
Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts => Scripting Chat => Topic started by: NObama on October 15, 2009, 06:46:50 PM

Title: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 15, 2009, 06:46:50 PM
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Bagenholt on October 15, 2009, 08:56:50 PM
Can you actualy use the endless water trick on this quest? I've tried but failed and I've used different patchs of wave tiles with different pitchers even got hold of a begged pitcher but couldn't get it to work. Only for my gardening.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 04:49:28 AM
Interesting tip, thanks.  I thought it would work, but can't actually recall verifying...

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 16, 2009, 04:56:20 AM
Ive been meaning to do a bag and powder script for years just never seem to get around to it.  I did start once.

I thought the endless water trick no longer worked ??? Or maybe i was doing it wrong
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Scrripty on October 16, 2009, 06:28:25 AM
Ive been meaning to do a bag and powder script for years just never seem to get around to it.  I did start once.

I thought the endless water trick no longer worked ??? Or maybe i was doing it wrong

I'd be interested in helping with this.  Shouldn't be too difficult...
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 12:36:57 PM
UPDATE:  See original post for rails.

Entrance_to_hole = runs from initial entrance to first hole
hole1_to_hole2 = runs to second hole, which is where the queen resides
holes2_to_tank = moves toon to the nearest water tank.

Written using TMs railengine, so you'll need the appropriate components to test it.

Also, as I write this, I'm using the Trammel Ant Hole entrance located at: x1722 y815

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 01:05:51 PM
Okay - I hit a snag already.

I'm trying to build the very first subroutine, which simply recalls to the ant hole i've chosen.  

This will open the runebook, but it won't click the rune page.  It eventually starts running around saying 'can't get there' which completely baffles me.

Drat, I thought this first step would be a whirlwind slam dunk, too.

EDIT: I've F7ed my way through the script, and it doesn't ever seem to recognize that %ant_start is!

Code: [Select]

REMOVED, because I'm now using TM's subs.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Scrripty on October 16, 2009, 01:20:08 PM
You're overcomplicating.  You only need 2 runes.  Simply define them.  Or make it 2 books.  And just target the books by name or something.  Or by book id...  You can auto do it later.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 01:23:01 PM
You're overcomplicating. 

Story of my life.  I suppose I'm just so excited that I went for the cadillac when a VW would work just fine...i'll switch it up.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 01:28:26 PM
You know, on second thought, this should really be working and I can't see why it's not.  All I've done at this point is cut/paste and adjust variable names...

Can anyone step through it and give me their take?

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 16, 2009, 02:33:57 PM
I would recommend using TMs Runebook subs... thier posted in the public script area on these boards.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 04:06:51 PM
I'll take a look, thanks.


EDIT: Worked like a charm, thanks.  Next stop, tilescanning to enter the hole...
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 04:24:03 PM
Hmm...overcomplicating again.  For the moment, I'm using hard coded click locs.  Someone can walk me through a sexy way to code it later...

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 16, 2009, 04:49:29 PM
As i said i had started on this some time ago

For a subroutine that will enter an ant hole see my snippet thread .. link below
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 07:25:53 PM
That worked wonders, EN - Thanks!

Alright.  Before I proceed to the next section, I must ask for TM's help on my rail.  I have created the rail and I run it without difficulty.  Unfortunately, the uneven ground in the ant caves tends to cause the rail to hang.  If you have a moment, TM, I'd appreciate it if you could run the entrance_to_hole rail and tell me what you encounter and how you might fix it.

Current status: I can successfully get to the queen's cavern (not counting my rail issues).  Next, I have to figure out how to find her every time.

Thanks for the suggestions folks.  This is actually moving along pretty well.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 07:41:27 PM I sit here eating oreo cookie ice cream, I wonder:

Could it be as simple as: Move to A, scan for queen, move to B, scan, C, scan, event pathfind to queen?

Hmm...That almost seems too easy.  There is bound to be something that will block me...


EDIT:  Nope, hardcoding that doesn't work.  The queen moves around too much and there are too many obstacles.  Plus, I don't actually need to get next to her....I just need her to be on the screen somewhere.

