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Messages - HalfMercy

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Receipes / Killer Pancakes
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:25:44 PM »
Okay, once again, we start off with store-bought stuff and tweak it into something better! :)

2 cups Great Value Pancake & Waffle Mix (They claim this makes 12-18 pancakes, but that's only if they're the size of silver dollars. I like BIG pancakes.)
1/2 cup cold water

At this point, what you add depends on the type of pancake you're making:

Plain/Banana/Chocolate Chip: 1 cup of milk + as much banana or chips as you like
Berry: 1 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of store-bought honey, and a double-handful of fresh or thawed berries
Apple: 1/2 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/2 cup of applesauce, and chopped baked apples (Fresh apples would be hard as a rock even after cooking; baking them is a must. Core them, bake them in an oven at 350 for 11 minutes, allow them to cool for a bit, take the skin off, and chop them up)

Whisk your lumps out and keep going until the batter is kind of frothy/bubbly. Should be fairly thick, not thin and runny.

Heat a griddle to 250 or frying pan to medium-low heat and melt some real salted butter in there. Ladle in a healthy amount of your batter and let it fry until the side facing up looks like it's fairly firm and has a bunch of little holes on it where bubbles formed and popped. Turn down the heat a hair, add a little more butter to the pan and flip once. The milk will give the pancake a great crisp to it while still leaving the inside soft. No matter what kind of syrup you normally use, try this: spring for some local honey and throw a tablespoon of it in a pot with your syrup. Heat it gently and stir constantly for just a couple of minutes.

Receipes / Re: Barbecued Ribs
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:08:52 AM »
Haha, well enjoy and let me know how they turn out! Nice to meet you, Trailmyx!

Well, even though I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it's kinda nice to hear that someone else has heard of this weird condition. I ought to Google it myself and see if there's a cure for it. Doc, can you help me get my drink on? :)

Public Bugs / Re: Easy Bushido Gains 90+
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:31:19 AM »
Gaining Bushido skill after 90 was very easy for me by following this method:

Buy or craft the weakest (least additional item properties) 100% poison damage repeating crossbow you can. I have one with only 25% Stamina Leech. Sail a boat to Wyvern Island and park it just off the coastline. Lure as many Wyverns as possible near you. Remove all gear to your backpack. Proceed to fire at the Wyverns using Momentum Strike. You can gain up to 120 with this method and you barely do any damage to the monsters. However, you must keep their health bars up in case the *your bow does extra damage* piles on too much bonus damage. If you notice that any Wyverns are running low on hp, just swtich targets or even stop attacking and relax for a minute. They heal very quickly and you can be back at it again in no time at all.

Wine & Spirits / Allergic To Wine... Ever Heard Of Such A Thing?
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:15:14 AM »
It's horrible because I really like the flavor of a lot of red wines. But ever since I first sipped a glass, my experience was that I'd start getting a headache almost right away. Half a glass in and my skull will be pounding like there's a Doozer in there running a jackhammer. I never knew why, never bothered to investigate why either, just stayed away from red wine for the last decade or so.

Fast forward to very recently when my brother accuses me of being full of crap. A la "I never heard of that!". He starts Googling to "prove" that I'm lying and finds out that red wine allergies are not only real but not uncommon. It has to so with sulfites... Curse those sulfites. So, it's supposedly not uncommon yet I've never personally met anyone else with this particular issue. Anyone else out there suffer this besides me or have you even heard of it before?

New member introductions / Re: Hello ScriptUO!
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:01:09 AM »
Thanks very much and nice to meet you both!

Receipes / Barbecued Ribs
« on: May 30, 2015, 07:52:24 AM »
I'm one of those home hack chefs who tries recipes off of the internet and then tweaks them over time. This is the result of two separate internet recipes that have been used together and adjusted to taste.

I start off with some country pork ribs, the big fat ones. I'm not as much of a big fan of beef ribs but if you like those, I don't see why they wouldn't work also. Slow boil them in a pot of water with a liberal amount of chopped onion, chopped garlic, and 7 or 8 whole cloves (ground cloves works too but it's messier) for 30-35 minutes.

