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Messages - zoggins

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hi from Origin shard
« on: September 09, 2017, 06:40:45 AM »
I have played exclusively on EA's Origin shard since 2006.  The toon everyone knows me by is an old school inscription mage, but my real UO passion is crafting.  I can make it all and probably have.  Almost anything I do in the game is directly related to being able to craft new things. 

Running doom gauntlet, there must be new recipes.  Hanging out in the Abyss, I need regs!  Why do I have a 120 fisher?  I need white pearls and delicate scales!  Why do I have a 120 swordsman/lumberjack?  Chopping trees in Ter Mur is freaking DANGEROUS!!  With Origin's population being so small I basically a self-sufficient player, but I really do enjoy helping people when I can.  I have given away fully decked out imbued suits because having it sit in a chest is a waste of time and effort!

Why am I here?  With the player pops declining I like reaching out and finding new people I can talk to about the game I love, so here I am!

Thanks.  And its been a pleasure!

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