
General => Off Topic => Topic started by: Hoby on September 09, 2009, 05:45:23 PM

Title: alexandria
Post by: Hoby on September 09, 2009, 05:45:23 PM
How do I go about loggin in to alexandria with razor not working? 
Title: Re: alexandria
Post by: TrailMyx on September 09, 2009, 09:52:49 PM
Well if you patched today, you won't be able to connect to Alexandria at all.  You'll have to re-install and patch back up to so you can use Razor. 
Title: Re: alexandria
Post by: Hoby on September 09, 2009, 10:12:36 PM
thats what i thought, guess ill wait out the three days after its updated.  Time to do some bods i think.
Title: Re: alexandria
Post by: Artaxerxes on September 17, 2009, 01:29:41 PM
Actually it's not just razor I think. UOAI handles the encryption patching correctly (i think so at least) but with a v7 or higher client i'm still not able to connect to any free shard (login works, once connected to the gameserver i get the welcome message... but then the client gets stuck). There were new packets introduced with UOSA which i'm guessing are now fully supported by the 2d clients starting from v7. As long as they aren't supported by runuo and other emulators v7 clients are not going to work, even if razor would be updated.

Title: Re: alexandria
Post by: Artaxerxes on September 18, 2009, 01:22:07 AM
Ok, seems i was wrong about this; protocol-changes are already supported by runuo it seems; that is i can connect without problems to UOGamers using a v7.0.0.0 client after patching encryption with UOAI.

I can post a small AutoIt-app using UOAI here which will allow you to connect to free-servers with v7.0.0.0 clients if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: alexandria
Post by: Artaxerxes on September 18, 2009, 02:46:37 AM
Since Razor is not supporting v7.0.0.0 client's yet, i wrote a simple tool to connect to freeservers based on UOAI. Find it on the UOAI forums (

It does ...
Important: You need the correct version of the UOAI COM library installed (currently there's a seperate version for v7 clients); and you need to run this tool as administrator.

Don't know if this is of any use to anyone, feedback is welcome.

Title: Re: alexandria
Post by: Scotch_Tape on September 18, 2009, 10:36:15 AM
I'm interested in the AutoIT script.  I downloaded it about a week ago and trying to figure it out. 
Title: Re: alexandria
Post by: Artaxerxes on September 18, 2009, 10:56:15 AM
I'm interested in the AutoIT script.  I downloaded it about a week ago and trying to figure it out.  

Yea it's quite easy to use, yet you can get a lot done with it; and it can all be wrapped up in a nice, small executable with very little dependencies.
I learned about it from another member on the UOAI forums (I think k0ns or otherwise Boydon... not sure anymore :) ).
It's really easy to use COM objects from AutoIT so I'm thinking about creating some more UOAI samples with AutoIt once I actually find time to write decent documentation for UOAI. :)