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Topics - LordAmitlu

Pages: [1]
Script Debug / Hotkey issue
« on: February 22, 2013, 10:33:33 PM »
I am a noob with scripts - but I am trying my very best to make some :D! I am just wondering if I could get some help with this question:

onhotkey f7

I want to change that hot key from f7 to number pad 3

What is the script ID for the script to recognize number pad 3 as the hotkey?

Appreciate it.

Hi, my name is Amitlu!  I have been on and off playing UO since the 2nd age.  I've been in some of the best guilds to ever grace Chessy, most notably the guild Champs.  Now, I'm back to take back what I left behind.  To do this, I need some assistance with training skills.  I went to check the old easyuo to find that it had died like most of the games population. I now play on Atlantic as well as Chessy. I owe my longtime friend alonzo104 a great deal for showing me this site as well.

It is very nice to meet you all!


Pages: [1]