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Messages - VelCrow

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Hello Folks!!
« on: October 26, 2022, 03:14:50 PM »
Thank you so much!!  Looking forward to it!!   ;D

New member introductions / Hello Folks!!
« on: October 26, 2022, 12:36:42 PM »
Hello Folks!!

Please call me VelCrow !  I'm in my mid 40s and started playing the good old original Gold Box D&D games on a home built DOS PC in the late 80s.  I graduated into game with better graphics *chuckles* :P in the mid 90s as I gradually upgrade my PC from 386MHz to 486... to the Pentiums / AMDs / etc.  I did play the Ultima games. Mainly Ultima VIII: Pagan like crazy but never got into UO as our home internet access was not great.  :'(

Eventually in the mid 2000s, when many people were getting deep into WoW, I was too cheap to afford the monthly fees and was kinda looking for something more in-depth into RP.  Was sorta looking for a good online D&D group (though that wasn't really a think back then!) but I stumbled upon my first UO community RP shard that was run by a great group of folks who were really accepting and treated you better then family!  Was a great experience and really my first major MMO.  8)  :D  I played with them for around 1year or so, grinding, RP-ing, having fun... then life got a hold of me.  I tried to came back but they had re-developed and re-written the shard RP... so UO fizzled out for me...

... until recently... On a lark... and almost 15yrs later!!!  I did searched to see if that UO shard was still around.  IT WAS! / IT IS! But the community had shrunken.  HOWEVER... one new friend I met there introduced me to YET another shard where I am currently re-immersing myself and learning UO all over again!  This time though I want to explore more scripting!  So hence my interest in: ScriptUO !!!   8) 8)

Hope to learn a lot and even provide some small scripts I've already written for myself!


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