
Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts => Scripting Chat => Topic started by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 05:19:56 AM

Title: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 05:19:56 AM
 :o  thank you for stopping by to read my request.
i saw a script for BuffbarScanner and in that post (EasyUO) it mentioned a link to a script about blood oath and i honestly read, re-read, called in a friennd who's more knowledgable about using scripts, and i read some more but never figured out how to get it to work.
my question is, in my tiny world of script knowledge, simple. i'm looking for a script that detects i've been blood oath'd, knows if enchanted apple 'timer' will allow me to eat 1 and do so, or can't yet so it disarms me & begins casting remove curse and re-arms weapon once remove curse casts on self. maybe even disarm weapon & arm a weapon of 'off skill' (i.e. i'm using swords skill so it arms a 2 handed mace weapon so my 120 parry blocks while i get remove curse casted) maybe 'equip last weapon' macro in here?

If this script is already written, and someone would be so kind as to point me to it, i'd be most appreciative!!  If i can get the blood oath taken care of, my Doom farming will be trouble free!!

thanks in advance for all the help!! this is a truly awesome site, i just got 'approved' this morning & i've been reading non-stop ever since :)
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: Hoby on May 02, 2013, 07:07:01 AM
I believe there already is a script written that does that over on the "other" site.  I cannot recall the name of it but its a pvp healer.  Does alot of different things like chugs pots, removes curse, uses's bandies.  I cannot access that "other" site because I am at work right now, but if you look under healers or pvp you should be able to find it. 
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: Crome969 on May 02, 2013, 07:24:07 AM
:o  thank you for stopping by to read my request.
i saw a script for BuffbarScanner and in that post (EasyUO) it mentioned a link to a script about blood oath and i honestly read, re-read, called in a friennd who's more knowledgable about using scripts, and i read some more but never figured out how to get it to work.
my question is, in my tiny world of script knowledge, simple. i'm looking for a script that detects i've been blood oath'd, knows if enchanted apple 'timer' will allow me to eat 1 and do so, or can't yet so it disarms me & begins casting remove curse and re-arms weapon once remove curse casts on self. maybe even disarm weapon & arm a weapon of 'off skill' (i.e. i'm using swords skill so it arms a 2 handed mace weapon so my 120 parry blocks while i get remove curse casted) maybe 'equip last weapon' macro in here?

If this script is already written, and someone would be so kind as to point me to it, i'd be most appreciative!!  If i can get the blood oath taken care of, my Doom farming will be trouble free!!

thanks in advance for all the help!! this is a truly awesome site, i just got 'approved' this morning & i've been reading non-stop ever since :)

Could be done with Stealth with almost no efforts ;)
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: TrailMyx on May 02, 2013, 07:26:35 AM
Heh, you guys are adorable...  You can say "EasyUO" here.  We don't give a crap.  ;)

Could be done with Stealth with almost no efforts ;)

Crome is the new StealthPimp! heheh
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 08:12:59 AM
this is certainly 1 of the most attractive things about this site, the awesome help!!  i'll look into the 'pvp' scripts and the the others mentioned above. Thanks everyone!!
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 08:50:31 AM
LOL Hoby, i had no idea that other site had so many different pvp heal scripts. i'm going thru them now. :)

Crome, i looked in 'Stealth Client' and the script library there but i didn't see anything for sampires, blood oath, and apples, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. :)

i should also note here that my sampire toon does Not have healing skill. only way he heals is leech, pots, and chivalry.
again, thank you all for the replies, i'm still reading and learning while i look for a blood oath remover. :)
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: Crome969 on May 02, 2013, 09:41:22 AM
LOL Hoby, i had no idea that other site had so many different pvp heal scripts. i'm going thru them now. :)

Crome, i looked in 'Stealth Client' and the script library there but i didn't see anything for sampires, blood oath, and apples, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. :)

i should also note here that my sampire toon does Not have healing skill. only way he heals is leech, pots, and chivalry.
again, thank you all for the replies, i'm still reading and learning while i look for a blood oath remover. :)

Stealth is pretty new for the global community. Before it were almost known only through the russian countrys.
So the Library is pretty fresh here as well.
I wish i would have the time, then i could shortly write it for you but i havent :/.
If anyone would like to try it out i would suggest to think about following Points :
Declare Event Buff\Debuff and assign function wich would be called whenever a buff comes in or goes out.
Simply put 1 timer when the apples are ready and check if Now > Timer. If yes eat apple if not
Unequip right or left hand , use Potion or cast  or whatever and requip.
You are done ;)

Sources :
Events :

Disarm :

Equip :

UseType :

Cast :

Wait for and handle TargetSelf :

Edit : If you not find any solution, iam done with my profession exams in 2,5 Weeks then i will write it shortly in stealth :P
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 09:58:09 AM
Crome, Sir, you are awesome for putting into scripter-speak that which i could not! thank you for even considering writing it for me, that alone tells me the effort i put into becoming a member here was worth while. :)
i am currently writing the Clockwork Exodus tutorial for Massacre. thankfully, since i'm not a script writer, i can share some insight in PvM. i'm no expert, but i've managed to find some fairly unique methods to farming some popular areas.

Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: Neo on May 02, 2013, 10:06:25 AM
Crome is the new StealthPimp! heheh
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: Crome969 on May 02, 2013, 10:34:51 AM
Crome is the new StealthPimp! heheh
Neo will be next.. As my trainee he will overcome me soon ;)

@ Roadrunner no problem, its always a give and take. When iam done with my profession exams i will write it up for you ;)
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 10:56:09 AM
best of luck on the exams man!!
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: dxrom on May 02, 2013, 11:24:22 AM
LOL Hoby, i had no idea that other site had so many different pvp heal scripts. i'm going thru them now. :)

Crome, i looked in 'Stealth Client' and the script library there but i didn't see anything for sampires, blood oath, and apples, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. :)

i should also note here that my sampire toon does Not have healing skill. only way he heals is leech, pots, and chivalry.
again, thank you all for the replies, i'm still reading and learning while i look for a blood oath remover. :)

Stealth is pretty new for the global community. Before it were almost known only through the russian countrys.
So the Library is pretty fresh here as well.
I wish i would have the time, then i could shortly write it for you but i havent :/.
If anyone would like to try it out i would suggest to think about following Points :
Declare Event Buff\Debuff and assign function wich would be called whenever a buff comes in or goes out.
Simply put 1 timer when the apples are ready and check if Now > Timer. If yes eat apple if not
Unequip right or left hand , use Potion or cast  or whatever and requip.
You are done ;)

Sources :
Events :

Disarm :

Equip :

UseType :

Cast :

Wait for and handle TargetSelf :

Edit : If you not find any solution, iam done with my profession exams in 2,5 Weeks then i will write it shortly in stealth :P

Once GetActiveAbility, UsePrimaryAbility, and UseSecondaryAbility are public I will be converting LAME over to Stealth.
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 12:17:59 PM
pardon my stupidity, but is 'stealth' a 'console' for scripts like EasyUO? if it is, then i'll have to dl it & learn (which i'm sure isn't difficult) how to use it.
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 03:14:38 PM
OK, after much reading, and i have certainly been distracted many times and found some rather awesome scripts along the way, i found Maddog's Automator. i was finally able to understand how to use such a script w/ the buffbarscanner and got it to work. (sampire ate apple to remove blood oath my 2nd acct necromage casted on him) now, how all this will play out in 'live action' remains to be seen but at least i've got something going until i find something else that works better. Maddog has some very good, great even, work and again, the little bit of effort to gain membership was time well spent!!
Please, keep up the great work everyone!!
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: TrailMyx on May 02, 2013, 05:01:48 PM
Isn't it fun learning how to script?  ;)
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 02, 2013, 05:15:40 PM
Oh Man!! learning how to use them is a challenge sometimes but i love to read and i'm seriously having fun! Thank you for allowing me to access all this UO knowledge!!
also, sadly, i have to report the Doom run test of the buffbarscanner & Maddog's Automator didn't go well. it decided i had too many debuffs on the bar and it ate an apple. 10 seconds later Dark Father thought 'now is a good time to Blood Oath that fool!', as luck would have it, i hit a critical strike & down i went. :(
back to the drawing board, as they say.
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: TrailMyx on May 02, 2013, 06:36:08 PM
You'll spend alot of time optimizing scripts like that.  I can't remember how many hours I spent optimizing the serpent fighting routines in the full auto fisherman.  Another hard one was the labyrinth artifact looter.  Spent more time in there dead trying to optimize the hiding and stealthing routines.
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 03, 2013, 02:42:47 AM
i never give up, lol, now that i've gotten some results i'll keep at it.

as a side note, i've got a 120 fisher that just might have to try that automated fisher of your's :) he's 120 mage & gm hiding (for sailing into that pesky Moonglow bay)
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 03, 2013, 07:34:45 AM
i would be VERY interested (when you are done w/ exams & relax a few days) in you writing a script that deals strictly with blood oath, if you're willing. all that other *bleep* Dark Fathers and liches throw at me is irrelevant. i leech plenty of life to heal thru all of that, it's just my toon is hitting so hard & fast (150 dex & double slayers)that most times i don't even see blood oath hit me until i'm down to 1/4 life. by then it's too late to react usually cause another hit is landing on the DF and screen is black & white.

my friend that got me to play this sampire has the suggestion of immediately swapping out weapons to block (toon has 120 parry & 120 bushido) but not hit while getting rid of the blood oath, especially if apple timer is still in play. so if that could be of any use in the script.

i am very thankful you've offered to work on this when time allows. anyone else that has more suggestions, i'm all ears!!
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: Crome969 on May 03, 2013, 12:33:32 PM
With stealth you can react within 100ms delay when the packet comes in. So most times stealth already know you have an effect before its drawn in client. Just as side note..
I will check what i can do when iam done with all my things..
Title: Re: Newbie needs Blood Oath remover
Post by: roadrunner on May 03, 2013, 03:36:16 PM
sounds like i'm going to be studying up on how to use Stealth as well as Claw. glad i've got time to work on it while you're taking exams :)