
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: silverfox15987 on March 07, 2017, 02:50:41 PM

Title: The Fox that is Silver!
Post by: silverfox15987 on March 07, 2017, 02:50:41 PM
Hello, all. I'm Silverfox, I play UO, Can I has free stuff? <Hahahahaha>

NO But for serious, because I love to talk I hope yall enjoy reading (It won't be THAT long though :).

The name is Zane, IRL name is secret, Web-Handle is Silverfox (Normally Silverfox15987). You may refer to me as (but not limited too): Fox, Silver, Zane, Fluffy, Your majesty, Phelix (Spelling doesn't matter). I Took a long hiatus from UO and came back about 3-4 days ago, and I realize that half of my mini-personalities are severely lacking in the desired skills. SO here I am for this site.

What I do when I'm not playing UO you ask? I'm a full-time college student in the field of Information Security, I like to work on computers (Hardware or software matters not). Right now in college As of todays date 3-7-2016 I am taking Biometrics and cryptology, Survey of Computer Languages, Elementary Linear Algebra, Software Engineering. I'm not great at any of these LOL. I love to draw although I completely suck at it. I also spend a lot of my time playing Pleb console games (Right now Horizon Zero Dawn has a lot of my attention.) I have a dogo named Ginger, she's old and I love her very much I've had her for about 13 years. I play other MMO's such as Tera and WoW although WoW is deactivated due to being BORING AS CRAP. I'm not HUGE into Meme's but I do know enough about the Meme side of the internet to hold my own for a few rounds. I don't drink, or smoke, or anything illegal (Unlike a lot of people that play UO :P ) I'm an anime addict (Like the good stuff not all the 'trending now anime' EXCEPT DBZ I really detest that show. OH and Jo-jo's. ANYWAYS I'm completely random 90% of the time so if you get me talking on a solid subject for more than 5 minutes congratulations you've won the internet... (not really get back to playin skrub) I have a weird but NOT sick sense of humor. (Also seems to be out-dated but thats ok.) I listen to almost any kind of music except Rap that crap sucks. My clock says it's 6:43 in the afternoon PST Someone just logged into vent I didn't even get to say Hi before they logged out.

I started UO back when it was new-ish... Third dawn I think was when I started. However, my account got hacked and stolen and the GM's decided that instead of contesting the account it would be easier (And more annoying) to perma ban it... I had all sorts of amazing stuff on that account.

After 10+ years I'm surprised that the UO community still Utilizes ICQ... I figured most people would move on up to Discord or something similar.

Other than that... yeah I'm just your average Joe, I play games, Talk to friends, watch Anime/Si-Fi, and I'm currently addicted to Monster Super League on mobile...

Any questions don't be afraid to ask :)
Title: Re: The Fox that is Silver!
Post by: gimlet on March 07, 2017, 04:46:39 PM

Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!

Title: Re: The Fox that is Silver!
Post by: TrailMyx on March 07, 2017, 04:50:04 PM
Gimlet may have fallen asleep during the unrestricted process, so there you go!  :)

And welcome!  Your intro was a breath of fresh air because we were going through our cyclical period of ultra-terse intros.  Your weird sense of humor will be welcome here.
Title: Re: The Fox that is Silver!
Post by: Crisis on March 07, 2017, 04:54:01 PM
Welcome to SUO! ICQ will probably die with UO but many still use it. They also use teamspeak and vent as well. A mix of old and new :)
Title: Re: The Fox that is Silver!
Post by: silverfox15987 on March 07, 2017, 05:57:12 PM
HAHA I know right? Like most of us have joined Discord train :)

YAY I'm glad to be here :)
Title: Re: The Fox that is Silver!
Post by: valen2.0 on March 08, 2017, 11:09:59 PM