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Topics - yamandon

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Legend has come to your forum :)
« on: November 27, 2009, 07:10:52 AM »

First let me introduce myself.

In 2002 I started to play UO, after playing for 5 years to go and I have returned to the army.Now friends want to see me again, I think everyone would like a leader unforgettable action :)

If you ask how I found you, have a week to the server to open, and looking for missing scriptlerimi site easyuodan before I met you.I wanted to look at scripts, but very different from EasyUO site to protect employees and the scripts I encountered a system, of course thousands of other sites, but this script and this demands creativity, enthusiasm and friendship reveals, because of this reason I have registered on your forum.

I hope I spelled correctly I have very little trouble writing:)

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