Author Topic: SUO Pack Beetle Sub  (Read 5745 times)

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SUO Pack Beetle Sub
« on: April 14, 2009, 10:54:16 AM »
Sub routine to handle all pack beetle commands... hopefully.

Written entirely at work mostly using other people's code. TM's beetle subs are included.

None of this has been tested  ???

If you run SETUP first it will set two variables for you - %beetleID and %beetlePack Anytime this sub is called, those variables will be used by default so you don't have to put them in as arguments to the sub. I can't see why you would want to have them enabled as arguments, but it wouldn't be hard to setup. Give me a good enough reason and I could set it up.

Contains the sub routines sub DragItem and sub GumpWait. If you already have these in your script you can remove them from this package.


gosub SUO_Beetle_sub {command} {container} {item} {x} {y}

command = setup, mount, dismount, feed, openpack, load, unload
--- setup = returns two variables, %beetleID and %beetlePack
--- mount = searches for beetle and mounts it if found
--- dismount = gets off the beetle
--- feed = will feed beetle, raw ribs required in main backpack
--- openpack = opens the beetles pack
--- load = loads the beetles pack from some container
--- unload = unloads the beetles pack to some container
container = container ID to get or deposit items
item = the item type to move from/to the container
x,y = the x and y location to open the beetles pack (if used)


gosub SUO_Beetle_sub setup ; returns %beetleID and %beetlePack.
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub mount ; searches for beetle, gets close enough and gets on.
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub dismount ; gets off the beetle
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub feed ; drags 1 rib from backpack to beetle, you MUST already be dismounted.
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub openpack 10 -40 ; opens beetles pack at location 10, -40.
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub unload %containerID %itemID ; moves ALL item type %itemID to %containerID

Be very carefull with the following!

gosub SUO_Beetle_sub load %containerID %itemID ; moves %itemID to %containerID

There currently isn't a check to ensure the beetle isn't overloaded.

ToDo List:

gosub SUO_Beetle_sub load %containerID %itemID 600 ; 600 represents how many to move.
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub weight ; return the current weight stored on the beetle.
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub ?????? ; any thoughts?

Code: [Select]
; gosub SUO_Beetle_sub {command} {beetleID} {container} {item} {x} {y}
; %1 - command: setup, mount, dismount, feed, openpack, load, unload
;    - beetleID is defaulted to %beetleID
;    - container to get/deposit items
;    - item type to get/deposit
;    - x position to open beetle pack
;    - y position to open beetle pack

sub SUO_Beetle_sub
  namespace push
  namespace local BS
  ; setup
  ; returns %beetleID and %beetlePack
  if %1 = setup
    finditem ZGB G_2
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
      set %beetleID #FINDID
      display ok Cannot locate beetle
      namespace pop
      return #FALSE
    exevent popup %beetleID
    gosub GumpWait normal_gump normal_gump
    set !temp_clickx #CONTPOSX + 29
    set !temp_clicky #CONTPOSY + 183
    click !temp_clickx !temp_clicky f
    gosub GumpWait container_gump -1
    set %beetlePack #CONTID
    namespace pop
    return #TRUE
  ; mount
  if %1 = mount
    set !wrangle_cnt 0
    set !beetle_running #FALSE
    finditem %beetleID C_ , #CHARID
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
      goto WrangleAndMountBeetle_skip1 ; already riding one.
    finditem %beetleID G_6
    if #FINDDIST > 2
      msg all follow me$
      set !beetle_running #TRUE
      wait 20
      set !wrangle_cnt !wrangle_cnt + 1
      if !wrangle_cnt < 5
        goto WrangleBeetle_loop1
      if #FINDKIND = -1
        goto WrangleAndMountBeetle_skip1
      set #LOBJECTID %beetleID
      event macro 17 0
      wait 20
      goto WrangleBeetle_loop1
    finditem %beetleID G
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
      event pathfind #FINDX #FINDY #FINDZ  ; try to move to beetle.
      wait 20
      set !wrangle_cnt 4
      goto WrangleBeetle_loop1
    namespace pop
  ; dismount
  if %1 = dismount
    set #LObjectID #CharID
    wait 5
    event macro 17 0
    wait 20
    msg all follow me$
    wait 5
    namespace pop
  ; feed
  if %1 = feed
    finditem VRD c_ , #BACKPACKID
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
      wait 20
      event macro 17 0
      wait 20
      gosub DragItem #findid 1 C %beetleID
      set #LOBJECTID %beetleID
      event macro 17 0
      wait 10
      event ExMsg %beetleID 4 1 I'm Hungry, get some food!
    namespace pop
  ; openpack
  if %1 = openpack
    set !temp_posX %2
    set !temp_posY %3
    set #LObjecID %beetlePack
    wait 5
    if !temp_posX > 0
      set #nextcposx !temp_posX
      set #nextcposy !temp_posY
    event macro 17 0
    wait 5
    namespace pop
  ; load
  if %1 = load
    set !temp_container %2
    set !temp_items %3
    set #LOBJECTID !temp_container
    event macro 17 0
    wait 20
    findItem !temp_items C_ , !temp_container
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
      gosub DragItem #FINDID #FINDSTACK C %beetlePack
      goto LoadBeetle_loop
    wait 30
    namespace pop
  ; unload
  if %1 = unload
    set !temp_container %2
    set !temp_items %3
    set #LOBJECTID %beetlePack
    event macro 17 0
    wait 20
    finditem !temp_items C_ , %beetlePack
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
      gosub DragItem #FINDID #FINDSTACK C !temp_container
      goto UnloadBeetle_loop
    wait 30
    namespace pop
  ; fail
  event ExMsg #CHARID 4 1 Incorrect command sent to beetle sub!
  namespace pop

