
General => Off Topic => Topic started by: xenoglyph on October 29, 2009, 12:29:07 AM

Title: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: xenoglyph on October 29, 2009, 12:29:07 AM
A while back I was approached by a chick who asked me if I'd heard of a band called Gogol Bordello.  I said bordello what?  She said I looked like the lead singer and assured me that was a good thing (she lied).  So I asked her what type of music they played and she told me "gypsy punk".  At that moment I knew one thing: I had to check this band out...and I'm glad I did, they kick ass.  The Cd "Gypsy Punks Underdog World Strike" is especially good.

Think a group of eastern europeans playing accordion/violin, banging on buckets and singing heavily accented punk themed lyrics.  Sounds awesome, right?
Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: TrailMyx on October 29, 2009, 12:33:41 AM
Man Xenoglyph, you come up with the strangest stuff!  Cool, though.  It's kinda like Borat meets Tenacious D.  lol
Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: Coragin on October 29, 2009, 12:49:05 AM
Evans Blue.  Heard them in a profile song surfing myspace and liked the song.  Nothing else besides that and that was two years ago.
Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: xenoglyph on October 29, 2009, 12:51:49 AM
Man Xenoglyph, you come up with the strangest stuff!  Cool, though.  It's kinda like Borat meets Tenacious D.  lol

i'm innocent this time, it's her fault!  they were at 4th and B a couple weeks ago, bummed that I couldn't go :(

Just checked em out Coragin, not bad, but not my style...thanks for sharing.  If anyone feels bad about not having any music to contribute feel free to go find some and report back  ;D
Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: 12TimesOver on October 29, 2009, 06:09:22 AM
A while back I was approached by a chick who asked me if I'd heard of a band called Gogol Bordello.  I said bordello what?  She said I looked like the lead singer and assured me that was a good thing (she lied).  So I asked her what type of music they played and she told me "gypsy punk".  At that moment I knew one thing: I had to check this band out...and I'm glad I did, they kick ass.  The Cd "Gypsy Punks Underdog World Strike" is especially good.

Think a group of eastern europeans playing accordion/violin, banging on buckets and singing heavily accented punk themed lyrics.  Sounds awesome, right?
Haha too funny to see you bring up Gogol. Eugene (the lead singer) used to be my bass player in a band I started in the early 90's. We gigged for about 3 years together. I always told him he should move to NYC and do something more important. When we broke up he started a punk band called The Fags with a drummer friend of mine and eventually did end up moving to the city. Next thing you know he's making a ton of noise in The Village Voice, etc. Funny thing is that I had planned on moving too, not necessarily with him, but with the drummer from the same band; I had made some connections and had been getting some attention from some people more important in the industry than I was. My girlfriend at the time said "no way" to moving to NYC and I stayed here and married her instead. TBH, probably saved my life.

Man it's a small world! I can't say I'm a fan of Gogol but I am definitely a fan of Eugene and always knew he would do something.

Anyway, the most recent find I've made on the music scene is a band called Walls of Jericho. If you are down with the Metalcore scene then you have got to check them out. The singer is a chick and on the newest album you would never even know it. She is smokin!

Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: cgeorgemo on October 29, 2009, 06:31:09 AM
Local band with 3 of my friends/co-workers in it.
Singer, Lead Guitar and Bass
Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: xenoglyph on October 29, 2009, 10:52:24 PM
Anyway, the most recent find I've made on the music scene is a band called Walls of Jericho. If you are down with the Metalcore scene then you have got to check them out. The singer is a chick and on the newest album you would never even know it. She is smokin!


that chick is badass.  in the song i listened to she was the only one that shined, but i'll have to track down some more.  i'm really picky about the metal i listen to... have some lamb of god in right now.
Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: 12TimesOver on October 30, 2009, 05:13:19 AM
Yeah she is definitely the star of that group; the rest of the band is good, very tight and have some excellent breakdowns and good change transitions but they aren't necessarily anything special. Candace Kucsulain is frigging incredible though. If you dig into their discography you'll find that she is also a dynamite vocalist and her lyrics are better in the mellower tracks.

I'm a fan of Lamb of God, very talented musicians and decent, mature lyrics. I get bored with them quickly though and have to move on to something else.

Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: camotbik on November 01, 2009, 03:33:58 AM & .

I'm always uploading songs that i liked on, so here are few latest drops - maybe you'll find something for you. ; ; ; ; ; this weeks
+ & ;

I hope I'm not breaking the rules, by posting these links. If I'm, I'm sorry and I ask you(moderator) to remove them.
Title: Re: Coolest band you've discovered lately?
Post by: 12TimesOver on November 01, 2009, 05:02:24 AM
Hey xeno, my old singer just posted a pic of us on his Facebook page playing a gig back in the early 90's where Eugene (from Gogol) was our bass player It's a terrible shot of me (can only see some of my hair) but you should see how different Eugene looks as a punk kid :) I may have to post this one!