
Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts => Script Debug => Topic started by: Superslayer on December 13, 2008, 12:18:22 PM

Title: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - [CLOSED]
Post by: Superslayer on December 13, 2008, 12:18:22 PM
Hi all.
Here I go again.

Barring any large bugs, changes, replacement or inclusions, this IS the last update of this particular script that will be posted publicly. If all goes well, My World Traveler script will hereafter be only available via private access for reasons to be revealed at the release of the full Version 1.0 and any thereafter.

In this Beta 0.9 release, there are no character rails or actions, other than selecting items in your backpack, home secure and/or bank box and possibly moving towards one of the many bankers/minters. I'm generally looking for feedback regarding this script's functionality and ease of use and understanding.

My UCI program is not used in this script (yet) however, the Kalocr.txt ( script is required.  Loads of information and details about this script is in the header, PLEASE take the time to read it before running and asking silly questions :) . I am making an attempt for this to be SUO compatible, and most likely, only SUO workable (for reasons yet to be revealed). The script is so far just over 2000 lines.

As mentioned, this script will not move your character via rail, but will recall to bank/your home ( given you select the option) and look for a banker/minter if selected. The Pause and Quit buttons are not functional (sub taken out atm), loop, Go to islands, and use a boat are in a way non function, but please do use them, and use all the options both in the script itself, and menu choices.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, encouraged along with your basic criticism :) .
Extract the .zip file to your Euo directory

Code: [Select]
; LAST PUBLIC RELEASE !!!! Beta Version 0.9
; Updates include:
;   Corrected issue with restocking bard instruments (again)
;   More Small code improvements in strings
;   Sub to use Runebook charge traveling capability not in TM Runebook Subs
;   Option to use or not use Special bard instruments. Special instruments include:
;      Gwenno's Harp, Iolo's Lute and all Flutes of Renewal. To use these instruments,
;      change the %Special_Instruments value to #True, otherwise set to #False to not use

; Script Name: Superslayer's World Traveler
; Author: Superslayer
; Version: .9
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 v148
; Shard: OSI
; Revision Date: 5-07-09
; Final Public Release: Beta 5-07-09
; Purpose: Walk the complete UO world one time from any starting position without
; going over the same area twice. (Aimed at all the possible housing locations).
; Find us at &

; Dependancies & Script Credits:
;    Kalocr.txt  --  MUST be in the same directory as EUO is installed AND this script !
;                 Can be dl'd here:

; Special thanks and Credit goes to TrailMyx for his:
;    Advanced Journal Scanner, Runebook/Spellcast Subs, GumpWait & OffsetClick Subs & AddUnderscore Sub
; Purpose : Walk the complete UO world one time from any starting position without
;  going over the same area twice. (Aimed at all the possible housing locations).

; ==== Instructions and How to ====
; Begin with your character either in your home or at a bank of your choice
; Have a runebook in your characters backpack. The first rune MUST be your rune home,
;   and any subsequent runes to any bank(s) IF you want.  Multiple banks are supported, however, bank rune(s) are not
;   required in the event you choose not to use a bank as a means of stocking any resources.
; If your magery is high enough to mark, please have a rune available in your backpack for
;   subsequent 'remarking'. This will be used as a 'return to location' in the event of a restock of resources is needed.
; Select your choices in the menu and press "Start".

; ==== What this script Does and Does Not do ====
; This script Does support using a dead character. It Will rez your character if requested and resume the setup if necessary.
;   You can ENTIRELY use this script while completely dead if chosen so. -Not completely implemented yet.
; This script Does NOT buy or make any resources that may be needed. All resources are to be supplied
;   by the user in any of the supported ways: bank secure box, home secure, and backpack.
; This script Does offer options in both the script itself, and the menu for users to change.
;   For internal script options not in the menu, see "User Config Options" below

; ==== Menu Descriptions ====
; Bank Secure : Use your bank secure for resources. i.e. recall scrolls, regs, instruments...etc.
; Home Secure : Use your home secure for resources. i.e. recall scrolls, regs, instruments...etc.
; Go to MSL's : Go to Malas Secret Locations. Assuming you already have marked runes to the locations
; MakeMSL's : Have a runebook with 9 runes in it. These will be remarked. No magery required. Runebook will be renamed.
;                   Having this checked will create the runes enabling your character to go to the Secret Locations.
; Return Rune : Use a rune to return to the current location after restocking any resources from your home/bank
; Go To Islands : If you have some runes to islands otherwise unreachable by walking/riding means, have these in a runebook
;                   no matter the name or order. The script will travel to them one by one from first to last. Multiple
;                   runebooks are supported.
; Stay Dead : Check this option to remain dead if already dead, or if you die along your travels. Keep unchecked to either
;                   rez your character when a healer is found if already dead, or rez-up if you die along your travels.
; Always Run : Check this to have your character run completely, or unchecked to walk.
; Loop Script : Enable this to continuously roam the lands until you log out/press the quit button or whatever. Leave unchecked
;                   to run the script once, and then stop.
; Use a Boat : Checking this will enable your character to go to islands that are otherwise inacessable if there is no rune
;                   currently in the users capability.

