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Topics - OMGBurgers

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General UO Chat / Us vs. Shard
« on: December 12, 2009, 03:56:24 PM »
Well, we only had 3 members out of our 6, but it was a blast!!!

There was way too many people to be able to kill em all, but we killed people until the very end hahaha.

Computer Rigs / what computer to use as my main to play uo with?
« on: December 11, 2009, 05:17:02 PM »
Which computer to use as my main one to play uo with?

AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-core (2.21ghz)
2.87 gb ram

AMD Athlon II x2 240 (2.81ghz)
1.75gb ram

I dont know how to find out any other info lol.  this is just in the control panel/system page lol.

General UO Chat / Am I crazy?
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:32:44 PM »
After giving up afte 12k Cu, I'm trying again for the stupid blaze one...

Here's my current stats in the last 3 days.

(Just spawned another ice white posting this... boooo!)

General UO Chat / Who can help me :P Gathering resources to train imbue!
« on: October 26, 2009, 06:38:33 PM »
I'm totally lost on how to obtain the resources to train imbuing.  I know how to get the gems, but these residue or whatever is totally leaves me lost.  I hear oak boards and unraveling them, or crafting items from em then unraveling, but I have 0 oak boards, there's non for sale on my shard, I have no lumberjack, no bonded beetle to use a script...

So basically I'm crying & eating uncontrollably :P

Can anyone point me in direction of a way to gather this stuff in my situation?

Script Debug / scanjournal routine missing bandages?
« on: August 23, 2009, 09:55:38 AM »
This is just a little script I wrote to keep my character healing himself while running my ilshenar spawner.  It only heals w/ bandages and divine furys.  My problem is it will apply a bandage & then scan the journal for the message saying you finished healing yourself, but it occasionally misses it and will never badage self again so I die.


Can anyone see a loop hole anywhere that may be causing it?  I'd like to add a timeout value based on your dex & healing speed tables, but would be nice to figure out this problem first before working around what may be just a error in my code.

Code: [Select]
set %heal TRUE
set #lpc 500
set %timeout 999999
set %nextdf 0

   if %heal = FALSE
      gosub scan
   if #stamina < 84 && %nextdf < #SCNT2
      event macro 15 205
      set %nextdf #SCNT2 + 40
   if %heal = TRUE
      if #hits < #maxhits
         finditem ZLF C_ , #backpackid
         if #findkind = -1
         set #lobjectid #findid
         event macro 17
         target 1s
         if #targcurs <> 1
            goto redobandage
         while #targcurs <> 0
            event macro 23
         set %heal FALSE
         set %lindex #jindex
goto loop

sub scan
   if #jindex = %lindex
   set %temp #jindex
   for %a %lindex %temp
      scanjournal %a
      if finish_applying_the_bandages in #journal || you_apply_the_bandages,_but in #journal || heal_what_little in #journal
         set %heal TRUE
         set %lindex %temp
   set %lindex %temp

General UO Chat / Best 2 character spawning team?
« on: August 02, 2009, 08:18:08 AM »
Since they fixed the pen trick, I really haven't soloed too much besides rats.  So I'm looking for ideas on what a new team could be!

Right now I'm running dual wammys that use Parox until they need mana.  They each have a set of 3 weapons w/ hit area, mana leech, ssi, di or better.  I run em both and the one follows the other and duplicates his moves/actions.  So when one divines/consecrates/cursewpn, they both do.  They each run their own script that also attacks spawn w/ either momentum strike or lightning strike depending on if there's more than one critter around.

It runs pretty well, but I can't just mindlessly run into a level4 dragon spawn and chop away lol.

So I'm wondering if there's a better idea for a team out there?

One guy I play with runs a SDI necro/mage accompanied by a sampire archer w/ healing.  The archer just chain bandaids the mage while attacking anything it can find.  Seems like a decent way to do things, and if they have 140dex like they should, you would be getting healed like crazy.

Scripting Chat / Cu Sidhe farming, dual client?
« on: July 19, 2009, 02:10:52 PM »
I used to farm Cu Sidhe on two accounts trying for my blaze one.  Worked out well cause I got so many black/white ones, fully trained and took to atlantic and paid for both xfers, and then some..  but.  I was going to write anautomatic script for this.

I really wouldn't afk it incase something insane happens.  lol.

These are my ideas, and how I did it last time.

