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New member introductions / Uo junky seeks help
« on: October 10, 2012, 10:22:24 AM »
  Have you ever found you're self in Fel and you see the the prompt "blahblahblah" is attacking you!!! ?  Immitedaly you reach for you're heal macro for the incomming dump, surviving the inital attack  you go on the offensive, throwing small spells to interrupte the target, throwing them off balance, you go big for a dump, and finally you get them red lined.  Then the rush kicks in, finding you're self on the edge of you're seat, like a shark smelling blood in the water you rush to finish the job chassing blahblahblah down, you turn the corner, and BAMM blahblahblah's guild mattes flamestrike you're head off  all you can say is WTF!!!!  lmao     

   Hello everyone my name is Antque, and I'm a uo pvp addict sence 2000.

  I've ran a mage mostly sence t2a, but I enjoy running the flavor of the month dexxer to keeep it fresh, and fun.  I consider LS my home, but have played a little on ATL.    Trying to quite just doesn't seem to help, playing other games just makes it worse because they just don't compare to uo and make me want to play even more it's a love hate relationship off and on for 12 years.  Making 20 some char's on 3-4 accounts at its peek is time consumming, and boring as hell, I could kill the person who turned me on to euox years ago don't rember when think it was about the time AOS came out.  It was like some one shoveling dirt on you after you dug you're grave and placed you're self in it.

  After that it was all down hill I learned to write simple scripts and subs nothing fancy just simple little fixs and subs to male a script run the way I liked, or you can say I personalized them.  As more people leave the game I've found my self having to do more, and have even attemted my own full script,  some thing I said I would never do.  Now I find my self making kids markers at work and writing code on paper and my coworkers look at me like I'm nuts, I even had my 13 year old daughter correct an error I had written down.  lol

  The help I realy need is a group of people to finish shoveling the dirt in my grave, because aftter all I'm a uo drunk.   I don't need a uo AA, or NA because AA, NA are for quiters.

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