Maybe if I get rid of the event pathfind and just focus on getting her on the screen...
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 16, 2009, 09:04:31 PM
how about creating a pathfind loop that stops every 10squares and looks for the queen. Starts at spot x,y loops and ends back at x,y .. Below i wrote the code to find the queen just need Queen Type filled in .. and the x y z cords added in...

Code -->...

ps i didnt test this code wrote off the top of my head should be about 98% working thow.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 16, 2009, 09:06:14 PM
Funny, that's exactly what I was struggling with.  You should see the hash of code I was trying to make three times as long as what you just posted and completely non-functional.

Mixing this in...


EDIT:  EN, the code works.  I'm having trouble understanding how to generate movement when the queen isn't on the screen, but it successfully recognizes when she is.  I need to pick at your snippet until I understand...there is so much I still don't know.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 17, 2009, 01:45:36 PM
EN - Thanks again for your help last night.  I've adapted your on-the-fly railengine to overcome the significant terrain hurdles that were choking TMs rail tool.

I get within sight of the final ant hole before reaching the queens chamber, and the script gets stuck.  This is the routine I'm using to run from the first interior hole to the second.  I think there is a problem with the loopvalue getting reset...but I can't seem to overcome it.

Note:  The loopvalue > 10 line is needed to keep me from accidentally going back and forth between the same hole.

I was able to tweak the first leg of the rail to the first underground hole by changing the radius within which I was scanning for the hole.  Doesn't seem to be helping me out this time...still "Can't get there."

Code: [Select]
sub ENs_FindHole2
  If %Hole2LoopValueMax = N/A
    gosub SetupHole2LoopValues
  set !holefound #False
  set !Loopvalue 0
    gosub hole2move !loopvalue
    if !loopvalue > 10
    gosub findhole2
  until #result   ; hole found

; finish the loop.
;  repeat
;    gosub hole2move !loopvalue
;  Until !loopvalue >= %Hole2LoopValueMAx

wait 15
Sub Hole2Move
    set !x %Hole2LoopValuex . %1
    set !y %Hole2LoopValuey . %1
    set !z %Hole2LoopValuez . %1
    set !Exit 20
      set !Exit !exit - 1
      event pathfind !x !y !z
      wait 1
    Until ( #Charposx = !x && #charposy = !y ) || !exit < 1
    set !loopvalue !loopValue + 1
    If !loopvalue >= %Hole2LoopValueMAx
      set !LoopValue 1

sub SetupHole2LoopValues
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5812 2013 0
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5812 2007 2
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5812 1999 2
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5812 1989 2
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5812 1979 2
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5820 1971 4
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5829 1962 0
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5840 1951 4
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5850 1941 1
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5850 1930 4
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5860 1920 1
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5864 1911 1
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5873 1902 1
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5878 1897 1
  gosub AddHole2loopvalue  5880 1895 0

sub AddHole2LoopValue
  if %Hole2LoopValueMAx = N/A
     set %Hole2LoopValueMax 0
  set %Hole2LoopValueMax %Hole2LoopValueMax + 1
  set %Hole2LoopValuex . %Hole2LoopValueMax   %1
  set %Hole2LoopValuey . %Hole2LoopValueMax   %2
  set %Hole2LoopValuez . %Hole2LoopValueMax   %3
sub FindHole2
  set #result #false
  finditem PUI_SUI_RVB G_5
  If #Findcnt > 0
    set !exit 15
      finditem PUI_SUI_RVB G_5
      Event Pathfind #findx #findy #findz  ; the hole
      wait 1
      set !exit !exit -1
      finditem PUI_SUI_RVB G_2
    Until !exit < 1 || #findcnt > 0
    set #result #findcnt > 0
Return #Result
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 17, 2009, 01:47:53 PM
Wait!  On a whim, I tried *increasing* the scan radius to 15.  Worked once, going to see if I can repeat it.


EDIT: repeated flawlesslesslessly three times.  I can now get from anywhere (recallable) in sosaria to the Ant Queen.