; %1 - #FINDID
; %2 - Stack size
; %3 - destination G=ground, C=container
; %4 - destination ID
; %5 - drop x
; %6 - drop y
; %7 - drop z
sub DragItem
  namespace push
  namespace local DI
  set !drag_item %1
  set !drag_stack %2
  set !drag_dest_op %3
  set !drag_dest_id %4
  set !drag_x %5
  set !drag_y %6
  set !dray_z %7
  set !drag_time #SCNT
  set !drag_lpc #LPC
  set #LPC 200
  if #SCNT > ( !drag_time + 8 )
    set #LPC !drag_lpc
    namespace pop
    return #FALSE
  exevent drag !drag_item !drag_stack
  wait %exevent_drag_wait
  if C in !drag_dest_op
    exevent dropc !drag_dest_id
    wait %exevent_drop_wait
    if !drag_stack = 1 && !drag_dest_id <> %beetle
      set #LOBJECTID !drag_dest_id
      event macro 17 0
      wait 20
      finditem !drag_item C_ , !drag_dest_id
      if #FINDKIND = -1
        goto DragItem_loop1
    exevent dropg !drag_x !drag_y !dray_z
    wait %exevent_drop_wait
    finditem !drag_item G_2
    if #FINDKIND = -1
      exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
  set #LPC !drag_lpc
  namespace pop
return #TRUE

; %1 = Gumpname 1
; %2 = Gumpname 2
; #TRUE gump occured before timeout
sub GumpWait
  namespace push
  namespace local GW
  wait 10
  set !timedelay #SCNT
  while #SCNT <= !timedelay + 7
    if #CONTNAME = %1 || #CONTNAME = %2
      namespace pop
      return #TRUE
  namespace pop
return #FALSE
« Last Edit: April 14, 2009, 07:28:23 PM by Cerveza »
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Re: SUO Pack Beetle Sub
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 03:13:05 PM »
This is great.. is there going to be some internal SUO Subs that we can use in code?

ex.. Preload SUO_Pack_Beetle_Sub into SUO
then instead of adding the sub in the script its now Client Loaded, so you can call it internally?

Gosub Setup

Sub Setup
GoSUO BeetleSetup openbackpack

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Re: SUO Pack Beetle Sub
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 04:52:50 PM »
Nothing like that planned. It's just a "do all" beetle sub.

I tested a few parts earlier tonight and fixed a typo. So far it's all working. I have some updates planned....

1 - a toggle to identify if your dismounted or not
2 - the weight checking sub for items on and off the beetle

Right now, it's a sub that you can use to control actions on your beetle. With a little work on your part, you can set it up to do about any hauling you need.
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Re: SUO Pack Beetle Sub
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 05:00:05 PM »
ya, sounds like a keeper indeed.  might make me write something

Offline CervezaTopic starter

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Re: SUO Pack Beetle Sub
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 07:51:49 PM »
I ran this to test, all worked well.

Code: [Select]
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub badcommand
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub setup
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub mount
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub dismount
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub feed
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub openpack
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub load %bagID *
gosub SUO_Beetle_sub unload %bagID *

Start DISMOUNTED. The script will give you the bad command message, then go through each beetle function. I had a bag with 50 boards in it and they were moved to the beetle, then back.

I was having ghosted images, but thats more a sub MoveItem problem...

Overall, I'm happy with the way it worked. I have some things I want to do yet, but a good start and a usable tool as it is now.
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