Update 5-16-09
Version Beta 0.9 Final Public release
Corrected issue with restocking bard instruments (again)
More small code improvements in strings
Added sub to use runebook charges for traveling capabilities
Option added to either use or not use Special Bard Instruments. They include:
Gwenno's Harp, Iolo's Lute and all Flutes of Renewal. See header for more information.

Update 5-07-09
Version Beta 0.85
Small Menu Adjustments
LRC count sub
TM_TravelFromRunebook & supporting subs
Bug fixed with peacemaking (didn't pick up an instrument if none found)
Eliminated requirement to 'comment out' lines in User Config, replaced with #true/#false
Basic code improvements

Update 3-23-09
Resolved the recall scrolls sub to recharge runebooks
Created a 'library' of runebooks to record what books have already been selected for certain uses
Correctly updated the Vers. number
Fixed my issue with TM's Advanced Journal Scanner
Decided to always change my avatar when posting/updating a script of mine.

Update 3-16-09
Menu additions and picture
TrailMyx's Advanced Journal Scanner
Loads more, too much to mention

Update 1-20-09
Added Skill Menu Functionality - big pain in the ass that was.
Completed the Start, Pause, and Quit buttons

Update 12-18
Added Menu
Cleaned up and straighted up code
put the script as an attachment
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing
Post by: Xclio on December 13, 2008, 12:44:51 PM
Is this ultimatly going to be searching for idocs?
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing
Post by: Cstalker on December 13, 2008, 07:17:48 PM
dude i would love to help you but i am a dirty old man and i just tend to stare at your aviatar instead of reading your post  :o
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing
Post by: Superslayer on December 13, 2008, 10:41:42 PM
Ya Xclio, completely and utterly unattended.  I have some plans which will need some good thinking out and possibly, completely new ways of using scripts.

@ Cstalker LOL.. ;) I find myself doing the same from time to time.  Just keeping the SUO home page open to watch her dance :P.

Anyhows, please feel free to copy, paste and run this in euo and give it a whirl.
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing
Post by: TrailMyx on December 13, 2008, 10:47:08 PM
Post?  What post?  lol
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing
Post by: Cerveza on December 14, 2008, 10:17:51 AM
Leave my girl alone!
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing
Post by: Superslayer on December 14, 2008, 01:04:43 PM
Good lord, do I need to change it to this ? :-\ :P

Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing
Post by: Khameleon on December 14, 2008, 02:13:07 PM
Post?  What post?  lol

I second that
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - BIG UPDATE ! 12-18
Post by: Superslayer on December 18, 2008, 09:04:27 AM
Update 12-18
 Added Menu
 Cleaned up and straighted up code
 put the script as an attachment

Not all the buttons are working yet.  The ones that are working are as follows:

Stay Dead
Use a boat
Always Run
Loop Script

FYI, while the boat check is working, there is no sub or script to run it.  Just merely a check and a request.
In the menu, the white block on the botton right is a picture I did not include with the script.  That'll be added in later.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - BIG UPDATE ! 12-18
Post by: Xclio on December 18, 2008, 12:44:54 PM
Very cool, hopefully it will come along I will be glad to do some testing for ya, just gotta get myself playing again.  I just started a new job and the first day on I got to pull a 20 hour shift in preparation for a last minute demo lol.  That sucked.
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - BIG UPDATE ! 12-18
Post by: Superslayer on December 18, 2008, 03:19:59 PM
Yikes Xclio, I'm about to start a new job as well on the 22nd, hope mine isn't 20 hrs :P
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - BIG UPDATE ! 12-18
Post by: Xclio on December 18, 2008, 03:39:02 PM
Fortunatly it isn't the norm, the team I joined just happened to be troubleshooting the living crap out of a very very very unstable system (I am in Research and Development and we just started testing a new system out) that our sponsor wanted to see a demonstration of the very next day.  Needless to say my first day was a pretty major trial by fire, fortunatly I am 99% sure that I passed with flying colors as I was able tog et the system stable enough for fairly sucessful demo and our sponsor was impressed by the systems capabilities :)
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - BIG UPDATE ! 12-18
Post by: Superslayer on January 20, 2009, 06:17:39 PM
Update 1-20-09

