
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: ZenMaster on August 25, 2009, 08:19:22 PM

Title: I'm new ;)
Post by: ZenMaster on August 25, 2009, 08:19:22 PM
I have been looking for ages for a good Heartwood script I found one here I just need a GOOD first post :P

I don't have many scripts left on this PC but I do have this one that I like to keep running at times comes in pretty handy.
It will log you out on key words being said, like if a GM asks you How are you? or anything like that.

Code: [Select]
;GM Detect Sub-Script
;Use this in any with  any other you want, have a good day ;)

SET %journalScanLines 4  ;set this more to ensure you scan all lines
SET %VGMDLastQAnum  4 ;set this to however many words you want to logout on
;This is an example
;SET %VGMDQuestion1 The word you want to logout on seeing in journal
SET %VGMDQuestion1 Hello
SET %VGMDQuestion2 Hi
SET %VGMDQuestion3 Good
SET %VGMDQuestion4 How

FOR %VGMD_scans 1 %journalScanLines
     FOR %VGMD_QAnum 1 %VGMDLastQAnum
         IF %VGMDQuestion . %VGMD_QAnum IN #JOURNAL
               WAIT 1s 4s ;random waits between 3s and 6s
               gosub logout


sub logout
sound ringin.wav
event macro 8 1
set %safety_timer #scnt + 5
until #CONTNAME = paperdoll_gump || ( #scnt > %safety_timer )
wait 10
set %clickx #CONTPOSX + 214
set %clicky #CONTPOSY + 109
click %clickx %clicky f
set %safety_timer #scnt + 5
until #CONTNAME = yesno_gump || ( #scnt > %safety_timer )
set %clickx #CONTPOSX + 120
set %clicky #CONTPOSY + 85
click %clickx %clicky f

Enjoy, if you need any help or would like a script made let me know I can do just about anything.
Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: TrailMyx on August 25, 2009, 09:26:26 PM
Are you playing any freeshards?  How long have you been playing?  Most of us have been playing this silly game forever.  heh
Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: Toptwo on August 26, 2009, 04:42:00 AM
HIya Zen,

  Yep, its gonna be hard to get off restricted status with that intro. Tell us a little bit about yourself. What shard you play? OSI or Freeshard? What type of chars...put a little effort into a intro and you will be amazed how fast your restriced status is changed.
Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: Cerveza on August 26, 2009, 05:06:49 AM
sub logout
sound ringin.wav
... lots of stuff

Have you considered:

terminate UO


event macro 20 0
Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: Endless Night on August 26, 2009, 06:31:14 AM
Also check out #jindex.

Welcome .. what shards you play on freeshard osi ??  Hopefully another pacific player... as pacific players rule !!!!

Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: TripleView on August 26, 2009, 07:18:26 PM
I'm Zen some how my account got messed up so I made a new one ;)
I play OSI shards I been around for ages I helped make some of the first Sphere shards i'm really interested in the Heartwood script here I want to take a look at how he made the sub to toggle quest items.

I had no idea it was so hard to get off restricted access :/
But ehmm I have been around UO since it came out helped make some of the first Sphere shards, I think the new thing is RunUO but I don't know I havn't been into that scene for soem time. I also helped make the first EverQuest EMU called EQemu, that also got be banned from EQ ;)

I also work in C, and VB and have made some really nice 2d engines, and 3d engines.

When I come across a problem like the one I am having I really want to figure it out so Trail if you could send me the Heartwood script that would be great, I just want to know how you did the quest item toggler without lexia subs. Thanks
Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: Endless Night on August 26, 2009, 07:44:13 PM
Toggling quest items is relatively easy.   Heres what i use in my scripts.

This only targets 1 item but you could mod it to target as many as you want.  TM has an additional sophistication in his script that READS the context menu to determine the postion of the Toggle Questitem selection.

PS Personally i never use Lexia subs.. they dont cut it for me.
Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: TripleView on August 26, 2009, 07:47:44 PM
Code: [Select]
If Quest , #Spc , Item notin #Property
Event Macro 22 0

I was trying to scan the property of the item if Quest Item wasn't in the item then it would click it but it keeps getting stuck on the same item and clicking it over and over.

Try the Kalocr subs that's amazing to do with something like easyuo.

Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: Toptwo on August 27, 2009, 04:36:47 AM

I had no idea it was so hard to get off restricted access :/

It isnt a bit hard to get off restricted status. All it requires is a little thought and effort when posting a introduction. Your second attempt was so much better then your first, had you done it first TM or Cerv would have had you off restriction as soon as they logged on. All of the master scripters here work very hard to put out the scripts they do, I dont think it to much to ask for a good intro so they know who they are giving that hard work out to.

Anyway, welcome to the site, enjoy!
Title: Re: I'm new ;)
Post by: Noobie on August 27, 2009, 08:41:38 PM
Welcome to the site.  8)