
Ultima Online Fan Board => UO News => Topic started by: Spaz Ferret on April 27, 2011, 08:17:02 AM

Title: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Spaz Ferret on April 27, 2011, 08:17:02 AM
Official Response to Multiboxing

Multiboxing is not illegal but Macroing is, and this is considered macroing in UO.  If you observe a player using multiboxing please report them and CS will investigate the report, per the TOS.
This message functions as the global reply to the recent discussion we saw on the boards.

Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: gimlet on April 27, 2011, 08:20:18 AM
What's multiboxing??
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Endless Night on April 27, 2011, 08:29:43 AM
its when you get 3 or more opponents in a boxing ring .. its very popular in deepest darkest parts of the amazon but i could be wrong
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Masscre on April 27, 2011, 08:46:11 AM
MultiBoxing (

It is using one computer and having several clients open on the same computer.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: 12TimesOver on April 27, 2011, 08:49:11 AM
So their statement is basically saying:

"Our offical stance on multiboxing is that it is not illegal but it is illegal"

WTF does that mean??

I hate stupid people.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Cerveza on April 27, 2011, 09:11:57 AM
It's legal to do. You must be attended while doing it.

That's what I get from that.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Ultima on April 27, 2011, 09:50:39 AM
It's legal to do. You must be attended while doing it.

That's what I get from that.

How the hell do you get that? LOL!....

I'm with you 12X....Vague as all hell.

"Multiboxing is not illegal but Macroing is, and this is considered macroing in UO."

That statement reminds me of the Philosophy class I took in community college way back when much to my suprise the class was about logic and arguments and how to break down the meaning of statements.

The statement makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Someone needs to break it down into a math forumula :P

Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Paulonius on April 27, 2011, 10:11:51 AM
Seems like an explanation of whatever the specific instance, the "this", that inspired the response is missing. 

I am probably doing whatever she is talking about right now.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: gimlet on April 27, 2011, 10:12:13 AM
Are they using EUO to do this?
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: 12TimesOver on April 27, 2011, 10:16:11 AM
Seems like an explanation of whatever the specific instance, the "this", that inspired the response is missing. 
Hehehe...clear as mud!
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Masscre on April 27, 2011, 10:23:15 AM
My understanding on this is. It is not illegal to multi client, but if you are scripting 2 or more clients to work together as a team from the same computer, then that is illegal. Kinda like having a dexer run around kill crap and having a mage follow behind and attack the same target and heal the dexer as needed.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Cerveza on April 27, 2011, 10:27:00 AM
sub DevsKnowSquat
If [Multibox <> Illegal] && [Macroing = Illegal]
return #TRUE
return #BANANA
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Ultima on April 27, 2011, 10:30:26 AM
Seems like an explanation of whatever the specific instance, the "this", that inspired the response is missing. 

I am probably doing whatever she is talking about right now.

Sounds like legal mumbo jumbo to me.

@Gimlet - I think it's business as usual where it's up to a player to page on another player and get a GM inspect the suspected offender. I highly doubt EA/Dev Team are taking proactive measures to flush out any potential offenders. Maybe their response times will be better for a couple of weeks until the dust settles then it's back to business as usual.

It's really not in their best interest from a business perspective to enforce these type of policies which could potentially limit the amount of subscriptions a player would want.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Ultima on April 27, 2011, 10:36:17 AM
sub DevsKnowSquat
If [Multibox <> Illegal] && [Macroing = Illegal]
return #TRUE
return #BANANA

ROFL@ Banana!
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Outlaw Josey Wales on April 27, 2011, 10:47:31 AM
basicley its okay to multi box as long as u don t have anything automating the out accounts to do what the main account is doing. wich is total bull @$%^
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: gimlet on April 27, 2011, 11:03:26 AM
If I see someone running 20 accounts at once - I will page on him.
I am afraid 1 guy can ruin it for all of us.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Endless Night on April 27, 2011, 11:11:19 AM
If I see someone running 20 accounts at once - I will page on him.
I am afraid 1 guy can ruin it for all of us.

Well im pretty certain the search sites are multiboxing across many machines and probably in that region of accounts
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: gimlet on April 27, 2011, 11:17:24 AM
But they dont run EUO or at least they say they dont.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Cerveza on April 27, 2011, 11:17:50 AM
Don't confuse multiclient with multibox.

Multibox is the software that sends the keystrokes to the various areas on the screen, or separate window applications.

If you have like 9 clients running


Multiboxing allows you to send keystrokes to any number of those 9, or all 9 at once, or one after another with a delay. Multibox is just the keystrokes going out to the different clients.

That's what they are saying is "macroing". Being able to address multi-clients all at the same time. If you were to open 9 clients but click into each one to perform actions, then it's entirely allowed.

By their "Multiboxing is not illegal" statement they really messed up. Saying that means that it's allowed to send mutliple commands to multiple clients. I think they wanted to word it differently.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Endless Night on April 27, 2011, 11:46:04 AM
my bad didnt read the thread... thanks for clarifing Cerveza. 
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Scrripty on April 27, 2011, 12:39:43 PM
The unofficial word on multi CLIENTING is that as long as you're attended, you're ok.  I've been paged on a number of times, and have only been approached by a gm once.  I responded on all clients, and he left without a word.  And when I say paged on a number of times... I'm sure it's a NUMBER of times.  Soon to quadruple in number.  I think it helps if you're actually in control of all characters involved tho in such a way that you can move them around, and respond to gm requests.  Just make sure all clients are in a spot you can see them. :)  I know a couple tamers that page on me non stop for killing their pets. heh
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Scrripty on April 27, 2011, 12:50:04 PM
I just read through this post on Stratics, pretty hillarious actually.

