
Ultima Online Fan Board => General UO Chat => Topic started by: DeadIssue2 on May 28, 2009, 08:23:06 AM

Title: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: DeadIssue2 on May 28, 2009, 08:23:06 AM
I am looking to hear from the community about the best method to farm Miasmas. I would love to hear best template advise and if there are scripts that make this AFKable that is great info as well. I would like to start AFK farming them to get ML drops.
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: Cerveza on May 28, 2009, 08:31:40 AM
I don't think you'll be AFK'n the scorp.

Though I think it's possible, you'll have guys roll through and bring his Rept buddy Rend down to say hi.
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: Masscre on May 28, 2009, 08:36:25 AM
Then you could just add in the script to look for rend if found recall or SJ out and then wait 1 hour and try again.
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: TrailMyx on May 28, 2009, 08:37:22 AM'll have guys roll through and bring his Rept buddy Rend down to say hi.

NO!!!  I've never done that!  Nope, not me.  No way, that's not nice.  ;D
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: _C2_ on May 28, 2009, 08:48:29 AM
you cannot recall or sacred out of there but maybe you could afk grobu or lurg
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: Toptwo on May 28, 2009, 08:51:12 AM
I wont try Miasma AFK...Rend is to close. But I farm Miasma a LOT

my char of choice is whammy
120 Bushido
 85 Chiv
 50 Necro
120 Parry
100 SS
120 Swords
115 Tactics

I wear faction armor (heart of lion, crimson, fey leggings, Mace and shields, and Primer)

I use Soul seeker for the Reaps.

Clear your way into Miasma of everything that will mess with you. (Minatours)

I carry about 25 GCure pots with me, and thats it.

I only use Honor,  EoO, Concecrate, and Lightning strike. I never go into wraith form, or need to curse weapon.

If you are poisoned wait til you kill Miasma before you use GCure (I have been poisoned by the same Miasma 4 times, so learned the hard way about going through to many Pots)

My preffered method: I go into where Miasma spawns, Honor it, then lure it outside its spawn area between the 2 buildings (I do this so I have time to loot it before the next one spawns) It sometimes drops good stuff! I dont run with much luck 390 or so because of the faction armor, but with perfection this will boost up to like 1390. Not bad.

I can usually kill 3-4 Miasmas (and loot em) before EoO wears off.


Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: Masscre on May 28, 2009, 12:01:42 PM
What about scripting miasma with a archer and then a stealther looting the corpses?
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: _C2_ on May 28, 2009, 12:04:01 PM
What about scripting miasma with a archer and then a stealther looting the corpses?

You reveal every time you loot but it could be done
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: Masscre on May 28, 2009, 01:03:45 PM
Yea i was thinking over this the other day to place my archer on the building and kill off Miasma repeatedly and then have a 2nd account with stealth mage to loot with claw maybe and then inv or hide which ever is possible to certain weight and then stealth out and drop loot and then come back :)
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: DeadIssue2 on May 28, 2009, 07:36:28 PM
Ahh I am always silly in forgetting to mention.... I am a siege player. No one ever walks into there to farm. I can lure the rend deep and sit there all DAY and not be bothered. And since I am by far the meanest PK on the shard people steer clear when they see any of my other chars doing anything. That is when they try to be friends instead of trying to harass me. I am starting to believe that C2's dexer farmer might just be able to handle it.
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: rana70 on May 30, 2009, 06:41:32 AM
What about scripting miasma with a archer and then a stealther looting the corpses?

The 2nd Char Stealther Script has already be done... a few moons ago ...  :) at least for non SP shard rules it works  ;)

To avoid looting and becoming visible I just assume the "main kill Char" will drop the keep stuff (gold/chests) on the ground
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: DeadIssue2 on May 30, 2009, 08:59:03 AM
Yeah i think i saw that script and it should work just need to change the recall/sacred journey to TM gate subs and it will work, the thing in my mind is can a dexer take the miasma down without getting rocked in the jib. Thou the whole archer thing in a new thought. Is there some roof top that an archer can sit on right there?? how does that work? never even thought to think that.
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: Masscre on May 30, 2009, 09:06:02 PM
Oh yea there is a nice roof that you can sit off of and kill miasma and with a nice tailsman and a good bow you can slaugther her.
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: DeadIssue2 on May 31, 2009, 05:16:30 AM
Mind posting a screen shot of that roof and maybe how to get up there?? I was wondering about and didnt see any roof around except maybe the one to the east of the little miasma area but damn if I can get on that roof so not sure what, how , or where this is. And for that matter if the roof is a bit away how are you effectively luring the creature to your archer?
Title: Re: Best Miasma farming technique??
Post by: Cerveza on May 31, 2009, 10:15:52 AM
I've been up there. Need a mage and do the E-Field trick.