Next:  Obtaining the quest and killing ants.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 17, 2009, 01:51:45 PM
Pm me the script so far so i can look it over and steamline it a bit.. i forsee lots of repeated code that can be gotten rid of.

ps which ant hole should do you start at.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 19, 2009, 07:47:32 PM
In case anyone's following our progress, we're darn near done.  One last subroutine (an easy one, frankly) and then some bug squashing and optimization.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Oracle on October 21, 2009, 01:53:52 PM
Since they fixed the 'Bag of Sending', I have used the BOS so many times now.  My latest place is in the Primeval Lich Champ Spawn Area.  when I find some bones and return them to their Grave and it's Ghost gives me the reward, that gets sent to the bank immediately with my BOS.  First time I was running around the Spawn area with some rewards in my backpack, some friendly reds came up and asked me to empty my backpack.  Now it does not have those rewards in it at least.

Other ways I have used it are sending silver to the bank while farming, sending an artifact to the bank while fighting, sending a stack of imbuing ingredients that were a 'pain in the arse' to get.  So much cheaper than Insurance!

This is a great script idea and would love to help in any way that I can.  
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 21, 2009, 03:39:34 PM
Can you elaborate on the grave/bones thing from the Lich spawn?  Do you find the bones on the ground, or are they loot?

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Scrripty on October 21, 2009, 04:49:29 PM
Can you elaborate on the grave/bones thing from the Lich spawn?  Do you find the bones on the ground, or are they loot?


I use my pvm dexer a TON to farm items.  I've been considering writing this script for a while now, so if you guys need help, pm/email me some code. :)  Otherwise I'm putting in my dibs for a final version please!
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 21, 2009, 06:22:16 PM
Twinkle McNugget, we're basically done, minus one minor pathfinding routine that neither one of us have had the time to write.  I imagine this will work it's way to the elite section, once we bug test.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Scrripty on October 21, 2009, 06:57:58 PM
Twinkle McNugget, we're basically done, minus one minor pathfinding routine that neither one of us have had the time to write.  I imagine this will work it's way to the elite section, once we bug test.


Yea, please don't release this one.  Keep it private, and let me in. :)  I'll trade ya pvm dexer access. haha
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Oracle on October 22, 2009, 12:04:08 PM
Can you elaborate on the grave/bones thing from the Lich spawn?  Do you find the bones on the ground, or are they loot?

I have played with this and it works very nicely.  The rails are smooth and it seems to find the Queen each time with no problems now.  I would also like to put in my dibs for a copy of the final release.  I use so much powder that I need to go on at least every other week or every week to do the Quest running around the Ant Caverns farming all those little purple 'Zoogi Fungus'.

To answer your question, NObama: What happens is this.  Soon after the Champ Altar is popped, there is a random chance that a set of bones lying in the area will be highlightable with a red tinge.  If you look at the bones, there will be a bane in them.  Pick them up and find its matching Gravestone and double click the dirt in front of its Gravestone.  A Ghost will appear thanking you for returning its bones to its gravesite with a random gift (a Soul Gem, which I have no idea its current function or use, a bag of gems, a bone container, etc.) Some Gravestones will also be highlightable so you know that they are in play.  After the spawn gets to the 5th Candle, then there will be a set of bones somewhere in the Area to pick up.  I have seen as many as 5 sets of bones during a spawn...

Hope this helps...

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 22, 2009, 01:21:30 PM
Nobama Ill probably be able to get to working on this one tommorrow.. if your around... :)
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 22, 2009, 04:01:32 PM
Excellent EN!  I'm chomping at the bit to run this...endlessly...

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 24, 2009, 08:15:24 AM
Me to ... unfortunatly. Real Life and some emergency scripting got in the way of finishing this... soon hopefully soon.. i need some powder.. .. arr the white stuff...   !!   

