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Messages - thi_48

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: HELLO. MY NAME IS THIAGO
« on: September 07, 2012, 09:04:34 AM »
thanks =)

New member introductions / Hello, my name is thiago (2)
« on: September 04, 2012, 04:26:46 PM »
For start, i m try to use some google translator bc i dont speak very well english, i m brazilian.
My uo history start on 1999, i was completely alone on my house while my mom and my dad work... i was about 10 years old, and get no friends bc i was new on town. After two months, i had meet a friend and going to him's house every day. Him's brother was a player of ultima online, and my funny was to see him playing the game. I was poor in that time, so my dad dont have enought money to buy me a computer... so all i had was to watch him playing uo.

ABout two year after this, my dad bought to me a computer, was nothing nice, but work uo... Then i start to play! But like a 12 years boy, i was so stupid on the game, only die and lost all itens that my other friend gave to me when give up. So i completely stop to play and swear to myself that i will come back and become the better on the game.

After 8 years, i was on home, nothing to do, and i had remenber " My god, how things going on ultima online?" and i install this game again... after three years training pvp and winning itens i become the one of the best pvper of demise shard and illusions shard, the best... But was studying the game, studying how he works, studying what program can improve my perfomance on the game and a lot stuff, i spend more than 50 hours per week on the game...

I had some problems about connection server and internet about six months so i think " know what? forget this game", but  i can t , the uo become a part of me, i need this... Some funny that i have on the game i dont have on my life...
That's is my history...


New member introductions / HELLO. MY NAME IS THIAGO
« on: September 04, 2012, 01:07:00 PM »
I m older player of ultima online, brazilian, 24 years old. Playing since 1999 at mystara shard and Illusions shard. If anyone can allow me for i can download the scripts i will appreciate this.

Pages: [1]