
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: MaxDes on May 21, 2013, 05:07:19 PM

Title: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: MaxDes on May 21, 2013, 05:07:19 PM
Hiya everyone!

my name is Marc but more importantly...:

My character name is and has always been either MaxDes or Maximus. I started playing UO from the onset and have really been back and forth to UO for ages. I stopped playing OSI a long time back, but I have kept playing on some of the player run shards. I have a 9 year old account on UOgamers and I was a member and then bug tester for back in the day. Shoot I was even around for UO Prostitute before that went away. In fact the reason I made it here was some posts I was just reading through on haha. I remember when on OSI you could unlock chests or houses and open things due to.. z-axis issue... byt riding a boat under things. pretty cool stuff. I loved the askchopper community and I am glad I have found soething to augment that!

I love what UO was and have never found anything to give me that same taste of fright, exaltation, and absolute anger. I've always been more of a PvP player. Something about the rush of a field fight... you just can't beat it. rolling with 25 other guys and knowing that in a few minutes the brit GY is going to be a huge mess of bloody bodies and absolute mayhem!!! LOVE IT. I am just now getting back into UOgamers hybrid... mostly just to see... can I recreate that feeling. Can I ressurect a guild and just have fun... now that I have a famkly and not enough time. hahaha.

Well to wrap it up.... I didn't realize there was an active community still doing this sort of thing and just had to come and check it out.

Glad to be here and hope to be able to contribute sometime!

*Now off to figure out how to tree hack my fully patched UO Classic Client for UOgamers. Trees are annoying.**

Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: Bookwyrm on May 21, 2013, 05:29:00 PM
Holy *bleep*!
Ok newbs this is how to do an introduction post right there!!!!


Welcome to the site Max, we are damned glad to have you.

And with an intro like that you can expect a Mod along shortly to lift your restriction.
Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: MaxDes on May 21, 2013, 05:34:18 PM
Thank ya Bookw!!!!

Appreciate the comments.

A lot of people on here play on UOG:Hybrid by chance? Do you even know? haha.
Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: Bookwyrm on May 21, 2013, 05:42:57 PM
Never heard of it. I'm on Napa Valley. One of the OSI shards.
Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: TrailMyx on May 21, 2013, 06:48:16 PM
Great intro!  This is how you get quick access to the site.  No back-burner, no "gee, perhaps I'll see if one of the Mods will be charitable", just *BAM* goes the opening front door!

Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: Crome969 on May 22, 2013, 01:47:22 AM
Thank ya Bookw!!!!

Appreciate the comments.

A lot of people on here play on UOG:Hybrid by chance? Do you even know? haha.

Welcome Max,
iam sure the mainstream here actual playing the official shards but here and there are some people who play on freeshards. I never played much on Hybrid but remember when i wanted to make an account there and instead of recreation, my data opened way to a full skilled account *giggles*
Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: gimlet on May 22, 2013, 06:12:58 AM
Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: kdzhii on May 22, 2013, 06:23:32 AM
Welcome. I play on Demise. ive heard people telling that hybrid is about quantity, but demise - quality. 300 players online, i love it.
Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: bodfather on May 22, 2013, 08:19:55 AM
  I really like Demise and if I had never tried imbuing I would be playing there full time. It's really hard to go from near perfect imbued suits to having to settle for what you can get.

Hybrid/Divinity is where I go to search for long lost guildmates. You'd be surprised who you can run into searching free shards.
Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: MaxDes on May 22, 2013, 08:45:23 AM
Yes it really always has been a good place to find people from the past! In fact at one point Wanker from askchopper and some others including myself all created a guild just to get back into it and play with friends.
Now that I think of it...., GIMLET, what gives?! Just giving me your generic welcome post! Don't the askchopper days mean anything to you?!! ;) haha   :D

Glad to see some people are still around. Really makes my day, and Gimlet is actually the reason I stopped in. He had posted something on askchopper about this place.

I have onyl ever played hybid. Mostly because the newer stuff didn't appeal to me. I loved the old UO. And hybrid gives me that with some newer things thrown in. But maybe I am missing out. Convince me... lol. what great about Demise?

Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: kdzhii on May 22, 2013, 10:37:05 AM
i havent played hybrid so i can`t compare.
Demise has ml stuff invented in it, admins are slowly working on further inventions. I have played for 3 months there and haven`t seen anything new :D As i understand it has all of ML except Imbuing, Gargoyles and Throwing. Something more is missing out over there, but i dont know what it is from top of my head.
Title: Re: MaxDes the new guy to the ScriptUO forums!
Post by: SolidSnake on May 23, 2013, 03:17:13 PM
Welcome Max, I get a feeling you will fit right in with the rest of us :)