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Topics - USARMY

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New member introductions / Hello Im DurtyPal
« on: March 28, 2011, 07:13:43 AM »
Hello :) Im may be 1 of the most old Ultima online players in Bulgaria , Well is small country but Ultima Online is still popular , i play since 8 years change more than 6 servers some of names are : Demise , Dreams , Dinastia (after become legends now i playe here ) , DataBG 9 Bulgarian server my first one ) and others . First 3 years of my Ultima online "life" i play with no eaven razor :) i was doing all by hand apply bandaje gaining skills , drink potions all by click :D :D can you imagine ? :) hahah after this i meet Italian players whcih say me how to use razor and i start my Second Ultima online"life" haha because to play with razor is like play diffrent game is a lot mroe fun , and after some years i chage server to Dinastia , waas big chalenge have nothing just few boys friends come with me start kiling ants for gold for create a house :D realy fun anyway ... i play 2 years only pvm , after i start be in pvp apply bandaje by hand was hell pvp :D and here we go ! finaly i understand about EasyUO :D fist moment i say what is this some kind of hack or what ? :P people say is legal doing a lot of things for you by automatic , but you need good friend scripter because is hard to work with it :D and i find 1 friend whcih give me some macros and i became HORROR in PVP :D durtypal the great pvp hider ever :D (well acording to me ) i start kill noobs :D start kill pvm pro after pvp pro ! :P and all this thanks of Easy UO and some my friends macros , so soon i read in internet about macros for easy UO and i find your realy good site like spanish dudes in UO Legends say "DOPED" is meaning insane good :D so here im thurst for knowege :D wanting to became more powerful Ninja samurai by your help brothers :) here in this site i hope find a lot of friends , a lot of hiders with whcih i cna talk and trade some tacktic for doing more effective pvp and roleplayng :D is like some kind of oasis this site lot of people with same idea to play UO for fun . Some people say omg leave this old game is 2 d is horable graphic .... but i think that Ultima online is not OLD is EVERGREEN ! one of the most impressive Online game and mother of all online games :) so to find a lot of people whcih like this and which is same apinion with my ideas for gaming is like i find the heaven :))) thank you for all gays i hope helo each other here and make our hours in Ultima online more sweet and fun than ever ! GOD bless you and LORD BRITISH BE WITH YOU hahah :D good bye for now ! :P for any questions for hider ninja samurai teamplate with Bokuto yo ucna ask me ever im pro with this char if some one need some help how to play i will explain good tacktics and etc ... thanks to administrators make this site God bless you boys !

Sorry for my english is not perfect but i try to learn speaking and writing it :D my grammar is horable i know but forgive me !
With best regards One Honroable Ultima Online Player

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