(Trans power that is)
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Scrripty on October 24, 2009, 10:12:18 AM
Probly a fairly large market for bags of sending too.  I'll help with that if anyone wants to mod it to do both... :)
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Oracle on October 24, 2009, 11:34:18 AM
It's funny how all of a sudden "white powder" has come into such high demand.  Both Powder of Translocation and Powder of Fortifying have both shot up in price.  Fortifying Powder used to hover around 25-40k per 10 uses and now it is up to 120-150k and rising...

Supply and demand!  That is the name of the game!

Need to farm those Zoogi Fungus and get me some 'white powdah'...and put it in a cool bag, man!
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 24, 2009, 12:00:21 PM
Me to ... unfortunatly. Real Life and some emergency scripting got in the way of finishing this... soon hopefully soon.. i need some powder.. .. arr the white stuff...   !!   

(Trans power that is)

Work harder!  Work faster!  I could finish it on my own, but it would be a brute force solution compared to EN's elegant scripting.  He can take half as many lines of code and do twice as much as I can...

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 24, 2009, 03:20:34 PM
Me to ... unfortunatly. Real Life and some emergency scripting got in the way of finishing this... soon hopefully soon.. i need some powder.. .. arr the white stuff...   !!   

(Trans power that is)

Work harder!  Work faster!  I could finish it on my own, but it would be a brute force solution compared to EN's elegant scripting.  He can take half as many lines of code and do twice as much as I can...


That maybe or may not be true .. but what is true is that i havent found the time.. err.. so if you have the time go ahead brute force it .. it might be ugly .. but once i get the time ill make the good looking twin.. and they can battle it out for supremacy
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Scrripty on October 24, 2009, 09:10:42 PM
Me to ... unfortunatly. Real Life and some emergency scripting got in the way of finishing this... soon hopefully soon.. i need some powder.. .. arr the white stuff...   !!   

(Trans power that is)

Work harder!  Work faster!  I could finish it on my own, but it would be a brute force solution compared to EN's elegant scripting.  He can take half as many lines of code and do twice as much as I can...


That maybe or may not be true .. but what is true is that i havent found the time.. err.. so if you have the time go ahead brute force it .. it might be ugly .. but once i get the time ill make the good looking twin.. and they can battle it out for supremacy

I agree, if it works, it doesn't matter how pretty the scripting is. :)
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 25, 2009, 06:46:04 AM
If I have some time today, I'll see what I can come up with.  I just know I'm going to end up with a solution that makes the toon run all around that room again...will add like 5 minutes to each iteration... =/

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 25, 2009, 07:16:35 AM turns out I only had to add one line of code and move the order of two subs around.  I can't test it right now, but I think it's done.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 25, 2009, 09:59:54 AM
Getting stuck in a loop.  The FindQueen sub keeps finding her over and over and over...easy fix if I can code an exit.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Oracle on October 25, 2009, 12:35:26 PM

If you get something put together, we can test it for you. There may be other issues that some people have.  For instance, on some Quest Scripts, SA adds an extra line "Loyalty Rating" to the Quest Context menu and that needs to be altered.  Not saying that is the case here, just using that as an example.

Looking forward to trying this out...Powder is all the rage?  Is it?
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: cgeorgemo on October 25, 2009, 01:22:28 PM
The big spike in demand for PoT was the introduction of the puzzle boards and the ability to use BoS to get tons of them. I bought up all the powder on LS and all the BoS I could find as well.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 25, 2009, 03:53:16 PM
Powder isn't all the rage anymore, this is just a script I've wanted to write for 5 years - and, with EN's help, I finally can.

Incidentally, I had to scrap my first solution and add new subs.  Fortunately, every piece appears to work now.  Next: complete runthrough of entire script.


Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 25, 2009, 06:28:55 PM
Conversation Continued here
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Scrripty on October 26, 2009, 09:08:39 AM
Conversation Continued here

Awww comon! :)
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Endless Night on October 26, 2009, 09:11:09 AM
WEll it would have been continued thier but err icouldnt set up the rights right or something...