I'd find the nearest Cu.  If there's a paragon DON'T MOVE as it'll target the Sampire from negative karma.  Discord it first, then get honor ready.  When it gets close enough honor it and kill it.  Takes a few minutes.  The discord bot will gheal like a mad man.  Normal cu's would just honor and start killing.  Discord hits when it does as they arn't hard.  Bot will heal inbetween attempts now that pentrick dont work (RIP).  When it dies loot it, eval the loot.  If overloaded on gold send via. bag of sending.

If a color spawns that you want the second client would tame it.  To do so requires high eval intelligence because my script currently para spams it.  I have the code written and the math done that determines the amount of time you have for taming attempts from when the para hits.  It goes off a cu's max resist spell that is able to spawn, then by your eval int. so it shouldn't ever mess up.  Does the normal para/attempt to tame/invs deal.  The bot MUST be holding a lanters to avoid hitting the Cu and breaking the para.  After tame it would run out, stable it, and come back.  If stables are full it would halt.

Of course setting up is a PITA.  Gota lure all the changlings and dryads away so that they don't mess w/ ya, and so you don't get calmed.  But when you setup depending on other player activity it can last for hours, to most of the day.

Once I train discordance up, would anyone be interested in testing this?  or is this more so just one of my specific tailored to my needs kinda scripts lol.

General UO Chat / UO Character maker program?
« on: July 18, 2009, 02:56:11 PM »
Anyone know where I can download it?

It was a basic program that let you kinda create/dress a character w/ weapons, colors etc.  Want it to make a signature again! thx.

I think its something like UOSVC2 or something weird.

General UO Chat / LOL... UO cracks me up!!
« on: July 06, 2009, 01:23:21 PM »
This is a guys post from stratics...

I remember reading a shadow report about someone putting on a death robe, asking to join H^A and then killing some members until he got kicked out.

The only Distinguish Mark was his fluffy mustache and DPed kryss.

The info was then confirmed with Rose... and a bounty set on the villains head... 2 silver pieces.

The funny thing is I was the one who did that.  I just transfered a bunch of goods to my home shard Catskills, and had just purchased a new kryss to spawn with.  Well my character just happened to have 50 fence/tactics when I brought him over.  So I put the kryss on and got in the guild.  It was not DPed though, who knows what that idiot is talking about.  I acted new and they guilded me (I've done this a dozen or so times to them, they never learn).  As soon as they did I picked out a mage w/ no DCI, and a crappy LRC suit.  Double clicked them and chased their ass down.  They fell over right as they said claim to get their dragon out, then they booted me hahaha.

The funny thing is I didn't think they knew who did it until that post because of his reference to "mustache".  I always tease people on my shard about mustaches and buncha friends have jokes about them because of my uncles IRL.  That cracked me up.  If I was not banned for a few more days I would totally post about it just to tease em.

Scripting Chat / Crafting Script
« on: February 23, 2009, 02:03:21 PM »
So I don't spam the other thread here's a shot of what I have so far.  It looks pretty confusing but it's really easier than it looks lol.  The interface is in no way near done and still has a bunch of work to be done, but you should get the basic idea.  The tables can be setup pretty quick with just the correct crafting tool since all you're doing is looking at the gump and punching in what number in the lists to select to make what you want.

It should be capable on the first version of at least tailoring, blacksmithing, tinkering, carpentry and fletching.  Already supports the salvage bag 100% which will speed up blacksmith training to a decent speed.  I think I read you salvage more using the bag too, but not 100% sure on that.  I also may make it work for Alchemy also, but again not 100% sure on that ;x.  I personally would just rather use C2's potion factory to train that because i love that script, but maybe that's the lazy in me talking haha.

Right now it *should* be completely functional with tailoring only if you use a salvage bag.  I'd like to go ahead and code in the disposal method for scissors real quick, but it's running so great I wana stress test it lol.  I'm still adjusting when it knows when to salvage.  Right now I have a sub that does a count of all the items in your main pack & your salvage bag.  If it exceeds 100 items total, or you're over 400 stones it automatically will salvage.  I'm not sure if I should adjust the max weight up more or not because of issues restocking the resources & holding too many items in the bag?  But I guess I can only know from a little adventure :P

I also plan on creating & attaching skill tables for each skill on OSI shard w/ the 120 skill cap when possible.  That way it gives a pretty good start point to make it mostly plug/play for the average user.  Free shard users will obviously have to adjust or make their own tables and would be nice if they would submit them for others to use once they made!

Still figuring out what kind of statistics to enter in.  I'm thinking current material usage, overall material usage, overall time spent, current time spent (since you pressed the start button).  Users can always clear or reset the statistics or save them in a seperate save file if they want to keep all their times/material usage seperate.  Also I think this is the first script where I have a status bar, and it actually outputs status hahaha...  Usually they all never change from "status" lol.

