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Topics - SpecialOpts

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New member introductions / Hello from SpecialOpts
« on: September 30, 2020, 10:56:31 AM »

I am SpecialOpts and I have been toying with Ultima Online for over 20 years I love this game and I have been playing more frequently lately. 
I am a developer my trade, however now that I am older it is harder to find work so more time for UO.
I have been looking into new ways to do scripting to automate time consuming task. I have been using EasyUO for years mostly for scripts I use frequently however,  a friend of mine (ScotchTape) suggested I try this  one. I had never heard of it so I am looking forward to giving ScriptUO scripting a go.
I guess having a bit of script coding experience with EasyUO scripting is probably not really relevant, however it does say I like scripting.   
If I can get my head around it the scripting language I can build what task is in my head. I hope to be able to contribute in due time.

I am looking forward to diving in to ScriptUO scripting.



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