
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: JesterDev on October 13, 2010, 09:46:55 PM

Title: Been a long time.
Post by: JesterDev on October 13, 2010, 09:46:55 PM

It's been a long time since I've play UO. Actually that's not entirely true. I played for about a week or two in may of this year, but then quit again. My account(s) have been active since about 1999, and I played for several years before finally quitting for a few months, then coming back again, then quitting etc. Prior to my last 2 weeks of play I actually waited nearly a year and half before coming back. I was quite overwhelmed with all the changes and additions! But I always find myself coming back, so I never actually stopped paying the monthly fee.

I started out in Europa, even though I lived in the US. I really didn't know that I was playing on a European shard, till a few days later. But I met such great people I decided to stay for many years. In 2008ish I decided to move to a US shard, and found that I was totally lost, and had made a huge mistake. But I didn't want to pay for more tokens to move back, so I just stuck with it. While I still want to move back to Europa, I did check it out again in May and found that it too had changed so much that I would again be lost. Seems no one hangs out at the brit bank any more on any shard which I found to be quite a surprise! It was virtually empty.

Well enough of that. I'm coming back to UO once again, and well I was hoping to start up doing IDOCs again. That always seemed to be the most fun, exept when IDOCs where locked and people where paying millions even for a small house! I remember the days of daily rare spawns, and waking up at 4AM to be the first to grab a fruit basket, or even a rock. Getting off the subject here, sorry about that. I want to try my hand again at IDOCs, and see where it goes, and I figured by now there should be something more advanced then what we had back then: Run to house, click sign, go to next house, click sign.... rinse and repeat. I did have some sort of script that showed the status of a house, but didn't work very well.

Anyway I normally play hunter type characters, and also have a tamer. Exploring deep in to the dungeons in search of my next great challenge. That's what I love to do, and UO allows me to do that. Normally just me, all alone somewhere down in shame, or wherever hacking away at whatever comes my way. Always hoping to find a new secret or two, and pick up a bit o' treasure along the way. Hunting with a guild was always great too! My first day in UO I was offered to join a guild, and had such a blast for many years with them. Still have a custom blessed ring somewhere with the guild name inscribed on it. Don't remember how I got it, must have been an event item or something.

I also have a Crafter of course, another thing I love to do. Herne The Hunter is one on another account. Obviously I had other intentions with that one, but got started with mining to build of strength, and well the rest is history. :)

Tried my hand with a vendor house once or twice, but I find myself better suited to hunting, and collecting rares. Guess I will have to try my hand at a vendor house again since the old days of loitering at the brit bank are gone...

Sorry for the long introduction. When I get nostalgic, I get talkative!