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Messages - spazzdezignz

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / New Member Intro
« on: May 18, 2022, 10:01:34 PM »
Hello! I'm Spazz, and as my name suggests, I am in fact a spaz. I played UO about a decade ago with my parents, and quit due to some IRL situations. I missed the game greatly and was finally able to return after retrieving our old accounts! I started off my new UO journey by attempting to go entirely scriptless, which for some of my old friends, they thought I was insane, and I probably was, and if I wasn't, well I am now! Some things in this game were definitely meant to be automated lol.

I'm 26, have a loving girlfriend who's extra sweet and thinks I'm crazy for even being interested in this bloody game, however, it's something I am passionate about. I've been an MMO nerd since I was 12, and so I shall continue to be moving forward in my life. I casually enjoy other games as well but for the sake of your sanity and my time, I won't sit here and list everything I do :P

The last thing I would like to mention in this little introduction, is how much I enjoy the UO community, and the people who keep the game alive these days. We the players have the power to keep the game kicking or to let it rot, and it's really nice to see how much the game has prospered over the years, despite the many pitfalls it's found itself in. Also, as I type this, there's a small, white, fluffy dog sitting on my lap, after which I have named a pet in game. Because I am that kind of person.

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