Author Topic: Chiv dexxer healer  (Read 9718 times)

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Offline The ReaperTopic starter

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Chiv dexxer healer
« on: April 27, 2011, 07:53:26 PM »
Wow, I've been up all night because CEO let me die, and here is what I've come up with.

I started with the popular CEO Medic as a basis, and got about 10 minutes in before I rage quit and started from scratch. I have tried to keep ALL unnecessary code out of my script to make it as fast as possible.

I intend to use this script whilst solo'ing Lady M with my sampire. But I'm sure it could be used in many more environments.

Still 1-2 things to yet be added, but have a play and let me know what ya think so far.

To Do List:
1. Add pause for paralysis

Code: [Select]
; Script Name: Reaper's Dexxer Healer
; Author: The Reaper
; Version: 1.0
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5.186
; Purpose: Heal your lazy ass on freeshards.
; Should work on OSI servers also.
; Special thanks to CEO for his CEOMedic
; and a couple of other short snippets of code.
; Also thanks to Nilmer's Speedy Menu Builder
; The red level is the % health at which you want chivalry to heal,
; otherwise it will default to bandages.
; The yellow level is the % stamina at which chivalry will divine fury
set %red 35
set %yellow 70


event Macro 8 2 ;open status bar
wait 20
set #contPosX 850
set #contPosY 400

chooseskill chiv
if #skill < 600
   display ok You having a laugh, a PvE dexxer with no chiv, rofl.
chooseskill heal
if #skill < 1000
   display ok Come on, this isn't a healing trainer, get at least GM healing.

set %yellowhp ( ( ( #maxhits * 10 ) * %yellow / 100 ) ) / 10 )
set %redhp ( ( ( #maxhits * 10 ) * %red / 100 ) ) / 10 )
set %yellowstam ( ( ( #maxstam * 10 ) * %yellow / 100 ) ) / 10 )
set %redstam ( ( ( #maxstam * 10 ) * %red / 100 ) ) / 10 )
set %yellowmana ( ( ( #maxmana * 10 ) * %yellow / 100 ) ) / 10 )
set %redmana ( ( ( #maxmana * 10 ) * %red / 100 ) ) / 10 )
set %lasthp 0
set %laststam 0
set %lastmana 0
; Current OSI bandage delay
; This one seems to be the current formula now, if heals overlap increment  11 by 1 until they don't
set %aid_delay ( 11 - #dex / 20 ) * 10

gosub InitMenu

;Main Script Body
gosub Health
gosub Stamina
gosub UpdateStatus
gosub pausebutton
goto Loop

sub Health
if #hits = #maxhits
   menu font color black
   menu delete action
   menu font bgcolor lime
   menu text action 50 35 Ok

if #hits < %redhp
   if C in #charstatus
      menu font color red
      menu delete action
      menu font bgcolor yellow
      menu text action 50 35 Oooohhh *bleep*, poisoned AND nearly dead.
            event macro 15 201
            target 2s
            event macro 23 0
            wait 10
      until C <> #charstatus
if #hits < %redhp
   menu font color red
   menu delete action
   menu font bgcolor yellow
   menu text action 50 35 Last ditched attempt to save your ass!
   event macro 15 202
   target 2s
   event macro 23 0
if #scnt2 < %usenextaid
if C in #charstatus
   finditem ZLF C
   if #findkind <> -1
      menu font color black
      menu delete action
      menu font bgcolor yellow
      menu text action 50 35 Poisoned (Aids)
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      target 1s
      event macro 23 0
      set %usenextaid ( #scnt2 + %aid_delay )
if #hits < #maxhits
   finditem ZLF C
   if #findkind <> -1
      menu font color black
      menu delete action
      menu font bgcolor yellow
      menu text action 50 35 Healing (Aids)
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      target 1s
      event macro 23 0
      set %usenextaid ( #scnt2 + %aid_delay )

sub Stamina
if #mana < 15
if #stamina < %yellowstam
   event macro 15 205
   wait 10

sub pausebutton
if #menubutton <> N/A
   menu delete pausebutton
   menu text color black
   menu button pausebutton 0 60 330 20 Resume
   set #menubutton N/A
   gosub ResumeButton

sub ResumeButton
      wait 1
      until #menubutton <> N/A
menu delete pausebutton
menu font bgcolor red
menu button pausebutton 0 60 330 20 Pause
set #menubutton N/A

sub UpdateStatus
gosub CkHp
gosub CkStam
gosub CkMana

sub CkHp
if %lasthp = #hits
menu font bgcolor lime
if #hits < %yellowhp
   menu font bgcolor yellow
if #hits < %redhp
   menu font bgcolor red
menu delete hp
menu font color black
menu text hp 28 5 #hits , / , #maxhits
set %lasthp #hits

sub CkStam
if %laststam = #stamina
menu font bgcolor lime
if #stamina < %yellowstam
   menu font bgcolor yellow
if #stamina < %redstam
   menu font bgcolor red
menu delete stamina
menu font color black
menu text stamina 243 5 #stamina , / , #maxstam
set %laststam #stamina

sub CkMana
if %lastmana = #mana
menu font bgcolor lime
if #mana < %yellowmana
   menu font bgcolor yellow
if #mana < %redmana
   menu font bgcolor red
menu delete mana
menu font color black
menu text mana 127 5 #mana , / , #maxmana
set %lastmana #mana

;Menu Sub
sub InitMenu
 menu clear
 Menu hideEUO
 Menu window size 330 80
 Menu show
 Menu window color black
 Menu font bgcolor red
 Menu font size 10
 menu Window Title The Reaper's PvE Dexxer Auto-Healer
 menu button pausebutton 0 60 330 20 Pause
 menu font color red
 Menu font bgcolor blue
 menu text Thp 5 5 HP:
 menu text Tmana 90 5 Mana:
 menu text Tstamina 190 5 Stamina:
 menu text Taction 5 35 Action:
 menu font bgcolor lime
 menu font color black
 menu text hp 28 5 #hits , / , #maxhits
 menu text mana 127 5 #mana , / , #maxmana
 menu text stamina 243 5 #stamina , / , #maxstam
 menu text bgcolor orange
 menu text Tchar 200 35 Character:
 menu text char 262 35 #charname
 menu text action 50 35 Ok
 set #menubutton N/A
 menu show 850 600
 wait 30
gosub UpdateStatus

PS - Nilmer has a speedy menu builder that really helped me with this, since I've never actually made my own menu's from scratch before, definitely work a look.

PPS - Have fun!!

Offline The ReaperTopic starter

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Re: Chiv dexxer healer
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 08:57:12 PM »
Just tested for a solid half hour whilst whacking Lady M, worked almost perfectly, she managed to get a poison off once between casting a chiv heal, but there's no scripts that account for that :S Not one death, so I'm very happy with my work :p

Offline roadrunner

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Re: Chiv dexxer healer
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 05:10:22 AM »
Well i wanted to give your script a good test and run it whilst  farming dreadhorn keys & dreadhorn but alas, my sampire is a true sampire and has 0.0 healing.
i'd like to take this time to request a script from you, if i may. i'm trying to find one that detects & removes blood oath. i farm Doom a lot and that's the only thing that i have trouble with killing me.
