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Messages - crowe0401

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hopefully a Dashing Introduction
« on: April 17, 2021, 12:34:08 PM »
Hi.  I'm Crowe.  I'm playing UO.  Again.

Ok, seriously, I know that would hit the trash can.  Although all things said are true.

I think I started playing Ultima Online in 1998 with a couple of real life friends.  We were all east coast but for some reason
we started on Pacific and every time I come back it's always to Pacific, so I don't have to start all the way over haha.  I can
remember back then we would share a tiny stone house because that was all there was space for, and we struggled to find the
spot just to place that.  Before there was Trammel and much other landmass to put a house.  Those were the days though, when
we were young and stay up half the night playing and still manage to wake to go to school or work or whatever. 

I was a miner then....mining to sell ingots so I could take that gold and buy reagents to try to build up a mage.  That was how I
played the game back then and it was fun.  My friends and I would quit playing for a while then we'd come back for a while.  We
must've done that six or seven times, between Ultima Online and World of Warcraft.  But now we've gotten older (I'm 47 now),
and I'm the only one who ever comes back anymore. 

I can convince my wife to play World of Warcraft with me and she likes it, but I can't get her to play Ultima and that's cool.  I'll take
my wins where I can get them.  But Ultima Online always pulls me back in.

And so it has recently pulled me back in.  Pacific is kinda dead these days but I still see people around.  The last view times I played
I've played a sampire (which is the build where I starting using easyUO), and I still play him, but this time around I really want to
start building a tamer.  Which has brought me to this wonderful forum.  I've spent a couple of days looking for scripts and help with
scripts, but honestly I've had learned so much on this forum.  Not just scripts but also good advice on builds and gameplay and such.
It's a great place to some and learn and converse on this great game.  And if I'm lucky enough my intro will pass the test and I can
be a part of it as well. 

Thanks for an awesome place to learn!

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