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Messages - krovikan

Pages: 1 [2]
New member introductions / Re: I'm BAAaaAAaaCK
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:22:47 PM »
WOW!  This intro made me nostalgia hardcore.  Damn I miss those days!!!

New member introductions / Hello Again
« on: September 18, 2013, 06:46:19 PM »
Hiya ScriptUO community,

Didn't give an intro back when I registered before, but I remember this was a great place to get info and scripts and I think I may have found an art replacement here a while back too.  Anyway, here's a little bit about me

I have been playing UO since 1998, and have gone through periods of not playing UO and playing UO on OSI and freeshards.  There's always a new flashy game to play, whether it be Wow, Everquest, Call of Duty, Halo, Final Fantasy, you get the picture.

I work as a software engineer by day and am a full fledged father of 4 by night.  Right now most of my work has to do with C# .Net web applications.  I have always been modifying scripts for uo and hope to contribute something useful.

Looking forward to joining you guys again,


Post Merge: September 18, 2013, 09:01:54 PM
I just read the stickies, feel like a big poopie for not reading them before.  So let me go into a little more detail.

I started playing UO at age 16, saw an ad in a Guitar World I think of a girl with a UO symbol tattooed on her back.  I believe they were making it sound like a personals ad "Likes to slay dragons.."  I saved up money picking pecans from the yard and mowing lawns and scraped up the money in no time!  I got my buddy Derek all excited too about it, and we installed it and I created my first ever character 'Ragu' 

Well I knew I wanted to play a wizard, so I chose magery.  And I knew I liked archery so I picked that too.  Next thing I know I'm off shooting rats in the sewers of Britain.  Wow this is fun.  Saved up a little money and bought some armor and ventured out of town.   I came upon a place that was known as the 'Crossroads' where two main roads connected.  I remember hearing someone at the West Brit Bank say 'Don't go to the crossroads haha'

I figured, what the heck, there must be some tough monsters out there or something.  But since I had just purchased some fine leather armor I should be able to take it.  After all, I had been playing for 3 hours.  So I finally make it out to the 'Crossroads' outside of Britain and south of Yew.  I take a look around and shrug.  I guess theres nothing here.



I get wasted by a heavy crossbow to the face!  Out on to my gray screen stepped a RED named character.  I don't remember his name, but he carried the biggest crossbow I had ever seen.  I was upset that I lost all my armor and my bow.  So I wanted to get even.  I set out at once at making a thief so I could steal their stuff!

I played a thief/archer for the better part of a year before finally making the transition to fully dedicated mage.  I love playing a mage and have ever since. 

I play on a bunch of different servers, not currently osi, but I do make my rounds.  If its a popular freeshard, chances are I have an active account there.

I have 1 girl 2 boys and one baking still (wife is preggers).  I like to bake (yes manly I know), play guitar, I try my best to make electronic music but my music always sounds very meh.  I drive a gray car cause I have a mellow personality and I like cats but not dogs.

Post Merge: September 18, 2013, 07:28:47 PM
Well I have been reading some of the other intros and started remembering some funny old times, like the first years of UO.

I have been running around my server hunting IDOCs to get some loot, which is very similar to what I would have been doing at this time of day 15 years ago.  I remember running around to boats and houses searching for that one poor soul that FORGOT to LOCK HIS DOOR.  And then I would grab all the poor suckers stuff.   It was even more fun if they caught you doing it, because then it would be a fight!

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