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Topics - destrukt84

Pages: [1]
Script Debug / EUO on Demise
« on: October 29, 2016, 07:56:26 AM »
Hello I was just having issues on getting euo to work with demise ?  I have followed all the instructions on previous post ( running euo as administrator and so on).  I have even reinstalled uo and razor as well as euo and nothing seems to work.  When I start a script nothing seems to happen.  My current uo patch is would this be the issue?  Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

New member introductions / My Intro
« on: November 29, 2011, 04:20:41 PM »
Hey all, my name is Destruktion.  I have characters on ATL, Chessy, and GL.  Im recently coming back to uo after a break of about 3 years. I have played uo since 1999. Needless to say the game isnt as populated as it once was. I enjoy pvping, crafting, and even some of the new stygian dungeons.  I am amazed that this site even exist!  Just found out about it today when browsing online.  Wow, if only I knew this site existed a few years ago! I probably never would of taken a break!  Macroing was always a big part of my uo life.  Before I found out about it, working skills or even gettin resources for that matter was a time consuming task.  Now I have several 120 chars and tons of resources thanks to the power of euo.  It may sound funny to someone thats never used euo but it just brings so much more to the game.  With euo I can still enjoy uo when im at work and cant be at the computer as much.  I appreciate everyone that still plays, macros, and is keeping the game alive!!!! Thanks so much

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