
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: Redsnow on November 25, 2011, 02:00:29 AM

Title: Hello to the Community
Post by: Redsnow on November 25, 2011, 02:00:29 AM
Hi everyone,

My name is redsnow, I got this name from the old UO days when it snowed all the time and the lag was horrible, one day I was killing stuff and the Idea of "red snow" came to me.  I have been playing UO since 97-98ish, quit in 1999 because I joined the military, after a stint in Iraq, I realized how much I missed UO and all the old stuff that went with it, so in 2005 returned again, just in time for ML. 1n 2009 is started to run my own private server with 5 people I met while playing the EA server legends.  In 2008ish I discovered EasyUO and boy did it help me out in every aspect of UO (who has the time to grind, ugh).

Every now and again I log in to a different Free shard just to see if could find a good one to play, so far ABC is the only one that offers my style of play.

Taming and crafting are what UO is about IMO, and no other game can ever do that, not to mention the houses, chests, tmaps and boats, there is so much to do in UO it never gets old.

I discovered this site on Google while looking for JAF's slayer book script (best script ever, IMO).  I have an older version (3.0) and it doesn't quite work right, so I thought I could find a newer one on Google.

Just looking around a bit it seems this site has better scripts and more participation, I look forward to using and maybe one day releasing a script.

LOL, just reading one to the sample intros made me remember the old scripting days, for me it was a stapler and a close pin, on f6...haha, thanks guys for the laugh

Title: Re: Hello to the Community
Post by: Crome969 on November 25, 2011, 03:22:08 AM
Hello Redsnow!
Thanks for your introduction and may, when the Mods\Admins reads this, you will be unrestricted to gain access to 90% of all scripts released here in an instant.
I said this before on a other thread in my eyes this is a huge community with lot of people who help to make the uo life more comfortable. Be a part of this community, write\Chat and learn with us is a really good choice.Keep alive and you will see how fast you can improve yourself in every aspect of this game.
About your freeshard you play: ABC is not bad but they had a messy past.When you can write some insane bots you can rule that shard.I had a bad script for the bod gathering written in past for autocomplete the capture, but lost it some years ago.
So feel free to ask around, when you have any questions.

Title: Re: Hello to the Community
Post by: Toptwo on November 25, 2011, 06:49:49 AM
Welcome to SUO.  Thanks for the great intro, restricted status is lifted. Hope to see you active on the boards!
Title: Re: Hello to the Community
Post by: gimlet on November 25, 2011, 06:51:01 AM
Title: Re: Hello to the Community
Post by: camotbik on November 25, 2011, 12:03:05 PM
Hello and welcome.
Title: Re: Hello to the Community
Post by: _C2_ on November 25, 2011, 03:47:21 PM
Welcome to the site!  We do have some goodies here.
Title: Re: Hello to the Community
Post by: Newsman on January 10, 2012, 11:18:30 AM
Welcome to the community. nice intro