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Messages - Methyl

Pages: [1]
ah well i figured it out, do you know any reason why the script would be not saving the "Setup" option or why it will not do the "open backpack" command on beetle? it freezes there and if i dont manually open the beetles backpack it just freezes

so why not me? theres nothing to loading a file, i have them all in a folder.

with the rail engine , it will not run. it says that 'tool_railengine30k.txt' cannot be found so i change the file name and it says "rail" not found

Post Merge: April 18, 2011, 03:54:08 PM
"rail file not found"

Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester v1.19
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:43:31 PM »
appreciate it trail, thank you for the hard work!

Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester v1.19
« on: April 18, 2011, 06:32:50 AM »
has the script been changed for the new updates to uo ? such as the "mark as quest" option from crafting gump?

I want to use claw, but it seems really complicated..

New member introductions / Thank You ScriptUO
« on: May 15, 2009, 09:49:04 AM »
  Thank you for bringing this amazing site to us. I been looking for many websites, and really this one is perfect. Its a bit confusing for me in someways, like how to edit my account or even so find post and etc. I guess itll take for time for me to get used to this. =D
Thanx again.

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