
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: Mr. Coystar on May 31, 2011, 09:34:28 AM

Title: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: Mr. Coystar on May 31, 2011, 09:34:28 AM
Good Afternoon.

I am known in the cyber world as Coystar, or simply as just Coy. (cuz Coystar and Decoy are so long ::) )  Any-who, Time to get down to the nitty gritty.  In the real world, I'm a 27 year old college grad. with a bachelor degree in Golf Enterprise Management.  I graduated in 09, and have been the assistant GM at a local golf course for the last year and a half.  I enjoy the game of Golf, play my guitar on occasion, and even go disc golfing from time to time.  I'm an easy going type of guy who likes to play UO ;D

Now for a bit of UO history.  Back when I was 16 working at Office Max, my friend and I were facing the software aisle.  He's like hey, you like computers... so you should try this "Ultima Online: Resonance" game.  Its this game you play on the internet, a whole world of stuff to do. (56k modems only at this point)  So I bought it.  I started out as a miner, fel minoc (Baja).  Id run around on foot with a shovel mining till i was full then running back to the bank.  Total newb.  But it wasn't until the first group of red players came racing past on horses, stopped for 2 seconds to kill my newb ass, and continued on, that I realized this game was the *bleep*. I'm like wait a minute, i just got murderd???  Immediately I call my friend, he brings a group of his friends to come defend my newb mining spot, and war ensued.

Now fast forward a bit.  I ended up becoming addicted to that game for the rest of high school and a year or 2 after.  I fell in love with faction-ing, real estate, macroing characters and started to dable with UO-auto pilot.  Then EUO comes along.  Ohhh boy.  Cartography script, heart wood scripts, scripts galore.  I don't even like programming, but i forced myself to understand the syntax because I had to fix the *bleep* myself most of the time.  Playing the game that I loved while not even being awake or at home, was a dream come true to say the least.

Now, like all good things, it had to end sometime.  I went out with a bang sometime after AoS came out.  The sweeping changes to items and stuff, making the game more gear dependent (no more naked mage with 100 resist pvp), really turned off some of my closest friends.  Near the end one of our buddies discovered a duping bug... (this was years ago, of course it doesn't work anymore) We abused that and basically quit.

So now like 7ish years later or however long it is, I've played Shadowbane (Great game), WoW (piece of *bleep* game), Warhammer (had potential), and Rift (good graphics garbage MMO).  Guess what?  I'm baaaack.  Coming back to the only game that's worth a damn these days.  Ive assimilated to the fact that all MMO games need gear to be effective.  I'm OK with that. 8)

So, there it is.  A longer-than-I-thought-it-would-be intro.  I registered here at scriptUO because the old easyuo boards seem pretty stale.  I'm looking for some active UO players that still like to script stuff or just play the game (I do enjoy actually playing my chars once 120'd)
Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: _C2_ on May 31, 2011, 10:06:07 AM
Great intro... thx for taking the time.  Quite an enjoyable read.  Restriction lifted and hope to see yo uactive on the boards.   :D
Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: 12TimesOver on May 31, 2011, 10:27:42 AM
Welcome Coystar, thanks for the intro!

Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: Ultima on May 31, 2011, 11:15:56 AM
Welcome to ScriptUO Mr.Coystar! :)
Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: Endless Night on May 31, 2011, 11:31:36 AM
nice intro... welcome welcome.
Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: Mr. Coystar on May 31, 2011, 12:39:59 PM
Thanks fellas, can't wait to get back into the swing of things.  At least I could remember one of my vet account's info.  ;)
Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: TrailMyx on May 31, 2011, 01:02:47 PM
Great intro, Sir!  Welcome to the site.
Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: Masscre on May 31, 2011, 05:37:45 PM
Welcome Coy and nice intro. Do not be a stranger to the boards and what server are you planning on coming back too?
Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: Mr. Coystar on May 31, 2011, 10:28:20 PM
Welcome Coy and nice intro. Do not be a stranger to the boards and what server are you planning on coming back too?

I'm back on my original server of Baja.  Seems pretty barren so far in Fel. (not complaining :P )
Title: Re: Meet Mr. Coystar...
Post by: gimlet on June 01, 2011, 10:19:13 AM