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Messages - athos

Pages: [1]
ok, i have EUO, your script and a bunch of UO-related files and progs all in a folder on my desktop, not directly in my C: drive, is this where i'm screwing up?

Post Merge: November 06, 2009, 06:57:58 PM
there is a file in my c: drive for that char, a 1kb file, do i need to drop EUO and the script straight onto the C: drive too?

ok, while waiting, i moved the files directly to my C: drive, and what do you know, the setup file loaded  ;D

this is the first script i've used that had an issue like that. all good now. i liked keeping all things UO in the same folder instead of getting spread around in such an open space tho. is there something i can edit to change where it looks for that file that is directly on the c: drive? thanks again.

i created two rules, added them to rules list, then, added them to active list. hit the "save setup" tab. status says "setup saved". file is created in same folder that EUO and script are in. when i reload that setup file, i get the error message. sorry if this is redundant.

Hi TM, been using this script all day, and it is very handy. thank you. it has made looting the cavern of discarded much easier today. i don't know what i'm doing wrong, but i can't reload any set-ups that i save. EVERY time it says: "error loading configuration file" in the status bar. i am saving the setup; i see the file created in the same folder that the script and easyuo are in. in the program window, the name of the setup file is the same as in the folder(mychar.txt). i added all the SA imbuing items to the user defined list, but i have to keep retyping all of them each time i log back in. any idea why i'm flailing here?

New member introductions / Re: my intro
« on: October 02, 2009, 09:27:13 AM »
It's kind of the opposite here... mentioning stratics might get your slammed here  ;)

i had to learn how to get to 120 imbuing from somewhere.... :D

New member introductions / Re: my intro
« on: October 02, 2009, 08:15:14 AM »

ScriptUO uses that other program if you are referring to EasyUO.
ScriptUO is a tool for writing the scripts not for running them.

But there are lots of cool scripts/scripters here as well.

copy that. i thought this site had its own scripting prog, tho i knew the scripts worked with easyuo.
i'm so used to reading and posting on stratics forums where EasyUO  is never to be mentioned, lol, that i just felt compelled not to say it here.

New member introductions / Re: my intro
« on: October 02, 2009, 07:42:11 AM »
i play on napa, only shard i have chars on. i do have 6 fully trained chars, with a gargoyle being my 7th, in training now

New member introductions / my intro
« on: October 02, 2009, 06:55:18 AM »
hello, i'm athos, UO user and occasional abuser. been playing this game for over 9 years, non stop. love it. only thing that gets old is the tedious amount of clicking needed to gain and gather stuff in game. been using that other scripting prog for a couple of years now, and happened to run across this site just the other day. looks like a great community that i would like to be a part of. so a big shout out to everyone here. 8)

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