General UO Chat / Pagers
« on: February 22, 2009, 05:47:29 PM »
I'm sure everyone else feels the same way but god I hate players who page on others for macroing.  I can see when someones macro/script actually interferes or impacts your gameplay, but for something like skill gain that effects another player usually in no way why do people feel the need to page.  Does it make them feel better or something?

Hell I've been suspended, banned, and hundreds of millions stolen from me from players/guilds and I still don't even page on people.

The worst part is the majority of players who play UO and are these people who page on people script or use uoloop lol.

I think it's just this disease of mentality of players that feel the need to try to get others into "trouble" from doing the same thing they do (ie; scripting) is a reason why I just have no desire to update or post up my new scripts/bugs/exploits.  Hell I've seen dozens of players running my taming script AFK and when they belong to the guild that has gotten me banned before just upsets me lol.  I've actually watched their script go just to check their X/Y positions the rail goes to confirm it's mine ;/  Today was the case I verified it was my script when I noticed it was someone who threatened to find me IRL and "kick my ass" over pvp and raiding their spawns... lol.

Hell one guy on WinUO/UOC was an *bleep* on my shard who constantly paged on me along with his members and got me a 72 hour when I thought I finally got a house in a safe location from them months ago.  The sad part is I helped him w/ scripts and crap the entire time before and after and to this day despite their actions and the fake front they put on on community sites like this.

Gah this game, wait, the players are so lame lol.  I'm just mad cause I had to waste 30 minutes being at my computer to respond to the upcomming GM encounter because some idiot and 3 of the same guild came to page on me for running a script that summoned/released pixies just ungodly fast to train spellweaving.  I hope it just makes them feel like a bigger man/woman everytime they submit that page.  Like their protecting their nation from criminals or something.  I just hope next time they script a skill others do the same to them so they can know how it feels.

General UO Chat / Am I weird or is this normal... LOL
« on: February 10, 2009, 01:29:32 PM »
So I have been trying to roll doom over the last 2 days w/ my new script for my bard bot & my wammy.  But all these "idiots" as I call them keep showing up!  So everytime someone comes I act like I'm going into the room so they go in first.  Then I stand outside and watch them die and then I log off.

I don't know why but I refuse to do doom with people on my shard.  I think it's mainly because the Dark Father is a PITA when there's idiots there making tons and tons of spawn, or archers leaving spawn randomly everywhere and making the DF chase them around.

I figure doom would be a good place to try my luck with some decent drops for items which is all I want anymore since I have most everything else in the game.  The only arties I would ever want would be the Armor of Fortune as I have half a dozen of the others lol.

I'm thinking I may just have to break out the max luck suit and just bot somewhere else for items with the CLAW! :P  The only problem is most respawning critters in UO just seem to have extremely junk for loot.  I don't even know where I would setup a bot and actually be able to eventually expect something remotely good out of it haha.

General UO Chat / Who else does things like this?
« on: February 04, 2009, 04:09:09 AM »
I wrote this entire script, had it working exactly how I wanted.  Farmed Gamans for the horns, walked the rail, healed self etc.  When it got full would goto the gate and bank in luna and repeat.  Well I do some update to my graphics card and it asks to restart, I click yes.  LOL.  It didn't save the script and being the idiot I am I haven't saved it since it has existed.

I hate it when I do things like that!  It was a perfect script for training new meele characters too since the horns sell like 1-2k per you can make some gold while training.  I got to the high 90's killing them too since yesterday.  Now I'm not going to bother writing it again hahaha.  Oh well. 

Resource Extraction / Mining, Human or Elf?
« on: January 23, 2009, 06:41:59 PM »
I thought I remember there being a difference between the two.  Does anyone know what it is?

General Discussion / Idea for SUO. New script "templates"?
« on: January 21, 2009, 10:45:29 PM »
I've been writing a lot of scripts lately and a lot of them I have been using the following subs:

TM's recall
craft subs
pathfind sub

Basically I'm using the same subs over and over again, but each time I have to copy & paste them in.

Was thinking it would be cool if you could have a like user built library where you add in those useful universal subs. Then when you create a new script you could either choose a predefined template that chooses which of those subs to include from your library, or you could be prompted with a list of subs in your universal subs library, and you check which ones you want added and when the script is created they are already added in there.

I know it means extra work I just thought of the idea lol.  Thought it would be possibly cool and something to just throw out there.

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