Hi all,
Im trying to use Find Mobiles but it never find nothing, follow 2 examples:
ScriptSDK.Engines.Scanner.Range = 20;
List<Mobile> nearMobs = ScriptSDK.Engines.Scanner.FindMobiles();
nearMobs.Count = 0
The same occurs with Mobile.Find():
List<Mobile> nearMobs = Mobile.Find(typeList, Stealth.GetGroundID(), true);
nearMobs.Count = 0
The function GetLandTilesArray doesn't working too:
ushort posOffset = 20;
ushort myPosX = Convert.ToUInt16(Player.Location.X);
ushort myPosY = Convert.ToUInt16(Player.Location.Y);
ushort minX = Convert.ToUInt16(myPosX - posOffset);
ushort minY = Convert.ToUInt16(myPosY - posOffset);
ushort maxX = Convert.ToUInt16(myPosX + posOffset);
ushort maxY = Convert.ToUInt16(myPosY + posOffset);
List<FoundTiles> foundTiles = TileReader.GetLandTilesArray(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, tileType);
result: foundTiles.Count = 0;
ps: The TileType I already tried from 0 to 20000, I dont know what is it and just found one reference from EasyUO here: http://www.scriptuo.com/index.php?topic=10944.0
This functions really doesn't work or I'm doing something wrong?
tkz in advance!