
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: hxte on August 01, 2010, 01:25:48 PM

Title: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: hxte on August 01, 2010, 01:25:48 PM
My name is Arkane/hxte/hate/Nodal/Majih/blahblahblahblah. I've been playing uo on free servers since 1999. Started way back in the day on the Greyworld/TuS emulators then moved to sphere and finally runuo. Until i started playing the server i'm currently on, Pandora *free server*, its always been the standard 100 all stats cap 100 all skills cap. I've been playing a mage/necro build and enjoying it thoroughly. I recently quit wow because the game is just pathetic now and UO has always been the best MMORPG in my opinion. I've never been much for farming/crafting until i learned the pleasure of RUNUO recently, and i thank you all for your hard work so that i do not have to work hard ingame. Im not much of a speech/introduction type person, i'm more of a conversationalist. So uh what next. I am recently married to my girlfriend of 6 years and we both play UO together. Its fantastic to have someone who doesnt yell at you for playing a game but helps you out in it. I do not know what else to say.

Thank you all,
Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: baldielocks on August 02, 2010, 07:47:56 AM
Welcome arcane. Tell me, how did you get the GF / Wife to play? I am working on mine, but no luck ( even after 12 years of persistence!) ???
Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: 12TimesOver on August 02, 2010, 08:14:38 AM
I would hate it if my wife played. With my luck she would get hooked and I'd never see her again!

Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: jesterboo on August 02, 2010, 08:18:24 AM
That's ok, when i started playing 2 years ago, my wife hated the game and still does. But she plays the Sims, which she has all but i think 3 of the disc. I would like for my wife to play and start a tamer. i think she would get a kick out of it
Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: hxte on August 02, 2010, 04:08:33 PM
It was pretty easy to get my wife to play, she was a console junkie with games like donkey kong and the sort. I showed her a little about uo and BAM she was hooked. I she's super addicted too, but its ok because we have an adjoined desk :D
Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: TrailMyx on August 02, 2010, 04:30:47 PM
It was pretty easy to get my wife to play, she was a console junkie with games like donkey kong and the sort. I showed her a little about uo and BAM she was hooked. I she's super addicted too, but its ok because we have an adjoined desk :D

Just as long as she doesn't forget to make yer dinner!!
Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: hxte on August 02, 2010, 06:59:17 PM
Dude not funny. She didnt make me dinner today and I was pissed. She was going to make steak, but her little sister had her first breakup so she took her out to get icecream instead. Like, I dont care about her feelings, I care about my stomach.
Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: jesterboo on August 02, 2010, 07:25:02 PM
sorry to that, i hope her little sister is all better, but you know a bowl of cereal goes a long way. lol when she (wife) isn't around
Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: agirl on August 02, 2010, 08:08:41 PM
Hi hxte! The people here are great! My husband and I play together as well, although I think I am just his sugamomma sometimes! I do the crafting and farming and he does the spending! My husband played prior to my playing and the way he got me started was saying, Ugh I don't have time to work skills, you sit at home all day you should really work my skills for me while I am at I did what any good lil wifey would do and I got hooked. Thank god I found scripts when I finally started my own acct!
Title: Re: New player coming through watch your feet
Post by: Alpha on August 03, 2010, 11:43:08 AM
Lol....   I was in the process of Training parry Waaaay back in the day by getting like 12 Cats to attack me.   My GF (now wife) was in the Room & at some point I apparently auto defended & killed one of the cats which made that horrible screetching death noise they do.  My Wife looked horrified... lol     That's the reason she still gives to this day anytime I try tempting her to play UO.  "I'm never going to play a game where you can beat Cats to Death with a Club ...   = O