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Messages - lordhogfred

Pages: [1]
Anyone know exactly what causes this?
I'm not having issues but one of my players is getting the same problem. He's using AssistUO and as far as I can tell he's patched the latest version as well. He seems to be the only player having the issue though. Might just recommend he reinstalls see if that fixes the problem.

New member introductions / Hi All
« on: April 11, 2013, 10:08:36 AM »
Hi all,

I've been around the UO scene for a fair few years now, some of you may recognise me from some of the other UO communities.
I'm just starting to get back into UO development after a long break and it's nice to see that the community is still active :).

I'm working in the games industry making online games which has helped massively with how I now approach writing code for UO.
I primarily use RunUO now but have dabbled with Sphere, UOX, Nox Wizard and Wolf Pack so I've been around a bit :P.

I haven't played UO on official servers since around 2003 but have hosted my own server on and off for the last few years using various different emulators.
Currently I'm playing quite a lot of Guild Wars 2 and Day Z.

Looking forward to diving back into UO stuff :)

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