So Nobama TM fixed it so this time conversation continued as above lol
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: 12TimesOver on October 26, 2009, 09:29:41 AM
Need to farm those Zoogi Fungus and get me some 'white powdah'...and put it in a cool bag, man!
I have a snippet somewhere I had written a while back that basically stealthed around one of the Zoogi spawn areas picking the Zoogi up off the ground and BOS'ng it to the bank when full. You can gather A LOT of Zoogi that way if you don't mind AFK'ng it on an account that isn't doing anything more lucrative at the time ;)

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on October 26, 2009, 03:40:38 PM
Really, XII?  I thought they only spawned slowly and in small numbers...hmm...

Thanks for the tip!

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: 12TimesOver on October 26, 2009, 03:47:09 PM
they do spawn slowly and in small numbers which is why I was saying use an acocunt you're not using anyhow :P

But either way it's still worth being able to collect AFK with nearly zero risk of dying or getting paged on.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Oracle on November 09, 2009, 09:04:02 AM
Need to farm those Zoogi Fungus and get me some 'white powdah'...and put it in a cool bag, man!
I have a snippet somewhere I had written a while back that basically stealthed around one of the Zoogi spawn areas picking the Zoogi up off the ground and BOS'ng it to the bank when full. You can gather A LOT of Zoogi that way if you don't mind AFK'ng it on an account that isn't doing anything more lucrative at the time ;)

That's great!  I happen to have a couple of Accounts that are just holding houses that I don't have the heart to sell or get rid of.  Been trying to find a way to have the characters productive.  I have started some of them Gardening out of their backpacks.  I could add Gardening Zoogi Funguses to their list of duties...   ;D

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: cgeorgemo on November 13, 2009, 08:33:16 AM
Need to farm those Zoogi Fungus and get me some 'white powdah'...and put it in a cool bag, man!
I have a snippet somewhere I had written a while back that basically stealthed around one of the Zoogi spawn areas picking the Zoogi up off the ground and BOS'ng it to the bank when full. You can gather A LOT of Zoogi that way if you don't mind AFK'ng it on an account that isn't doing anything more lucrative at the time ;)

Do they have to stealth? If I get one of the toons friended to the hive he wouldn't have to be stealthed right? I could just have him walk around picking it up all day with some rails.
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on November 13, 2009, 08:53:39 PM
Correct - stealth is really just a precaution against pagers.

Unless you go near ant lions or beetles...

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Oracle on November 14, 2009, 10:47:08 AM
I can't wait until this Script gets finalized.  I lose more Bags of Sending dying in the Abyss, but find myself needing to take another one with me when I go farm for Imbuing Ingredients.  The Renonwned Wyvern Spawn is actually pretty lucrative when it comes to gold and yields some nice essences there too.  You can get Faery Dust, Fairy Wings, Essence of Order, and other useful Imbuing Ingredients there.  Often times, I find myself overweight and then ask myself, "Where is my Bag of Sending"? 

*A Discord Tamer or Archer Tamer seems to be the best template for farming Ingredients (in my opinion).
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: gen2000 on December 04, 2009, 12:36:36 AM
Wow, what a cool idea. Too bad I don't have elite status..

Been trying to think of a new script to write, guess I've got something to do..   ;)
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: NObama on December 04, 2009, 12:22:52 PM
I don't have elite status either, just a lot of patience and some tutelage from Endless Night.

Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: gen2000 on December 04, 2009, 03:04:41 PM
I don't have elite status either, just a lot of patience and some tutelage from Endless Night.


Ya, I love the ideas I've got from this site. I've seen thing I would have never thought of before.  :D
Title: Re: Project Idea: Ant Quest Helper
Post by: Tholomew on March 07, 2010, 03:34:13 PM
I made one from lots of different peoples scripts a year or 2 ago, it is probably pretty messy but didn't fail that much.

It recalls to black ants, kills either 7 and loots the mushies, or keeps killing enough until you have 200, I normally just farm them seperatley before.

Then it recalls to my boat, fills the pitcher 8 times, because the thing will drain an unlimited one anyway I think.

The recalls to the quest goes through all the holes, rails to the queen, does everything and loops back to black ants.