
Ultima Online Fan Board => Player Templates => Topic started by: Goliath on August 22, 2011, 12:20:17 PM

Title: Protection
Post by: Goliath on August 22, 2011, 12:20:17 PM
I have read some posts and forum conversations relating to having a protector when doing spawn to double the amount of pinks that you can get.  Until becoming a member of this site I didn't even know such a thing existed:(  Can someone explain this process a little further for me? 

1) How it works?
2) What template should I make for a protector? I am assuming a stealther?
3) I have to kill reds to make a protector correct?

I am very unclear on the best ways to get setup and I know there is a post somewhere explaining some of this a little further but for the life of me cannot find it.
Title: Re: Protection
Post by: Cerveza on August 22, 2011, 12:35:49 PM
The protector gets scrolls based on his level of Justice. You gain Justice by killing reds. If you are working up Justice you need to wait 7 minutes between killing reds to gain.

By double clicking the Justice on the thing above your head on your paperdoll, you get a popup about who you offer protection to. You select someone doing the champ spawn. They can chose to be protected by you or not.

Everytime that person gets a white scroll (105) the protector also gets a white scroll (105). Everytime that person gets a pink scroll the protector gets a pink scroll. By having a protector you double ALL scrolls during a champ spawn.

Once the champ pops up the protector should NOT hit it. He should not do any type of damage to the champ or you will lose one scroll. The reason is that he can't protect himself.

You will get 6 scrolls divided amongst everyone who does enough damage to the champ and if the protector is a Knight of Justice then he will receive another 6 scrolls. They are all random, not duplicates.

Protectors can help out on a champ. Most guys have Discord on their protector and you can disco the champ making it hit for less and take more damage from the people attacking it. If you have necro you can also Corpse Skin and Evil Omen the champ, those curses don't do damage so you won't lose a scroll.

Make sure that you are either A) in some kind of form or B) have the spell Polymorph gump opened if you are going to Corpse Skin and Evil Omen Baracoon, as he will put you into rat form otherwise.

If your planning a template you have a lot of options. Right now I highly suggest:

120 Music
120 Discord
90 Provo

And get the bard mastery for Provoke. Party your group up and turn on that Provoke mastery. The buffs for party are crazy, the one I'm thinking of is the one that heals 7-16 points every 4 seconds to everyone in party.

You could consider hiding/stealth to get around easier... Magery to toss out EV's during the first levels of the spawn, Myst/Focus for the same thing with RC's. Something of that nature. If you want to use that Bard Mastery thing you need Focus and/or Med as they are very mana intensive.
Title: Re: Protection
Post by: Crome969 on August 22, 2011, 12:37:52 PM
I have read some posts and forum conversations relating to having a protector when doing spawn to double the amount of pinks that you can get.  Until becoming a member of this site I didn't even know such a thing existed:(  Can someone explain this process a little further for me? 

1) How it works?
2) What template should I make for a protector? I am assuming a stealther?
3) I have to kill reds to make a protector correct?

I am very unclear on the best ways to get setup and I know there is a post somewhere explaining some of this a little further but for the life of me cannot find it.
First of all you need to Gain Justice by killing Red nasty Red Player.
If you reached Tier 1 your Protectorchance will be 60% to get a copy of Scroll from a person you protect, if you get Tier 2 your chance will be 80% and as Knight in Tier 3 you getting 100% Copy of that protected Player drop.
So as long as you cant create Justice by killing some friends  you would need a Template to gain the Power to kill some Reds.
As Protector, the meaning of is Protect the others and get Rewarded you maybe should be able to Protect your Mates.
But honestly most People using a Hiding\Stealther Template just to catch double Scrolls and sneak out with em.
Think about:)
Title: Re: Protection
Post by: Goliath on August 22, 2011, 01:00:42 PM
Great information guys thanks. 

If I have multiple accounts is there a way that I can use the accounts and make certain characters to kill in order to not rely on others.

From my understanding the amount of Justice? depends on the skill of the character being killed?  Is this skills level like if they are 720 capped or something different.  If that is the case I can Soulstone off skills to a character to make a crap 720 character and kill him?

Is this thinking correct or if you know a best practice to make it so that I won't have to rely on others to prepare the character that would be great.
Title: Re: Protection
Post by: Canuker on August 22, 2011, 01:21:05 PM
My main protector is a 480 bard with 110 magery and 120 med.  I run a swapping healer script on him to heal my sampire during riktors and such.  Carry slayer instruments for all of the champs that you expect to run into plus one exceptional for other stuff that has no slayer.  My bard runs the peacemaking buff disco spells but only because I find it is better suited to assisting a wammy and I use my main sampire in wammy form for corgul(which is the best spawn over all for farming pinks).

I thought that murder counts is what raise your dots in justice but either way it should take about a hour or so killing a red on your other account.  If you don't have a red just kill one of your guys and give a count till your dude is red then start to raid spawns and murder people, it's fun.

If you have intentions of farming spawns yourself you will need a protecter and I think it should be a bard, like Cerveza said cast a few EV's at the start(I have often recieved a drop on my protector from doing this), get a hide off(no elf you want to be human) and then finish the spawn with your sampire or whatever guy.
Title: Re: Protection
Post by: onlyindreams on August 22, 2011, 04:06:44 PM
Also, you can only use the Justice virtue to protect in Fel. Don't try it in Ilsh or Tokuno because it won't work.