
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: Dollpartz on May 05, 2012, 02:00:45 AM

Title: Another introduction
Post by: Dollpartz on May 05, 2012, 02:00:45 AM
Hello all, my name is dollpartz, most call me doll for short. I wanted to introduce myself and hopes of getting myself out there and into the social aspect of UO and get to know some of the nice people here since I've decided UO is where I'll be spending a big portion of my free time.

A little about myself, I entered the MMO world about 15 years ago with a MUD called Achaea. I played Achaea for about 10 years and moved on to World of Warcraft. I played WoW for probably two years before I just got bored with it. It has no depth and I needed a MMO with depth, not just mindless grinding. I jumped around a lot at this point; Guild Wars, Warhammer Online, Everquest, Lord of the Rings Online and recently Rift. All of these games just felt like cheap knockoffs of WoW. That's just my opinion, though, don't bash me if you feel differently.

So I sought out something different. I dabbled with EVE Online for a few months until I just came to the conclusion it wasn't me. Science Fiction just isn't my thing. So back to searching.

I stumble upon Ultima Online randomly and I read several things stating UO is a MUD with graphics. Wow! A dream come true!

So anyway, I landed here a true "noob" to UO. I know very, very little about UO in general aside from the sheer volume of UO wikis and forums.

A little about me:
I grew up in a small Indiana farming community. Since, l've lived in Chicago, New York, New Delhi, Paris, Jakarta & San Francisco. I'm into entrepreneurship, travel, languages, art, architecture, scuba, running, biking & swimming (KONA Rohto Ironman). Most importantly, I've got serious parking karma to offset my unfortunate habit of rooting for the Cubs.
Title: Re: Another introduction
Post by: TrailMyx on May 05, 2012, 07:42:19 AM
More correctly, I think WoW is a lush and lavish knockoff of Everquest.  hehe

Anyhow, welcome to the site!  As long as graphics aren't your sticking point, you'll find UO to be much deeper than any of the games out there.  Period.
Title: Re: Another introduction
Post by: gimlet on May 05, 2012, 12:44:20 PM

I too am a cub Fan - sigh
Title: Re: Another introduction
Post by: Cooms on May 06, 2012, 09:27:44 AM
Title: Re: Another introduction
Post by: Crome969 on May 06, 2012, 10:35:03 AM
Hello and welcome and thank you for your good Introduction!

Cheers Crome
Title: Re: Another introduction
Post by: Dollpartz on May 07, 2012, 03:38:00 PM
Thank you for the warm welcome guys. I am going to teach myself the basics of scripting from these tutorials here as my reasons for being here are balanced between knowledge and power :)
I just wish I had more time to study scripting.... My schedule is really busy atm with school and work

Post Merge: May 07, 2012, 03:40:27 PM
By the way- what shards do you guys play? I've had a dabble with a few in the last couple of weeks but haven't found one that really "stuck".
Title: Re: Another introduction
Post by: Crisis on May 07, 2012, 06:44:42 PM
Atlantic is the most populated, Baja is a great RP shard for those that are into RP, I play on Chesapeake. Chessy which has a nice mix of play styles. There is RP and quite a bit of PvP at the moment, There are a lot of helpful and friendly guilds. If you like PvP and an unsafe shard, you can try Siege Perilous. There is no insurance there and no Trammel, the entire shard is PvP. Welcome to UO and ScriptUO.  :)
Title: Re: Another introduction
Post by: Cooms on May 09, 2012, 06:30:02 AM
I play Demise and Hybrid. :D