Thank you to the 3 people who checked out my previous version, one of which was me.
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - UPDATE ! 1-20-09
Post by: Khameleon on January 20, 2009, 07:07:08 PM
wow, this is running nice.
does this just check near moongates?
or populated area's?
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - UPDATE ! 1-20-09
Post by: Superslayer on January 20, 2009, 07:20:37 PM
Currently only moongates, as they are on my radar for the first method of travel, and most basic.  In time it will go to every worthwhile place in the game.  Thank you very much for checking it out Khameleon.  This, in a way, is my first 'real' script.  I've got other things but only silly scripts to replace repetitive tasks.
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - UPDATE ! 1-20-09
Post by: TrailMyx on January 20, 2009, 07:23:23 PM
Khameleon is the script torturer extraordinaire!!  But he's just about the best there is.
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - UPDATE ! 1-20-09
Post by: Superslayer on January 20, 2009, 07:47:04 PM
That's great to know, because there is an issue (if ya'll can figure it out) with selecting certain skills and using the Always Run option. Be sure to use and select them the way they are NOT meant to be used :P
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - UPDATE ! 1-20-09
Post by: Khameleon on January 21, 2009, 03:19:13 PM
I'll have to pull some of those skills off stones to test them.

it ran all the way threw with no problems.  a few times it got stuck on a corner of a house plot, but it worked itself out.

i'm impressed on the walking routine, it wasn't jumpy like other movement scripts.
Title: Re: Part of my Big script for general testing - NEW ! 3-16-09
Post by: Superslayer on March 15, 2009, 08:21:35 PM
Update 3-16-09
Title: Re: World Traveler script for general testing - Updated ! 3-23-09
Post by: Superslayer on March 22, 2009, 09:02:02 PM
Update 3-23-09
Resolved the recall scrolls sub to recharge runebooks
Created a 'library' of runebooks to record what books have already been selected for certain uses
Correctly updated the Vers. number
Fixed my issue with TM's Advanced Journal Scanner
Decided to always change my avatar when posting/updating a script of mine.

To do:

Place the Offset Gump Sub in script
Resolve #result = #true when spell fails
Initiate the 2nd, 3rd, 4th...  bank rune locations when/if applicable
General review of variable consolidation along with script itself

Down the road to do:

Support for Necromancy, Spellweaving, Ninjitsu, Bushido and most other skills
Lrc and Mana check
Anything else the wonderful people of SUO may suggest
Title: Re: World Traveler script for general testing - Updated ! 3-23-09
Post by: Superslayer on March 23, 2009, 06:39:21 AM
Downloaded Script and loved how smoothly the character walks.  Not sure what the exact purpose of this Script is, but if it is to check for IDOCs then how are the IDOCs going to be identified?  Will it make a rune in one of the blank runebooks?  Will it notify you of the status of the IDOC?  Does this run in Trammel, Felucca, Malas, and Tokuno?  How is it going to use a Boat?  Do you need to have one in your pack or have a Ship Key in the pack insured?  Will the Script identify the House as Public or Private?  --- My new passion for the game is to search for IDOCs.  When you find one and then actually see the IDOC fall it is like opening a package at Christmas Time, never knowing what you are going to get!!!

Sorry for all the questions?  I am a bit confused as to what this Script actually is going to do when it is completed and I read thru all the threads, posts, and even the header...


Outstanding questions Oracle, thanks for looking.  Not sure what you mean by how smoothly the character walks, as there are no rails, ..unless the script moved towards a banker/minter. It that's the case, yw :) .

On to your questions.
"how are the IDOCs going to be identified?" : This part will mostly be taken care of by TM's Idoc finder/locator.  I've found that his script works beautifully.

"Will it make a rune in one of the blank runebooks?" : TM's Idoc finder/locater finds them, marks a rune to them and logs them in a text file.

"Will it notify you of the status of the IDOC?" : Tm's script has a menu which does notify you of the status.

"Does this run in Trammel, Felucca, Malas, and Tokuno?" : This question is THE one that drove me to make this script. Almost all Idoc scripts require YOU to do the moving. My script does it for you (and a whole hell of alot more!). It takes you to all the possible housing locations on any and all facets. In the User Config inside the script is an area where facets can be commented in/out if so chosen. Don't want to go to Fel? then simply comment it out.

