General > New member introductions

Good intro example: My name is Bob and I am a UO addict..........

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funny, the pennie rolls idea, man i remember those days.  Lake Superior was home for me and i loved it there back then.  I still remember the PKs that use to hound us, and kill us, in deciete, covetous liche room, shame, and wind.  ya  a few use to wonder in there every so often.  I never knew anything about scripting and always wanted to learn and be able to write my own.  I remember when UOassist came out and UO would jsut about ban anyone who used it after the fair warnings.  Good intro man.

My husband is the reason for this, I was first introduced to UO about 5 years ago.This is because my husband played this game before Age of Shadows, and decided to bring me into the fold by making me my very own tamer. From then on I was hooked, I soon made my own account and now we tag team spawns, peerless and even some PvP. (that's more this cup of noodles than my own). But I came to play this game in between classes and after/before/during homework. lol. Basically I play this at any moment I can. I get off work or school and play this till 5, 6, 10 in the morning some nights. But yeah, I love UO more than a fat kid loves ice cream cake.

Just had to say it: "Hi Bob".  You can see we're also here in the meeting.  We're here for ya buddy. 
I should probably get a sponsor soon.

ANY player who plays *balhae* and has fun is a personal best in my book :D if you ever see the names choco butter, albert, diablo, and edger alan po ... those are me and id be more than happy to help ya out i spawn there almost all day long so if u need somthing gimme a hallar in gen chat or im the brown house at the sourth-west corner of luna walls usualy me or a guildie sitting in there if not check baracoon in despise HEHE
anyhow love to see peeps playing activly on alot of shard gives us all options


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