Mix in one bowl a small bottle of Kraft Original Barbecue Sauce, a heaping teaspoon of salt, a level tablespoon of black pepper, and 4 level tablespoons of garlic powder. Then I add cayenne slowly, a little bit at a time, stir and sniff. When it just begins to singe my nasal cavity, that's enough for me but this might vary for everyone. At any rate, be mindful of the fact that if you have leftovers and reheat these, microwaves seriously activate cayenne and it will be 2-3 times hotter than it was fresh. ;) <----- Note: Depending on how many ribs you cook, you might want to increase your total sauce amount but this works for about 4-5 ribs (one meal for me and my wife).

Preheat oven to 350. Cover the bottom of a baking dish in the sauce, place your ribs on top, and then cover them in more sauce. Cover dish with aluminum foil and place into the oven for 40 minutes. Turn the oven to broil, uncover the dish, and baste/broil the ribs a few times for another 10 minutes. Finally, drizzle honey across the top and let that sit under the broiler for another minute or two.

It's not much like what people think of as traditional barbecued ribs but I've been told by plenty of people that they're the best ribs they've ever had. My wife's grandmother even thanked me for them four times over dinner a few months ago and that was the first time anyone could remember her saying anything nice since 1953.  :)

New member introductions / Hello ScriptUO!
« on: May 30, 2015, 07:27:41 AM »
Greetings everyone,

My name's Joe. Just like most of you, I've been playing UO going on forever now. I started on the Atlantic shard in January 1999, quit official UO in November or December that same year, and have been playing on free servers most of the time since then. Years ago, I mostly played a thief because I wanted to enjoy the game but had no desire to either PK or to be PKed. Now I tried my hand at PvP and PKing and did well enough at both, but being good at it still didn't make it enjoyable to me. I didn't "get" until just recently that this simple fact meant I ought to have been playing on a Trammel server, which is what I've been doing for the past two years.

I play UO to relax. It's my mental "rest-place", if you will. My real life is more than a little stressful and tiring, and I need somewhere to go for a few hours to forget the day and just not think about anything. Usually that time is very late at night when I ought to be sleeping. I'm married (5 years) and have two sons (5 1/2 and 1 1/2) and in most ways they're the best part of my day. I am the same person in-game as I am out of it. Laid back and friendly. Non-drama, non-conflict, non-competitive. Even though I've been playing this game for the better part of sixteen years now, I'm still pretty new to the concept of power gaming. My reason for playing was never to be the strongest, richest, or anything-est, so I never bothered with scripts or even advanced macros. At this point though, I've been on the same server for long enough to want to tackle some of the tougher challenges and beef up my bankroll to buy the seasonal deco that staff offers for umpteen million gold.

I'll probably never be much of a scripter myself. I'd love to learn how; I seem to be better than most people with Razor yet it's obvious to me that scripts can be vastly more powerful. That said, if I used the very limited free time I have to learn scripting I'd never have a chance to play the game I was learning to write scripts for. I arrived here because I was chasing down a way to include spaces in a pet's name. It's something I've wanted to be able to do for a long time. Prior to following a link on Google to Redrum's pet name changer, I didn't even know this site existed. I noticed that there's a Bug section here, which might allow me the chance to offer the ScriptUO community a little something more than just thanks. I tend to stress test everything I encounter (to the best of my ability) and every now and then I find weak points. Nothing major or game-breaking so far but maybe interesting at least. I'll also make time to engage in some non-scripting discussion in the Casa De TrailMyx, since apparently I share common interests with a lot of folks here.

That's about all there is for me to say about me. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. :)

Misc. Scripts / Re: Redrums Pet Name Changer
« on: May 30, 2015, 04:48:34 AM »
Thanks for the polite reply, The Ghost! You're right, reading the rules on a new site is a good practice to follow. I appreciate the link!

Misc. Scripts / Re: Redrums Pet Name Changer
« on: May 27, 2015, 08:18:09 PM »
Hi all,

Would someone be kind enough to repost/share this script? I saw that albiras finally got it from someone, I'm hoping to do the same. Thanks in advance  ;D

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