"How is it going to use a Boat?  Do you need to have one in your pack or have a Ship Key in the pack insured?" : The boat sub has yet to really be written. My script atm simply checks if the option is selected. Ultimately, there will be specific places in the world of Brit where the script will automatically place and launch a boat. It also will depend on where in the script the character is. You must have a boat in your pack, and the key WILL be insured once placed.

"Will the Script identify the House as Public or Private?" : Both TM's idoc script and mine will take notes on which are public and private (not that I think it matters). My script also knows what is a house and what is not. As house signs are also in towns and on other structures throughout the world, there are points that can be used to distinguish between what is a real player owned home, and what is not. I'm not sure if TM's script does this (I'm sure it may) but I definately made the effort to accomplish it.

Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.85 for Public testing - Updated ! 5-07-09
Post by: Superslayer on May 07, 2009, 11:24:23 AM
Update 5-07-09
Version Beta 0.85
Small Menu Adjustments
LRC count sub
TM_TravelFromRunebook & supporting subs
Bug fixed with peacemaking (didn't pick up an instrument if none found)
Eliminated requirement to 'comment out' lines in User Config, replaced with #true/#false
Basic code improvements
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.85 for Public testing - Updated ! 5-07-09
Post by: Masscre on May 07, 2009, 12:50:11 PM
Looks good it took me a while to figure out what i was doing and what i needed to do but i am gonna test it some more once i get the time.
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.85 for Public testing - Updated ! 5-07-09
Post by: Superslayer on May 11, 2009, 06:25:17 AM
Thanks Masscre, I appreciate it. I have a beta with me that I'm almost ready to release where this script will finally do all the things in the menu (minus boating) and go on a few rails. Only two of the skill scripts will be active for the private beta, hiding/hiding&stealth and peacemaking. Other than that, it's nearly 100% complete. So you'll be able to select your travel method, use a skill while 'railing', restock resources if need be, do the MSL stuff and more (special surprises) in the upcoming releases.
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.85 for Public testing - Updated ! 5-07-09
Post by: Oracle on May 12, 2009, 03:30:50 PM
If this goes to Private Beta I would like to be included, as I have been testing and trying this Script and cant wait until all of the items are fully implememted!

Going to IDOCs is like getting presents for Christmas!
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.85 for Public testing - Updated ! 5-07-09
Post by: Superslayer on May 12, 2009, 03:59:43 PM
hehe, as I type, my character is on a rail walking and using skills, and monitoring Idoc's..there's nothing quite like multi-tasking.  There are a few things I'm gonna add before releasing the private beta Version 0.91  FYI, there will only be one rail included with that release. I've noticed you've been very helpful all over this site Oracle, I'll definitely consider including you.
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - Updated ! 5-16-09
Post by: Superslayer on May 16, 2009, 03:59:32 PM
Final Public Release

Update 5-16-09
Version Beta 0.9 Final Public release
Corrected issue with restocking bard instruments (again)
More small code improvements in strings
Added sub to use runebook charges for traveling capabilities
Option added to either use or not use Special Bard Instruments. They include:
Gwenno's Harp, Iolo's Lute and all Flutes of Renewal. See header for more information.
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - Updated ! 5-16-09
Post by: Superslayer on June 24, 2009, 11:20:52 AM
I'd like to keep this topic open, with only 2 downloads, I thinks it's still a great script that people may like to help out with.
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - Updated ! 5-16-09
Post by: TrailMyx on June 24, 2009, 11:23:30 AM
You might want to see if there's some other people you'd like to add to the beta pool.
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - Updated ! 5-16-09
Post by: kenshin87 on January 09, 2010, 07:02:26 AM
so i have been trying to work this script out and it seem to get stuck on the script status: finding Character. I was trying to see if i was doing something wrong in terms of the setup but i did it over and over and still nothing. also i tried to use a chivalry character and it went straight to the ran one complete cycle return home blah blah blah. i used it when it first came out with no problem then i took a break from uo lost all of my passwords and such so this is new account. anyways though thats all i have for now and i will continue to test things out. hope everyone is doing well and hope to hear back.
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - Updated ! 5-16-09
Post by: Superslayer on January 09, 2010, 08:11:02 AM
Thanks for having a look at this kenshin87. Obviously this is an old script and I'm not currently supporting this version. There is however a private beta testing group for this script. Some of the new features in the current beta include rails that cover Tokuno, Malas, Ter Mur and half of the main Britannia world.  There's several skill to train while searching for idocs, character defense abilitys, Malas secret location searching and rune creation,..loads more.  To become a beta tester simply PM me!
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - [CLOSED]
Post by: mrmr on February 05, 2010, 01:49:23 AM
does this script use an A* tile-based-pathfind to wander around houses?
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - [CLOSED]
Post by: Superslayer on February 05, 2010, 06:41:24 AM
Not positive what A* is, an algorithm or certain other code? Either way, no. This specific version only has a few Move commands. It'll move your character towards a banker/minter NPC.  My private beta however takes your character around most of the world based on a rail. At times, pathfind is used to navigate around known geographic obstacels, and a few known shard specific obstacles.  The rails are created using TrailMyx's Rail Designer, and are run with the accompanying Rail Engine.  95% of it is by move, and the whole world is 98% completed and running well.
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - [CLOSED]
Post by: mrmr on February 05, 2010, 06:53:02 AM
A* Pathfind is an algorithm to "pre-calculate" a path through a "map", where some tiles are walkable and some not.


