
Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts => Scripting Chat => Topic started by: kenshin87 on February 21, 2010, 10:44:58 AM

Title: NAvrey
Post by: kenshin87 on February 21, 2010, 10:44:58 AM
Hey everyone so i was thinking to myself about this stupid Navrey spider thing. so i was wondering if i could get some assistance on a script that i am putting together. as of now its just a thought and i want to make sure it can be done. so my look on it is that there should be a rail that will walk around the dungeon area probably with 6 way points. i was wondering if it should be a txt file or if i should have the way points within the scirpt. second i will def need some help putting together the area scan for the navrey. also to top it all off i want it too loop after 15 minutes as soon as the spider dies. that way it wont look like you are actually doing this macro style and more on a timer. a looting function would be great i was thinking of asking permission to use CLaw. let me know your thoughts and if you will be able to help. thank you in advance.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Scrripty on February 21, 2010, 01:34:49 PM
I'm sure if you start writing it and post it up someone will help debug your code... especially people interested in what you're doing. :)  And I know there's a few of them on the site.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: kenshin87 on February 21, 2010, 03:22:56 PM
ok i was just wondering before i started if i should have built in way points or have the script call the rail from a .txt. any thought from anyone?
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Masscre on February 21, 2010, 03:41:55 PM
IT according to how many way points but for starters I would just incorporate in the script unless you want to make it more complicated.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: kenshin87 on February 22, 2010, 11:47:19 AM
so for anyone that is following i decided to implement a built in rail with the script. i talked to some of the other elites and this seems to be the best way to go. dont have to have other tabs running with other scripts. plus no need to have an extra file for setup especially with everyone having different OS's  this will be the easiest. more to come shortly. any ideas with what you may want to see would be cool.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Masscre on February 22, 2010, 11:49:47 AM
Add in a rail to go to the laundry room and do my laundry also please.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: kenshin87 on February 22, 2010, 05:25:07 PM
will take it into consideration. fabric softener or leave that if statement?
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Petkiller on February 22, 2010, 09:21:02 PM
My script has 5 way points and a random end point.  The only tricky part it when nav warps you to a far wall.  I have my script save the spot where first detects nav then runs back there if it gets web warped.  When nav dies it resets my timer to wait 14 mins then run the rail every 30-40 secs till it spawns.  My script has gotten one tangle so far.   I had to put pots into mine cause in the mornings people trigger that rock storm and it will hit hard.  My archery version runs out of supplies but the spellweaver one seems to work better because of auto rez on gift of life and gift of renewal and attunement spells.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: kenshin87 on February 23, 2010, 07:00:17 AM
yeah i figured down there 5-6 way points would be the most i would need. i was actually thinking the same thing as you. with the autosave of the last location and just have the script walk it back to the last save spot. and yeah i was thinking doing the 15 mins instead of 14 minutes because i would rather have my dragon be the second or third dragon on it so it wont be the one getting attacked. as far as the 30-40 second wait time i figured it would look more realistic if it ran it continually because stopping at the same location everytime would just seem a bit obvious. thanks for the input so far if you have any more ideas let me know! will begin writing it this week sometime. i have the movement portion of it done already so woot woot lol.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Cerveza on February 23, 2010, 07:03:48 AM
I have a pretty cool sub to randomly move you to ending points. You can set the end point radius so you don't look all scripted.

Find it HERE (

It uses "move" so it works in larger areas but not as well with a lot of clutter. Sounds like it would work great for Navrey's Lair.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: kenshin87 on February 23, 2010, 07:26:16 AM
also i would like confirmation on if the tangle and the night eyes appears in the back pack only and you dont have to loot anything off the corpse. thank you cerveza i will take a look at it in a bit
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Cerveza on February 23, 2010, 07:28:12 AM
Backpack, not that I've gotten one. The one time I was there someone got one and the question was asked.

It's like an artifact. It appears in the pack with the "you have been rewarded" message.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Masscre on February 23, 2010, 07:44:34 AM
Yes on the above.  I was the one that recieved the 'tangle' and i was given the message you have been rewarded with so so so so .... and it appeared in my backpack which i quickly insured :)
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Cerveza on February 23, 2010, 08:00:51 AM
Mass gets the good stuff.... I just get noobs at luna asking me to tailor them up stuff or tame them a swampy.
Title: Re: NAvrey
Post by: Masscre on February 23, 2010, 09:43:26 AM
Yea and the other day this guy walks up hey you new. I went like wth 'Yea i am new'.  So i am kinda with out stuff on this shard so any help will be good. He gives me 100k check, Nice LRC suit with DCI and HCI ring and bracelet, also gave me a full 64 spell Conjurerers Grimoire.  The book was the all time topper and all I was doing was scripting my scribe at the bank in a newbie suit :).  I was elated because now i have a really nice undead slayer book that does not spawn anymore.