
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: anarcat on January 09, 2015, 03:08:45 PM

Title: Hi everyone !
Post by: anarcat on January 09, 2015, 03:08:45 PM
Hi Everyone ! 

This message is sendt to you, from the icy north of Europe.   My name is Fritz and i live in a tiny city called Kristiansand in Norway . 
Ive been a game addict ever since i got my first commodore 64 back in 1986 , and that should tell you something about my age ;)

I first found Ultima Online back in 98, (a friend of mine who worked at the local gamestore suggested id get it , since i had internet. :D )
and have been hooked on the feeling it gave me ever since ...

Yes im talking about the feeling we all got the first time we played UO  ..   the OMG i can do whatever i want feeling. <3

I quit UO right after the trammel release, since my disarm thief was my favourite, and trammel ruined it all on my server.
I  have ever since then tried to find a game that gave me the same feeling, and iv'e failed hard every single time.   that being EQ , EQ2 , Lineage , Lineage 2 , wow :P
iv'e even spendt some time in some weird asian mmo's, and also had a run-in with a large group of furrys  in an american indy mmo...  ( that story needs a seperate post )

After almost 17 years of looking for a new game, iv'e recently gone back to UO on a "private" server ...   and the game still gives me the same feeling .. maybe even stronger this time, i feel at home.
That said , im more into the whole pvp thing nowadays, and i enjoy that aspect of the game the most , even tho im sub par when it comes to timing explo pots or even knowing what spell to cast when.

Ive noticed that most pvp'ers on my server are running assistant tools , and those ive spoken to says that UOSteam is a must. so i downloaded it.  "Now what?" was my first thought..
Ive tried writing some basic scripts , and ive figured out how to make the thing chug pots for me, and i can even do basic stuff like making a macro auto heal or auto med when going low on HP or Mana.. but i know there is so much more to learn about theese scripts ..   sitting here trying to write scripts have become an obsession, but my faliure rate is too high...    so i guess my skill is too low..
I see this site as a vendor where i can  pay 431gp to raise my skill a little..  learn ...   and maybe even become a Grand Master..  hopefully i will be able to assist other newcomers one day.   

I will probably not post much to start with , but rather browse the forum , and maybe .. just maybe download a script or two.
To be honest id rather write them myself ... because the feeling of accomplishment after making a functional script that does not time out is really makin me all warm and fuzzy.. :D

Anyways, that was my 2gp introduction.. i dont really know what else to say ..  other then im addicted to games and fairly clueless when it comes to macros and scripts .. 

Cheers ! :)

Title: Re: Hi everyone !
Post by: Pearls on January 09, 2015, 03:55:53 PM
Welcome aboard :)
Title: Re: Hi everyone !
Post by: gimlet on January 09, 2015, 07:43:29 PM
Title: Re: Hi everyone !
Post by: Crisis on January 10, 2015, 06:21:29 AM
Welcome to SUO!