remove Trap
Works for me, kinda of a standard T-hunting build. I solo Trove maps, with a RC and slayer book and Death Ray for Magery. I started using DR at Navery, OMG ...what a difference with a Spider slayer Scrappers.
The t-hunt build is able to control the mob, killing Frost Drags, Greater Drags and Ancient Wryms in record time.
Cheers !

Yeah it seems that the two most popular solo tmapper templates tend to be Tamer or Mystic Mage. I can solo Cache with my bard practically in my sleep but once I jump to Hoard and land an Ancient Wyrm without anything to provoke onto it, forget it.

But I saw the "Suggestions for an archer" thread and thought that was an interesting Archer template to play around with. I do need to check out the Mystic Mage template more though, I started training Mysticism at some point but I don't even remember what shard and character anymore lol.

Black Widow:
 Yes Sir !!


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