You say that 98% of the world is walkable with your rails, but how can those rails handles different houses placement?
I've to admit I've not tried your script, but as I'm researching on those pathfind algorithms I thought that a A* pathfind sub could help ya alot.

I'll link some easyuo threads on the subject:

It's still unclear to me how I could get informations about houses placement.
We know that it's kinda easy get from maps which tiles are walkable and which are not, but houses are not "statics", so I'd need some kind of map, like the UOAM's. Still not sure if this is doable anyway
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - [CLOSED]
Post by: Superslayer on February 05, 2010, 07:29:48 AM
A short while before I started writing this script, I did indeed check out EasyUo and all the movement based talk I could find.  At the time, I knew next to nothing about easyuo script writing, so unfortunately, most of their conversations were all greek to me.

I'll re-phrase it, 98% of all the rails are created and in working order. I have 2 more to implement for the Elite Special Edition.

How I've created this to work across all shards took alot of time and UO map studying.  To describe it would would take a bit of time, but it does work. The rails themselves do their job which is to roam the common geographic landscapes. My script also has a special beta function called Home Roam which is 100% pathfinding. This function is used in areas that I describe as 'house clusters'. These area's are the ones where rail creation wouldn't be logical for the exact reason you state, "but how can those rails handles different houses placement?"

I'm really glad you've posted those links, a few I had visited in the time I mentioned above, so I'll definitely be checking them out. You're more than welcome to have a look at the private beta code (just PM me requesting to become a beta tester), but there are certain rules that beta testers must adhere to for a few obvious reasons.

Thanks for some great intelligent talk about this and the links. :) .
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - [CLOSED]
Post by: mrmr on February 05, 2010, 07:42:24 AM
thank you for the offer...I'll probably take a look at your code, cause I'm kinda interested in those "pathfind" sub.

Right now I'm trying to get a working A* pathfind sub written in lua (yeah, the infamous OpenEUO language...tbh i LOVE lua, it's just simple and straightforward...), but I'll work on some C# code too in the future.

It's just I don't like very much the "movement" subs existing now.

Pathfind alone, would work fine I guess, but it's spammy (and you cannot move more than about 20 tiles), while the Move command isn't so reliable, so for now, while i'm studing those pathfind algorithms, I'm just using a mixed "Move+Pathfind" sub.
It's kinda working for short movements (like those we're using in most rails), but sometimes you just need to say "Move(thereX, thereY)", even if the "spot" is kinda an A*pathfind would fit well there (without abusing it, cause the calculation "slow" most of the time...even more, when the distance is greater...)

Anyway, you gave me the answer I was looking for about clustered houses zones ;)
Title: Re: World Traveler Beta Version 0.9 for FINAL Public testing - [CLOSED]
Post by: Superslayer on February 05, 2010, 08:09:24 AM
Honestly, The pathfinding is done with BadManiac's AutoMagic Pathfinding Sub found here ( It does have some issues with it which I address in my script. Checks for goal XY met, house obstacles, impassable tiles, distance over time calculations based on character running or not, and a few other error checks and relocation subs.

I chose to use BM's because it allowed me to pathfind to an infinite distance, as opposed to those that only do 20 or so. Indeed it is a bit spammy, but for my scripts implementation of it, it's not to bad and allows for other script actions and user interaction (pause and quit buttons).

Glad I could help with your query. Should you decide to check out the private beta script, you'll also have the opportunity to download and view separately the Home Roam sub. It has alot of information with it.