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Messages - noidea2

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: New here
« on: July 10, 2021, 11:24:12 AM »
I had played in Napa Valley, enjoy crafting, after Yamato, Hokuto released, I moved to those japanese shards, rerolled  crafting skills, in old day ore spots aren't  changable, love to mark valorite or verite spots, and ya , crafting needs alots repeating action so I began to make some macro and search script for making works easier. 20 years passed, I restart a new account and play in Formosa , hmm, I'm from Taiwan that's why I finally land that server. in this moment, not many players still play this game esp in formosa. but I still enjoy crafting and find out new tamable creatures, now I mainly play crafter and bard tamer, my name is a cu sidhe.

New member introductions / New here
« on: July 10, 2021, 04:26:06 AM »
I had played ultima online in 1998-2001. after that, I tried to come back OSI Shards several times, not stayed long then quitted. was 17 years old and now I'm 39 years old, this time I turn back ultima online and plan not to quit again, too much nolstalgia. Tks ultima online and this script forum.English isn't my first language, try my best to introduce myself. Thank for reading.

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