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Topics - Omnibare

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New member introductions / Bad Intro Example - Greetings from Omnibare
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:45:33 PM »

After browsing some other examples, I tried to set the bar low with the subject.

Hi, my name is Justin but most of my friends know me by an collection of online aliases such as, Omni, Seeker, Kamaa, Depravity, Yumira, and more. I'm 28 years old, and Ultima Online or games like it have been a huge time sink for over half of my life. Gaming also lead to another passion of mine. (Actually, it lead to several, but a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell). The passion I am talking about is computer programming. I am now going to college to after some time in the Air Force. I finish my AS next quarter and then I'm off to the University of Washington to finish my bachelors. I want to give back to this community that has affected my life in so many ways. I also want all your monies.

I played on Atlantic back in the day when I first began, and that's where I am now, but with a fresh account. I'm having trouble remembering/finding any information about my old accounts. That's unfortunate because I had an excellent bard/tamer that made me super rich. My current plan is to get a Samurai going as they seem fun, and use that to fund a crafting character. Once I can afford a 100% LRC suit, I'll be free to power up a bard/mage again and work towards a house. I'm not sure I have it in me to level animal taming again. Time will tell. Given a couple months and you'll probably see me doing some naked PvP in Felucca.

I never thought I would be grateful for Trammel when they first introduced it. Imagine that!

I'm looking forward to getting back to my gaming roots. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this community.


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