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Messages - Acolyte

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: G'day to all
« on: November 28, 2009, 03:53:14 PM »
Thanks all, I've actually found UOMachine and am compiling it right now to have a closer look.

New member introductions / G'day to all
« on: November 27, 2009, 10:17:51 PM »
Hi there folks,
Been around quite a few places (including EasyUO) and seeing projects such as Ultima# and JUltima, this one seems to be most promising, detailed and up to the task.
Haven't looked around yet, but if it's not hard, can give me a few hints related to ScriptUO?
The scripting is done with EasyUO legacy scripting or is it different? I was actually hoping that scripting is done by using C# running C#-based scripts (see UltimaSharp or Ultima# project) (as it seems, you do support euo, suo, and .NET languages, that is excellent!)
If so, have you thought about converting cryptic EUO scripts into C#?

I have developed a similar tool myself, for upcoming MMO called Armada Online, incidentally calling it AOAssist. It can be found on forums of Armada HQ. It wasn't met with much empathy, but hey, that game isn't 10+ years old like Ultima Online, they have a long way ahead of them to realize the need for such tools.

Great site, great effort and more importantly, great software here!


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