
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: A LLama on September 20, 2012, 08:06:02 PM

Title: Its really just a hobby
Post by: A LLama on September 20, 2012, 08:06:02 PM
 I have played UO since the late 90's most people did cocaine and partied, i was 8 and played GL. I go to school for EMS, I like to script because i can work on things, while watching skills, or on good days resources go up. To be honest I really have a small grasp on scripting, and I am so thankful when some of you guys dumb it down for the rest of us.

I have recently started playing again and have gone about with a Sampire on Alexandria, I am trying to dabble with a crafter. If someone would enlighten me on how to be more productive with the BODS and the rest of that junk i would be very thankful.

Oh be sure to drop in to Alexandria if you play or make an account i usually leave my crafter and sampire on and chat with people.

its really good to see people still rock this game, keep on doing what yall are doing.


Post Merge: September 20, 2012, 09:18:19 PM
  Went and hit the books but came back to give ya a picture of what I roll with.

so 2 months has gone by playing more than 4 accounts , a friend of mine i got into playing uo plays two, and i play two.

one i have

 Provocation 110-but its 102
 Musicianship 105
 Animaltaming 115 but its really 101
 Animallore 115
 Magery  gm
 Vet   115 but its 104

Classic Crafter, tailoring,bs,alch,carp but i added armslore?
  If anyone knows if armslore really works i would be grateful, it just started going up and i searched it said it adds to enhancement properties, idk if Alexandria acknowledges it?

  Sadface i use him for tokuno champ spawns for minors, killing peerless mobs for cool stuff and money, and champing when other people are on

For champing, i looked up that people take a pack of frenzied ostards and uorazor macros to vet them does this work? i was interested in giving it a whirl.

Never posted anything on a forumn besides classwork so excuse my bad grammar, punctuation, lack of structure.
Title: Re: Its really just a hobby
Post by: Masscre on September 21, 2012, 04:38:48 AM
Nice intro. I have not used frinzied attack birds since like maybe 2005 or 2006 in a pack so do not know if that is powerfull enough?
Title: Re: Its really just a hobby
Post by: Toptwo on September 21, 2012, 06:07:51 AM
Thanks for the intro, and welcome to SUO. Restricted status lifted.
Title: Re: Its really just a hobby
Post by: gimlet on September 21, 2012, 07:16:15 AM
Title: Re: Its really just a hobby
Post by: MeWonUo on September 21, 2012, 08:58:29 AM
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Its really just a hobby
Post by: Endless Night on September 21, 2012, 09:12:17 AM
Title: Re: Its really just a hobby
Post by: A LLama on September 21, 2012, 02:15:51 PM
Thanks guys,

good news, Got speweys rune book miner going and i'll have some resources for my BS and Tinkering! lol

off topic hows everyones weekend starting off?