Just gave me a few ideas to make a better mouse for their trap. heh
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Endless Night on April 27, 2011, 01:07:18 PM
I just read through this post on Stratics, pretty hillarious actually.

Just gave me a few ideas to make a better mouse for their trap. heh

Yea that was some pathetic wining over their... if the 10multibox is bothering you gather up some friends and take them down guard zone or not...
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Scrripty on April 27, 2011, 01:10:58 PM
The thing I find most funny is no one in UO has a backbone anymore.  When I first started playing, no one complained about cheaters that I played with.  We banded together to take them out. :)  Course I was a dreadlord, and all dread lords worked together back then... heh  I miss those days when not ONE red attacked another red.  That was fun.  You could be out roaming through the woods and run into another group of reds, and you all stopped and shot the *bleep* for 15 minutes until you got bored and wanted to kill more blues. haha  And we all had our little "slice of UO" where other reds knew you'd be if they wanted to contact you/needed help. :)
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Masscre on April 28, 2011, 05:52:31 AM
my bad didnt read the thread... thanks for clarifing Cerveza. 

Yes thank you very much for clearing this up for me also Cerveza.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: manwinc on April 28, 2011, 08:06:42 AM
Yeah, I read the original thread a few days ago and about fell out of my chair laughing. Some noob is running some pathetic setup and people are complaining about it.

My god, If Twinkle McNugget, cerveza, and I were all on one shard with all of our combined powers, THEY WOULD SEE WHAT A REAL SETUP IS!
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Cerveza on April 28, 2011, 08:22:50 AM
ROFL, with just a couple of multi-client setups running you would completely dominate a shard.

Multiboxing like this dude was doing really isn't that good of a way. How do you get everyone onto the same target? If I understand it correctly, it's not mouse movement or clicking, but keystrokes. I guess you could use "next hostile" or something to get them all synced.

With EUOx and multiclienting you can have information shared between all clients. If I target someone that information is sent to the other clients as well and #ltargetID is shared.

Like MW said... a few multi-clienting people who know what they are doing could hold off a VERY large group of attackers. Heck I held off 4 guys and they were using EV's also... I lasted like 5 minutes with only TWO guys!
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: A Canuker on April 28, 2011, 10:02:56 AM
I would not want to be on the other side of a bridge with a few people who knew how to really milk this for all it's worth.  That said I do think it would be darn funny to open a few newb accounts and just see how much one could do.  GL on the GM's finding you if you just logged on, raided, took the champ and left.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Cerveza on April 28, 2011, 10:13:06 AM
I've often thought that a large enough group of noobs could accomplish some pretty amazing things.

If you had say 20 temp accounts with 50 magery and 50 eval, you could buy up 40 med/focus and take them all to Yew gate. It doesn't seem like Fireball would do much damage, but 20 of them... all on one target?
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Scrripty on April 28, 2011, 10:29:46 AM
I guess you guys are too young to remember the Bob and Fred shard raids then? :)  Those were a BLAST.  Hundreds of noobs would logon to shards and just raid major pvp areas.  Was fun.  They'd all be named Bob or Fred.
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Cerveza on April 28, 2011, 10:33:24 AM
Sure, but there were all individually controlled... I'm talking about 20 bots.... RIGHT FACE, READY... FIRE
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: 12TimesOver on April 28, 2011, 10:40:19 AM
I guess you guys are too young to remember the Bob and Fred shard raids then? :)  Those were a BLAST.  Hundreds of noobs would logon to shards and just raid major pvp areas.  Was fun.  They'd all be named Bob or Fred.
I was totally going to bring this up and saw your post Twinkle McNugget. The Bob/Fred guild thing was AWESOME! Nobody does fun stuff like that anymore...

Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Scrripty on April 28, 2011, 11:22:05 AM
Maybe it's time to have the first every SUO scripted pvp bot competition... heh
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Cerveza on April 28, 2011, 11:33:25 AM
Maybe it's time to have the first every SUO scripted pvp bot competition... heh

I'd dig starting a noob on a shard and only be allowed whatever your 1k buys you at New Haven.... No skill > 50
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Masscre on April 28, 2011, 05:50:26 PM
I guess you guys are too young to remember the Bob and Fred shard raids then? :)  Those were a BLAST.  Hundreds of noobs would logon to shards and just raid major pvp areas.  Was fun.  They'd all be named Bob or Fred.

I remember teh bob and fred wars on Atlantic and sonoma. They where fun as heck. I would grab my underwear or death robe and a bag of reagents and we would have like 50 on 50 some times we would bobbs would be red and freds be blue so we dyed all our newbie clothes. LOL. those where the days :)
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: gimlet on April 28, 2011, 06:04:51 PM
There are a few of us on seige!
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Scrripty on April 28, 2011, 06:28:02 PM
Maybe it's time to have the first every SUO scripted pvp bot competition... heh

I'd dig starting a noob on a shard and only be allowed whatever your 1k buys you at New Haven.... No skill > 50

I'm in.  Then the free for all bot competition with any and all bots going up against each other...!? :)
Title: Re: [UO Herald News] Official Response to Multiboxing
Post by: Scrripty on April 28, 2011, 06:29:07 PM
Actually as I hit post on that I thought of a better idea.  How about splitting the site up into two teams. :)  And we all take parts of the bot to code. heh